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A New Definition of Dark,Grey and Bright Time at ING
Ian Skillen (ING)
The legacy method used to define
dark, grey and bright time at ING is based on the fraction of the night
for which the Moon is below the horizon. Although this is perfectly adequate
for characterising dark time, it is less so for characterising grey and
bright time. As the Moon ages the focus should change to quantifying the
enhanced sky surface brightness from scattered moonlight.
The optical sky surface brightness of the moonlit sky in some line-of-sight
depends primarily on the Fractional Lunar Illumination, FLI, followed in
significance by the angular separation between the line-of-sight and the
Moon, and by the altitude of the Moon. The FLI is given to a good approximation
are the longitudes of the Moon and Sun respectively, and b is the latitude
of the Moon. Partitioning a lunation by the fraction of each night for
which the Moon is below the horizon correlates strongly with partitioning
the Moon’s longitude, since |β|
5.3°, but ignores the change in longitude of the Sun by ~1°
per day, and therefore does not give a consistent mapping onto FLI. As
a result of this and the non-uniform motion of the Moon in its orbit, the
FLI on, for example, the first and last bright nights in a given lunation
can be as small as 0.45 and as large as 0.80. The difference in FLI on first
and last bright nights exceeds 0.20 in ~30% of lunations, and exceeds 0.30
in ~5% of lunations. An important consequence of this is that the sky surface
brightness on first and last bright nights can differ by as much as ~1.2
mag/arcsec2with the Moon being present in the sky for the
same fraction of each night. Furthermore, in such asymmetric lunations
the sky brightness in the moonlit part of grey nights can be up to ~1 mag/arcsec2brighter than in the moonlit part of the darkest bright night in
the same lunation.
Inconsistent partitioning of lunations can lead to a mis-match between
observing programme requirements and actual conditions. A programme
allocated, for example, a specific grey-time award, based on some assumed
“typical” grey-time sky background, can be scheduled in significantly brighter
conditions, and vice versa, and this is detrimental to observing efficiency.
These considerations prompted a reappraisal of the legacy method, and the
derivation of a better alternative to it.
Sky Surface Brightness
The direct way to partition classically-scheduled time is in terms of
the sky surface brightness itself, since it is this which impacts the signal-to-noise
ratios for observations of a given integration time. The main contributors
to the moonless sky optical surface brightness in a line-of-sight and in
a specific bandpass are airglow, the zodiacal light and starlight. Benn
and Ellison (1998) find the high galactic latitude, high ecliptic latitude,
zenith Vsky brightness at solar minimum at the ORM to be Vsky=21.9
mag/arcsec2. The sky is brighter at low latitudes by ~0.4 mag/arcsec2,
and at higher airmasses by ~0.3 mag/arcsec2 (at X~1.5), and because
of variable solar activity, the airglow component is brighter by ~0.4 mag/arcsec2
at solar maximum. There is no dependence on extinction, AV, for
AV<0.25 mag/airmass.
The contribution to the sky surface brightness from scattered moonlight
when FLI
0.15 exceeds the spatial variations from airglow, zodiacal light and
starlight, and so to partition classically-scheduled telescope time it is
sufficient to partition by the illuminated fraction of the Moon’s disc, acting
as a proxy for the sky surface brightness from scattered moonlight.
Two scattering mechanisms dominate the background from moonlight; Mie
scattering by aerosols and Rayleigh scattering by molecules. Mie scattering
is highly forward, and so Rayleigh scattering dominates for scattering
angles (i.e. angular distances from the Moon)
90°. Krisciunas
& Schaefer (1991) derived scattering formulae to compute the contribution
of moonlight to the sky background at some airmass as a function of lunar
phase, lunar zenith distance, distance from the Moon and extinction. The
uncertainty in these formulae is estimated to be ~0.25 mag/arcsec2;
local prevailing conditions such as enhanced levels of atmospheric dust
will of course reduce their precision.
The mean ΔVMoon from the Vsky=21.9 mag/arcsec2
dark sky is computed from these formulae for the Moon at a zenith distance
of 60° (so that scattering angles of up to 120° are accommodated
at airmasses ≤2), as a function of FLI in increments of 0.1, and at scattering
angles ranging from 30° to 120° in increments of 5°, measured
both in the azimuthal direction and in altitude (see Figure 1). The computed
differences in both directions at a given scattering angle are only a few
per cent. These calculations have been normalised to JKT observations
of the moonlit sky, made by Chris Benn on dust-free nights in 1998. The effect
of decreasing the Moon’s zenith distance on ΔVMoon at a
given angular distance from it is small,
0.1 magnitude, i.e roughly the same size as the points in Figure 1. ΔVMoon
does however fall off rapidly by ~1 magnitude/arcsec2 when the
Moon is low on the horizon. Therefore, Figure 1 forms a consistent basis for
quantifying the effects of moonlight on the sky background at specific scattering
angles from the Moon.
Figure 1. The brightening of the dark sky (Vsky=21.9
mag/arcsec2, corresponding to low airmass, high ecliptic and galactic
latitude, and solar minimum) by scattered moonlight, calculated as a function
of fractional lunar illumination and angular distance from the Moon. [ JPEG | TIFF ]
Several aspects of this Figure are noteworthy. As the scattering angle
increases, the contribution of scattered moonlight to the sky surface brightness
decreases up to ~90°, and then begins to increase again when Rayleigh
scattering dominates. Therefore, in the presence of moonlight, a good strategy
for optical observations is to observe in a broad annulus centred ~90°
from the Moon whenever possible, in order to minimise the effects of scattered
The gradient of scattered moonlight is remarkably flat at scattering
angles ~90°. In fact, even at full Moon, the range in scattered moonlight
within 70°–110° of the Moon is ΔVMoon
±0.1. Therefore, it is sensible to quantify the contribution of
scattered moonlight to the sky surface brightness in terms of DVMoon computed
~90° from the Moon.
The FLI assumes greater importance in determining the sky surface brightness
than angular distance from the Moon, for Moon separations
50°. The change in FLI is ~0.1 per day in the neighbourhood of quadratures,
and therefore this emphasises the importance of having consistent partitions
into grey and bright categories; inconsistent partitions are in general
not compensated for by the distribution of targets on the sky in relation
to the Moon.
The sky brightness approaching full Moon, i.e. zero lunar phase angle,
increases strongly due to the opposition effect, which arises from a combination
of shadow-hiding (the shadows of lunar particles are occulted by the particles
themselves) and coherent backscattering (multiple scattering
of sunlight off lunar dust grains, predominantly in the backward direction
to the incident sunlight).
Dark, Grey and Bright Time
The definition of grey and bright thresholds is to some extent arbitrary.
What is important is that the definition is both sensible and consistent,
and that it is understood and agreed by applicants and TAC’s, and adhered
to in the scheduling process. Consistency in terms of sky surface brightness
is achieved by partitioning on the fractional lunar illumination, acting
as a proxy for sky surface brightness 90° distant from the Moon. In terms
of sensibleness, the numbers of nights in each category should not be greatly
different from the legacy method, but a small increase in the number of
grey nights, at the expense of bright nights, is desirable to better match
Averaged over a Saros cycle (~37 semesters), the same number of dark
nights (9.6), 0.7 additional grey nights (7.9) and 0.7 fewer
bright nights (12.0) per lunation result from the adopted partitioning
where the FLI is computed for 0h UT. Illuminated fraction changes by
~0.1 per day in the region of these thresholds, and this “resolution effect”
means that inconsistencies in the FLI are constrained to be
0.1 at the dark/grey and grey/bright boundaries.
For a given FLI, the fraction of the night for which the Moon is in
the sky can vary by as much as ~25%, for the same reasons that the fraction
of the night which is moonless does not consistently estimate the FLI. For
example, at FLI=0.65 the Moon can be in the sky for between ~65% and ~90%
of astronomical darkness. This could be taken into account for each night
by scaling the moonlit sky surface brightness by this fraction to give a
weighted background for the night, but on balance it is considered better
to partition telescope time solely in terms of the worst case sky
surface brightness computed ~90° from the Moon.
The predicted ranges in the zenith V sky surface brightness at high
galactic and ecliptic latitudes, and solar minimum, and at an angular distance
from the Moon of ~90°, are 21.2– 21.9mag/arcsec2 for dark time, and
19.9–21.2 and 18.0 – 19.9 mag/arcsec2 respectively for the moonlit
parts of grey and bright time. For the mean sky, i.e. over all latitudes
~90° from the Moon, these ranges are ~0.5 mag/arcsec2brighter
because of the larger contributions of airglow, zodiacal light and starlight.
This definition of dark, grey and bright time will be used in constructing
the ING schedules from Semester 2002B onward. The exposure time calculator,
SIGNAL, has been modified to offer an option specifying ‘typical’ sky surface
brightnesses for dark, grey and bright time, corresponding to Vsky=21.50,
19.75 and 18.50 mag/arcsec2 respectively.