Our optical detectors are
continually being upgraded and improved to stay abreast of the latest
detector technologies. Peak Quantum Efficiencies of >90% and single
photon detection are now easily achievable. New cameras are designed,
built and characterised using in-house facilities.
Detector Sensitivity
Our detectors offer the best of what
is commercially available. Deep Depletion silicon is used for the red
optimised detectors for maximum quantum efficiency. The graph below
shows the response of our best blue and red optimised detectors. These
are currently in use on ISIS.
Fringing Performance
Our new red optimised detector (RED+)
uses a combination of Deep Depletion Silicon, carefully chosen
anti-reflection coatings and a new fringe suppression fabrication
process to reduce fringing in the red part of the spectrum to an almost
insignificant level.
Low Noise Performance