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Material for public outreach activities

Astronomy Knowledge Database


Blog: "Las Estrellas a Nuestros Pies", by Javier Méndez.

Solar and other stellar systems

"Las Perseidas: la lluvia del verano", by Javier Méndez. 1999. [ HTML ]
"La búsqueda de vida en el Universo y el Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos", by Javier Méndez. November 2004 (revised: July 2005). [ PDF (1.9M) ]
"Carretera hacia las estrellas: guía para perplejos", by Miguel Santander. Caos y Ciencia, 2009.
"Planetas extrasolares: guía para perplejos", by Miguel Santander. Caos y Ciencia, 2010.

Stars and Nebulae

"The biggest and brightest stars in the Universe", by Stephen Smartt. 1999. [ HTML ]
"Planetary Nebulae", by Peter Sorensen. 1999. [ HTML ]
"The oldest stars", by Don Pollacco. 1999. [ HTML ]
"Nebulosas planetarias y nebulosas simbióticas: guía para perplejos", by Miguel Santander. Caos y Ciencia, 2008.
"Ella siempre lo supo", by Miguel Santander. Premio de relatos de ciencia para sus "abuelas", IAC, 2010.


"Supernovas y cosmología", by Javier Méndez. 1999. [ HTML ]
"From La Palma to the end of the Universe", by Chris Benn. 1999. [ HTML ]
"Materia y energía oscura: guía para perplejos", by Miguel Santander. Caos y Ciencia, 2009.
"Agujeros negros (I): guía para perplejos", by Miguel Santander. Caos y Ciencia, 2009.
"Agujeros negros (II): guía para perplejos", by Miguel Santander. Caos y Ciencia, 2009.

Telescopes, instruments and observing techniques

"Evolución histórica del Grupo de Telescopios Isaac Newton", by Javier Méndez and René Rutten. 2003. [ PDF (2.3M) ]

Astronomy Sheets

You can either choose to download all in one file: PDF (9.5M), or as individual sheets:

Solar System

Comet Hale-Bopp. PDF
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. PDF

Stars, Stellar Systems and Nebulae

NGC7635, the Bubble Nebula. PDF
NGC 281 and IC 1590. PDF
M27, the Dumbell Nebula. PDF
IC434, the Horse Head Nebula. PDF
M13 Globular Cluster. PDF
M42, the Orion Nebula. PDF
NGC 6914 and a group of reflection nebulae. PDF
NGC 6995, a supernova remnant. PDF
M92 Globular Cluster. PDF
M43 Nebula, Marian's Nebula. PDF
Dust Lanes in the Rosette Nebula. PDF
NGC 2237, the Rosette Nebula. PDF
A New Planetary Nebula. PDF
Sharpless 2-188 Planetary Nebula. PDF
IC1396B Nebula. PDF
M57 Planetary Nebula. PDF
NGC6888 Nebula. PDF
NGC6992 Nebula. PDF
NGC6543 Planetary Nebula. PDF

Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies

M31, the Andromeda Galaxy. PDF
Abell 2218 Galaxy Cluster. PDF
NGC 6946, a face-on spiral galaxy. PDF
NGC 891, an edge-on spiral galaxy. PDF
NGC6822, Barnard's Galaxy. PDF
M33, the Triangulum Galaxy. PDF
M51, the Whirlpool Galaxy. PDF
M95 Galaxy. PDF
M101 Galaxy. PDF | PDF 2
NGC7331 Galaxy. PDF
M64, the Blackeye Galaxy. PDF
M83 Galaxy. PDF
M74 Galaxy. PDF
M81 Galaxy. PDF
NGC7217 Galaxy. PDF
M82 Galaxy. PDF

Observational Cosmology

The Herschel Deep Field. PDF
A High-z Supernova. PDF


Solar System

"The Solar System". Views of the Solar System from the ING telescopes. DIN A2 (42 cm×59.4 cm): PDF. DIN A4 (21 cm×29.7 cm): PDF.
"Deep Impact at the William Herschel Telescope". PDF.

Stars, Stellar Systems and Nebulae

"The Rosette Nebula or NGC 2237". A mosaic image covering the entire Rosette Nebula obtained using the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope. PDF.
"The S147 Supernova Remnant". A mosaic image covering the entire supernova remnant obtained using the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope. PDF.
"M57 Planetary Nebula". Image of the Ring Nebula as obstained by the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope. PDF.
"NGC6888 Nebula". Image of the Crescent Nebula as obstained by the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope. PDF.
"NGC6992 Nebula". Image of the Veil Nebula as obstained by the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope. PDF.
"NGC6543 Planetary Nebula". Image of the Cat's Eye Nebula as obstained by the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope. PDF.

Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies

"The Triangulum Galaxy or M33". Images obtained using the William Herschel and the Isaac Newton Telescopes. PDF.
"The Whirlpool Galaxy or M51". Impressive image obtained using the Prime Focus Camera on the William Herschel Telescope. PDF.
"M101 Galaxy". Images obtained using the Wide Field Camera on the Isaac Newton Telescope. PDF.


"The ING Poster". A brief introduction to the ING telescopes (2002). DIN A3 (29.7 cm× 42.0 cm): PDF.
"The William Herschel Telescope". 42"×42" size. PDF.
"The William Herschel Telescope". A poster of the William Herschel Telescope by Nik Szymanek. DIN A3 (29.7 cm× 42.0 cm): TIFF (49M). Lower resolution: JPEG (233 K).
"The Isaac Newton Telescope". 42"×42" size. PDF.
"The Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope". A poster of the Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope by Nik Szymanek. DIN A3 (29.7 cm× 42.0 cm): TIFF (47M). Lower resolution: JPEG (236 K).

Posters 70*50cm

The Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes. PDF.
Isaac Newton Telescope. PDF.
M43 Nebula. PDF.
M51 Galaxy. PDF.
M57 Planetary Nebula. PDF.
M81 Galaxy. PDF.
M92 Globular Cluster. PDF.
M101 Galaxy. PDF.
NGC6543 Planetary Nebula. PDF.
NGC6888 Nebula. PDF.
NGC6992 Supernova Remnant. PDF.
NGC7217 Galaxy. PDF.
Rosette Nebula. PDF.
S147 Supernova Remnant. PDF.
William Herschel Telescope (internal view). PDF.
William Herschel Telescope (external view). PDF.

Posters DIN A2

The Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes. PDF.
M92 Globular Cluster. PDF.
M101 Galaxy. PDF.
NGC6888 Nebula. PDF.
Rosette Nebula. PDF.
William Herschel Telescope. PDF.

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Last modified: 20 March 2013

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