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Pre-WEAVE instruments



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Chris Benn
WHT manager

William Herschel Telescope


(WHT, with WEAVE at top end, photo by Kane Sjoberg, Sep 2023)

A powerful new fibre-fed multi-object spectrograph, WEAVE, has been mounted at the prime focus of the WHT. The large-integral-field (LIFU) mode has been commissioned, and dedicated science surveys in this mode have already begun. Pre-commissioning tests of the multi-object functionality are ongoing, and will be followed by on-sky commissioning of these modes.

After the commissioning of WEAVE, 70% of the time on the telescope will be used to carry out the dedicated surveys with WEAVE. The remaining 30% of the time is open time, available to the community. During 2024 and 2025, open-time observations will be carried out with WEAVE only, and observations with older instruments (e.g. ISIS, ACAM) or visiting instruments will not be possible during this period.

The application procedure for WEAVE open time is documented here.

The median seeing at the WHT is 0.8 arcsec during April - November. The dark-of-moon sky brightness at high ecliptic latitude is similar to that at other good dark sites, V ~ 21.9 mag arcsec2.


2024 September 16: Start of stand-down to investigate spectrograph alignment. Expected duration: several weeks. Tests of the fibre-positioning system continue.

2023 October WEAVE (LIFU-mode) survey and open-time observations begin. Pre-commissioning tests of MOS mode continue.

2023 August: Commissioning of the LIFU (large integral-field unit) mode of WEAVE was completed early in 2023. This mode is offered in open time in 2023B and 2024A. Pre-commissioning and commissioning tests of the MOS and mIFU modes of WEAVE continue.

2022 September 29: On-sky commissioning of the LIFU mode of WEAVE begins, in parallel with pre-commissioning tests of the fibre-positioning system (for the MOS and mIFU modes).

2022 summer: WEAVE sub-systems assembled on the WHT, pre-commissioning tests begin.

2020 February 17: Start of pre-WEAVE standdown for preparation of telescope, and integration and testing of WEAVE components. This will be followed by on-sky commissioning and science verification.

2020 February 16: Last night of pre-WEAVE observing before standdown.

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Last modified: 24 September 2024

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