ING La Palma Technical Notes
La Palma Technical Notes
- No 137 Comparison of WEAVE and ISIS for single-target, point-source observations
Marie Karjalainen(ING)
Marc Balcells (ING)
Chris Benn (ING)
October 2019
- No 136 Arc maps for the He, Ne, Hg, ThAr, and Cd lamps when used with WYFFOS/Red+4
Ronny Errmann (University of Jena and ING)
Lilian Domínguez-Palmero (ING)
December 2015
- No 135 Arc maps for the CuAr and CuNe lamps when used with ACAM/AUXCAM
Liam Hardy (University of Sheffield and Isaac Newton Group)
Hassan Fathivavsari (Tabriz University and Isaac Newton Group)
Javier Méndez (Isaac Newton Group)
Lilian Domínguez-Palmero (Isaac Newton Group)
Chris Benn (Isaac Newton Group)
February 2013
- No 134 ING Bibliography and Analysis 2002-2011
Javier Méndez (Isaac Newton Group)
May 2012
- No 133 Arc maps for the CuAr and CuNe lamps when used with IDS/Red+2
Hassan Fathivavsari (Tabriz University and Isaac Newton Group)
Lilian Domínguez-Palmero (Isaac Newton Group)
Liam Hardy (University of Sheffield and Isaac Newton Group)
Javier Méndez (Isaac Newton Group)
January 2013
- No 132 Electron-multiplying CCDs for astronomical
Simon Tulloch (Isaac Newton Group)
October 2010
- No 131 Conversion of ING Cameras to SDSU Generation 3 Controllers
Simon Tulloch (Isaac Newton Group)
March 2006
- No 130 Investigation of Low Fringing Detectors on the ISIS Spectrograph
Simon Tulloch (Isaac Newton Group)
June 2005
- No 129 ING Bibliography 2000-2001
Danny Lennon (Isaac Newton Group)
Currie Trundle (Isaac Newton Group and Queen University Belfast)
Javier Méndez (Isaac Newton Group)
Sheily Wright (Isaac Newton Group)
September 2003
- No 128 Investigation into L3 CCD Performance
Simon Tulloch (Isaac Newton Group)
September 2003
- No 127 The Definition of Dark, Grey and Bright Time at ING
I. Skillen (Isaac Newton Group)
February 2002
- No 126 Maps of the standard arc-lamps for the WHT
Joanna Holt (ING, Univ. of Sheffield)
Begoña García Lorenzo (ING)
September 2001
tn126.pdf (entire document)
- No 125 Maps of the standard arc-lamps for the WHT
ISIS-Blue Arm
Begoña García Lorenzo (ING)
Joanna Holt (ING, Univ. of Sheffield)
September 2001
- No 124 ING Bibliography and publication rates (1999)
S.F.Sánchez (ING)
January 2000
- No
123 Wavelength Dependent Pixel-to-Pixel Response Variations of a Typical
EEV42-80 CCD: the role of flat-fielding astronomical data
F Crompvoets (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen)
S Smartt (ING)
August 1999
- No
122 Star Pairs for Blind Offset Check
R Laing (Univ of Oxford and RAL)
J Sinclair (RGO)
June 1999
- No
121 ING Bibliography and Publication Rate (1998)
J Sinclair (RGO)
May 1999
- No
120 CCD Camera EEV#13
S Tulloch (ATC)
February 1999
No 119 The 2 chip EEV mosaic
S Tulloch (ATC)
November 1998
- No 118 The measurement of spatial resolution in EEV4280 CCD images
S Tulloch (RGO)
July 1998
- No 117 CCD Camera EEV #12
S Tulloch (RGO)
June 1998
- No 116 Atlas of Thorium Argon lines and the Solar spectrum obtained with the ESA-MUSICOS spectrograph at the Isaac Newton Telescope
John Telting (Isaac Newton Group), and Joana Oliveira and Bernard Foing (ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands)
June 1998
- No 115 La Palma night-sky brightness
Chris Benn (Isaac Newton Group) and Sara Ellison (Univ. of Kent)
May 1998
- No 114 CMC faint pointing grid available at the ING
J E Sinclair (RGO)
March 1998
- No 113 Infrared standard star lists available at the ING
J E Sinclair (RGO)
March 1998
Erratum: Table II, 5th column header is wrong. It should be read K instead
of J.
- No 112 ING bibliography and publication rate (1997)
W L Martin and J E Sinclair (RGO)
February 1998
- No 111 Design and use of a light source for linearity measurement in CCD-cameras
S Tulloch
1997 August
- No 110 The design and use of the RGO flatness scanner
S Tulloch
July 1997
- No 109 ING bibliography and publication rate (1996)
W L Martin and J E Sinclair (RGO)
February 1997
- No 108 Design and use of a novel flat field illumination light source
Simon Tulloch (RGO)
November 1996
- No 107 Design and use of LED light sources for QE calibration
Simon Tulloch (RGO)
November 1996
- No 106 New CCD readout mode (LSD mode) with absolute time stamping
Derek Ives, Tony Bennett (RGO) and Frank Gribbin (LPO)
July 1996
- No 105 (Awaiting publication)
- No 104 Baking the Loral CCD and cryostat to remove water vapour
A P Oates (RGO)
July 1996
- No 103 Response enhancements for the Loral CCDs using UV flooding
A P Oates (RGO)
July 1996
- No 102 Achieving light-tightness at the INT prime focus camera
Marc Balcells (Groningen)
March 1996
- No 101 ING bibliography and publication rate (1995)
W L Martin and J E Sinclair (RGO)
March 1996
- No 100 Spectrophotometric standards - II
Janet Sinclair (RGO)
January 1996
Note: See also No 65.
- No 99 Effects contributing to dark currents in Loral and Tek CCDs
Simon Tulloch (RGO)
November 1995
- No 98 More maps of wavelength calibration lamps for WHT ISIS
Janet Sinclair (RGO)
August 1995
Note: See also No 84.
- No 97 ING bibliography and publication rate (1994)
W L Martin (RGO)
May 1995
- No 96 Update on filter characteristics for the ING telescopes
R F Peletier (LPO)
November 1994
tn096.pdf (excluding transmission curves)
- No 95 Landolt faint photometric standards
J Pilkington, J Sinclair, R Wood (RGO)
July 1994 (Gzipped PS version of large table)
- No 94 ING bibliography (1993)
W L Martin (RGO)
March 1994
- No 93 ING CCDs - properties of operational cameras
P R Jorden (RGO)
January 1994
Note:See also ING detector page for latest information on CCDs in use at ING.
- No 92 New large-format CCDs for the ING
A P Oates, P R Jorden (RGO)
November 1993
Note:See also ING detector page for latest information on CCDs in use at ING.
- No 91 UES spectrum of thorium-argon hollow-cathode lamp (31.6 g/mm)
K Lipman, M Pettini, M Wall, N Walton (RGO)
November 1993
- No 90 Transmission curves for more WHT interference filters
P Terry, S W Unger, J E Sinclair (RGO)
July 1993
Note: superseded by No 96.
- No 89 ING bibliography (1992)
W L Martin (RGO)
March 1993
- No 88 Direct measurements of the throughput of the WHT's ISIS spectrograph
C R Jenkins, P Terry
July 1992
- No 87 Throughput of the WHT's ISIS spectrograph
C R Jenkins, J E Sinclair, R E S Clegg
July 1992
- No 86 Beta-light sources for CCD response calibrations
P R Jordan, P Terry, A P Oates
July 1992
- No 85 Standard star lists available at the ING (La Palma)
Janet Sinclair, Robert Laing and Roger Wood
July 1992 (gzipped PS version of table 3, bright Landolt standards)
- No 84 Maps of the standard arc-lamps for the WHT ISIS
Janet Sinclair (RGO)
July 1992
Note: See also No 98.
- No 83 ING bibliography (1991)
W L Martin
1992 March
- No 82 The night sky spectrum from La Palma
Charles Jenkins and Steve Unger (RGO)
October 1991
Note: Superseded by No 115.
- No 81 GHRIL User notes
M N Devaney
August 1991
tn081.pdf (figures scanned from poor original)
Note: superseded by more recent engineering documentation - contact opshead for details.
- No 80 ING bibliography (1990)
W L Martin
1991 April
- No 79 CCD frame-size parameters (Version 1.0)
P R Jorden (RGO)
December 1990
Note: superseded by No 93.
- No 78 An analysis of the papers published from observations from the ING of telescopes on La Palma up to 1989
W L Martin
1990 November
- No 77 ING bibliography (1989)
K P Tritton
1990 June
- No 76 Wood's anomalies in the INT spectrograph
P G Murdin (RGO)
14 March 1990
- No 75 Transmission curves for WHT interference filters
S W Unger, J E Sinclair, D Jackson, P Eldridge (RGO)
20 February 1990
Note: superseded by No 96.
- No 74 Red-sensitive photon counters - a market survey
P Terry, J Dick, S Unger
1990 January
- No 73 The WHT Harris BVR glass colour filter set
P Eldridge, D Jackson, J E Sinclair, S W Unger (RGO)
4 January 1990
Note: superseded by No 96.
- No 72 Intensifier tests
Dick and P Terry
1989 December
- No 71 Rising and setting times for observations with an alt-azimuth telescope
R A Laing (RGO)
November 1989 With updates from 1991
- No 70 A spectral atlas of calibration lamps in use with the ING IDS
E J Zuiderwijk (LPUU,RGO and Groningen) J Knapen (Groningen)
October 1989
tn070_1.pdf Introduction, Table 1, Figure 1, Cu-Ar high
tn070_2.pdf Table 2, Figure 2, Cu-Ar 400 l/mm
tn070_3.pdf Table 3, Figure 3, Cu-Ar 150 l/mm
tn070_4.pdf Table 4, Figure 4, Cu-Ne high
tn070_5.pdf Table 5, Figure 5, Cu-Ne low
tn070_6.pdf Table 6, Figure 6, Cu-He
tn070_7.pdf Table 7, Figure 7, Th-Ar
tn070_8.pdf Table 8, Figure 8, Al/Ca/Mg - Neon
Note: Scanned from poor original
- No 69 La Palma data archive primer
E J Zuiderwijk (LPUU,RGO and Groningen)
June 1989
- No 68 Pattern noise of the INT IPCS
E J Zuiderwijk
1989 May
- No 67 An analysis of the papers published from observations from the ING of telescopes on La Palma from 1984-1988
W L Martin
1989 June
- No 66 ING bibliography (1988)
K P Tritton
1989 May
- No 65 Spectrophotometric standards
J E Sinclair (RGO) R Wood (RGO)
November 1989
Note: See also No 100.
- No 64 Accurate calibration of field distortion of the JKT
J E Sinclair
January 1989
- No 63 CCD detector performance monitoring and diagnostics
P R Jorden
December 1988
Note:See ING detector page for latest information on CCDs in use at ING.
- No 62 ING bibliography (1984-1987)
K P Tritton
1988 December
- No 61 Errors in interpolative centroiding: their cause and cure
J S B Dick, C R Jenkins, J Ziabicki
1988 September
- No 60 The INT's image photon counting system - appraisal of operational serviceability
J S B Dick
1988 August
- No 59 IPCS saturation: variation with image structure
T Marsh
1988 June
- No 58 The alignment of the Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope optics
R E Wallis
May 1988
- No 57 CCD-data reduction
J E Sinclair
May 1988
Describes the corrections that should be applied for CCD photometry and the programmes available at RGO.
- No 56 Acquisition & guider unit for the Cassegrain focus of the 4.2m William Herschell Telescope
P A Ellis
January 1988
Note: See also Cassegrain acquisition and guider unit
- No 55 Basic parameters of CCDs in use at La Palma [Version 3]
P R Jorden
Basic properties of the GEC and RCA CCDs, in use at LPO, are given. Parameters relevant to their use on different telescopes are tabulated.
January 1988
Note: superseded by No 93.
- No 54 Scheduling the ING of telescopes with reference to service and override programmes
W L Martin
January 1988
- No 53 ING user documentation - a guide [Version 2]
W L Martin
1987 November
- No 52 Arc maps for copper-argon lamp on the INT spectrograph
D Harmer
September 1983
Cu-Ar arc maps for the IDS on the INT are given for the IPCS+500, IPCS+235 and CCD+235 Cameras with various gratings and angles.
Note: superseded by No 70.
- No 51 MPF now in full operation on the JKT: should one choose MPF of PP?
J Tinbergen
1987 August
- No 50 Library facilities at the Roque the Los Muchachos observatory [Version 2]
R W Argyle
1987 September
- No 49 The La Palma archive
D E Hobden
1987 June
- No 48 WHT interim Cassegrain acquisition and guiding unit
P Ellis
1987 April
- No 47 Statisctical results from INT observations catalogue 1984-86
C R Benn, R Martin
4 February 1987
The analysis relates to 491 nights of observations made at the INT during the period 22 may 1984 to 15 March 1986.
- No 46 Timing errors for the imaging CCD cameras on the INT and JKT
R A Laing
1987 January
- No 45 Filter and chip spectral-response curves for La Palma
C Benn, D Cooper
20 January 1987
Spectral response curves for RCA and GEC chips, KPNO BVRI and UBVRIZ filters are given.
Note: superseded by No 96.
- No 44 William Herschell Telescope - control system overview
L Jones
1986 December
- No 43 Structured observing with the WHT
C R Jenkins and R A Laing
1986 June
- No 42 A control system for the William Herschell Telescope
R Laing
1986 May
- No 41 Geology and meteorology of Sahara dust
Paul Murdin
25 April 86
As relevant to La Palma.
- No 40 Using the JKT CCD camera
P R Jorden
1986 February
- No 39 Telescope control software: global variables and configuration files
R Laing and R Wood
1986 February
- No 38 CCD data and FITS
J V Wall and W F Lupton
1985 December
- No 37 CCD filters for use on La Palma [Version 2]
P Jorden
February 1988
The specifications and profiles for 24 narrow and broad band filters to be used with the CCD on La Palma are given.
Note: superseded by No 96.
- No 36 Th-A hollow-cathode lamp
M Pettini
1985 December
- No 35 Spectrum of the copper-neon lamp on the IDS
D L Harmer and R Collyns
28 November 1985
Plots of the spectrum cover the wavelength region 320 to 970 nm, from IPCS and CCD data taken on the INT.
Note: superseded by No 70.
- No 34 Blemishes in IPCS flat-fields
A R Jorden
1985 October
- No 33 Use of LPINFO on the VAX 11/780
D E Hobden
1985 September
- No 32 Pointing of the INT and JKT
R Laing
1985 August
- No 31 Atmospheric extinction at the Roque de Los Muchachos observatory, La Palma
D L King
6 September 1985
Wavelength dependence of atmospheric extinction is in process of being measured. A theoretical extinction curve is given, appropriate to the altitude and covering the spectral range 3000-11000A.
- No 30 Modifications to FITS tape format to support the La Palma archive
W Lupton
1985 June
- No 29 CCD cryostat use
Paul Jorden
1985 June 13
Describes method of liquid nitrogen filling and temperature monitoring
- No 28 Hour angle limits of the JKT
Derek Jones
1985 May 20
Note: The tables in this document show the limiting hour-angles E and W (as function of declination) based on actual observations, and are different from the tables in the original (1985) version of TN028 which were based on design drawings of the telescope
- No 27 IPCS - scanning system to reduce granularity
A R Jorden
1985 April
- No 26 Focussing the INT
R L Poole
1985 March
- No 25 IPCS - selecting the correct spatial (X) resolution
A R Jorden
1985 March
- No 24 Software news
L Bell
1985 March
- No 23 Optical coating facility at the Royal Greenwich Observatory
David Jackson
1985 February 2
Describes the optical coater available in the Vacuum Physics Dept of the RGO. Coatings available include Silver, Aluminium and Anti-reflection
- No 22 New filters for the A & G unit of the INT on La Palma
D Harmer, P Ellis, L Bell
1985 January
- No 21 Commisioning results for the St. Andrews spectrograph (july 1984)
David Stickland
1984 October 4
Describes results of an eight night commissioning run in early July 1984 of the Richardson-Brearley Spectrograph on the JKT on La Palma
- No 20 Utility network for the 4.2 metre William Herschell Telescope. Protocol architecture
M R Johnson
1985 November
- No 19 Utility network for the 4.2 metre William Herschell Telescope. Feasibility study. 4ms system: network interface to ethernet
M R Johnson
1984 February
- No 18 Utility network for the 4.2 metre William Herschell Telescope. Choice of local area network
M R Johnson
1984 February
- No 17 Changes made to the Cassegrain cluster software (2-30 nov 1984)
W Lupton and P Taylor
1984 December
- No 16 Current status and future policy of the location and distribution of documentation associated with the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes on La Palma
B Martin
1984 November
- No 15 Changes made the Cassegrain cluster software (15 sep-3 oct 1984)
W F Lupton
1984 November
- No 14 Recent changes to the INT control system, policy for future software releases and a plan for the next six months
R Laing
1984 October
- No 13 The use of CCD time on the night of 30-8-84 on the INT
T Snijders
1984 September
- No 12 IPCS saturation
C Jenkins
1984 September
- No 11 RGO/La Palma technical manuals
G Marding
1984 September
- No 10 Typical count rates and extinction coefficients with the People's Photometer
D Jones
1984 September
- No 9 General optical description of the 4.2m William Herschell Telescope
Richard Bingham
1984 September 7
tn009.doc (Word 6)
- No 8 Safety of the IPCS on the INT on La Palma
C R Jenkins
1984 September
- No 7 Telescope and instrument logbooks; fault reporting procedures
K P Tritton
1984 August
- No 6 Support astronomy - observing run july 13-17, 1984
J V Wall
1984 August
- No 5 Seeing at the INT and CATC: first month
Paul Murdin and Chris Thoburn
1984 July
Seeing measurements from the INT and CATC during June and July 1984.
- No 4 First results with the Cassegrain cluster on the INT
M Pettini and R Ellis
1984 July
- No 3 The NFRA series of notes re La Palma archive
W L Martin and D E Hobden
1985 December
- No 2 Cleaning of optical components
J R Powell and D M Jackson
1984 June
- No 1 UK optical telescopes on La Palma
R A E Fosbury and W L Martin
1984 May