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WEAVE Open Time: Phase 2

This page provides ING's primary entry point for information related to observing preparation (hereafter, phase 2) of WEAVE Open-Time (OT) proposals. Its intended audience are teams who have applied to WEAVE OT and have been notified that their proposal has been allocated time.

For general information, including applications, observations and data publishing, the reader is directed to The WEAVE Open-Time Programme. Information about the expected performance of the instrument can be found on the WEAVE overview, and more particularly on the LIFU mode pages.

OT programmes with WEAVE will always be done in queue service mode, and observations are detailed in XML observing blocks (OBs) which are prepared at WEAVE-OT Phase 2.

The upload and validation of phase-2 OBs is handled using the WEAVE Automated Submission Platform (WASP), hosted at the Cambridge Astronomy Survey Unit (CASU), and support is provided by the ING Astronomy Group as well as from CASU.

Communication between WASP and the principal investigator (PI) of the awarded proposal is established at the beginning of phase 2. A first email contains the necessary credentials to log on to WASP.

Every semester CASU provides two windows for phase-2 submissions which correspond to every trimester. For instance, PIs of proposals submitted for observing in semester 24A, will receive a call for submitting OBs for trimester 24A2, and later on, trimester 24B1. WASP provides these two distinct OB submission windows per semester to allow programmes with a particular visibility or time constraint to submit OBs twice or the latest possible.

Nevertheless, PIs of open-time proposals will usually prefer to submit all their OBs for a given semester during the first submission window so the OBs can be on the observing queue at the beginning of the observing period (start of first trimester). There is no need to resubmit OBs already active in the queue, so please check the activation period (trimesters on queue) of your programme in the time allocations before submitting OBs.

When preparing phase-2 observations, the PI will be guided through the following steps:

  1. Creation by WASP of accounts to allow each approved project to access the WASP platform.
  2. Creation by the user of a template catalog in FITS format (optional); upload for validation on WASP.
  3. Creation by the user of a target catalog in FITS format; upload for validation on WASP.
  4. Creation by the user of XML Observing Blocks (OBs) from the validated FITS catalogue.
  5. Upload for validation on WASP of all planned OBs.
  6. Selection by the user of uploaded OBs for observation.
Deadlines for the above are listed on WASP trimester timelines (log on WASP first using your credentials). Once the above steps are complete, CASU sends the OBs to ING for ingestion into the observing queues at the beginning of the observing period.

Please email

for queries about the phase-2 process, or for assistance in preparing the FITS catalogue, the XML OBs and uploading and carrying out validations on WASP. Specific information for applicants preparing phase-2 observations can be found on:

And a more extended guide can be found at:

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Last modified: 24 September 2024

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