Amateur Awards
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ING Newsletter No. 9, March 2005

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Reference: ING Newsl., No. 9, page 36.
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Amateur Awards

In 2004 two people working or collaborating with ING were awarded with important amateur distinctions. Mischa Schirmer, ING support astronomer, was awarded a special mention (telescope category) for his photographs of NGC 2246, M33 and NGC 7023 at the first national astrophotography competition “Fotocósmica 2004”organised by the IAC. All the awarded photographs were taken at sea level a bit south of Santa Cruz de La Palma. The telescope was a 20cm f/3.8 (760mm focal length) Flat Field Camera (“FFC”) from Lichtenknecker Optics. More information on the individual photographs can be found at

Nik Szymanek, an amateur astronomer in the United Kingdom who collaborates with ING in public outreach activities (see, for instance, ING Newsl., 6, 29), was the 2004 recipient of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific’s Amateur Achievement Award. Given annually since 1979, the Amateur Achievement Award is designed to recognise significant contributions to astronomy or amateur astronomy by those not employed in the field of astronomy in a professional capacity. The Society’s Board of Directors noted Szymanek’s leadership in state-of-the-art imaging and image processing —especially his true-colour, deep-sky images produced from the data obtained by observers at ING— and his ongoing contributions to education and public outreach. ¤

Figure 1 Figure 2
Left: Awarded photograph of NGC 2246, the Rosette Nebula by Mischa Schirmer. The image was obtained through an Hα filter on a 2×2 mosaic of 21 images totalising an exposure time of 3 hours and 30 minutes. [ JPEG | TIFF ]. Right: Picture of the WHT taken by Nik Szymanek with a digital camera. [ JPEG | TIFF ].

*: Email contact: Javier Méndez (

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