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Reference: ING Newsl., No. 9, page 36.
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A total of 860 visitors split
in 42 tours were shown round the WHT and occasionally the INT from September
2004 to January 2005. In total 203 official tours were organised and 5656
visitors shown around in 2004, including Open Days. Visitors included the
general secretary of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences and Ireland’s
embassador in Spain. The television programme ‘Redes’ of Spanish TVE and
the series ‘Schrödingers Katt’ of the Norwegian NRK TV were filmed,
and the programme series ‘Un Programa Estelar’ comprising six chapters filmed
in 2003 was shown on the Spanish TVE2 channel twice. From 8 to 14 November
the Spanish Education and Science Ministry and the IAC celebrated the European
Science Week on La Palma. As part of the activities, an excursion to the
observatory was organised in collaboration with the Public Outreach group
of OPTICON (accompanying photos). ¤