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ING Annual Report 2000-2001 : Appendix F. Astronomy Staff Research Publications
The following includes research papers by ING astronomy staff in refereed
and unrefereed publications in 2000 and 2001. It is sorted by year
and in alphabetical order of first ING author (in italic and bold).
“A spectroscopic study of V603 Aquilae: stellar parameters and continuum-line
variations”, Arenas, J, Catalan, M S, Augusteijn, T, Retter, A, 2000, MNRAS,
311, 135.
“The First Year of Optical-IR Observations of SN1998bw”, Danziger,
I J, Augusteijn, T, Brewer, J, Cappellaro, E, Doublier, V, Galama, T, González,
J F, Hainaut, O, Leibundgut, B, Lidman, C, Mazzali, P, Nomoto, K, Patat,
F, Spyromilio, J, Turatto, M, van Paradijs, J, Vreeswijk, P M, Walsh, J,
2000, The Greatest Explosions Since the Big Bang : Supernovae and Gamma-Ray
Bursts, 9.
“The transient X-ray source SAX J22393+6116 and its optical counterpart”,
in’t Zand, J J M, Halpern, J, Eracleous, M, McCollough, M, Augusteijn, T,
Remillard, R A, Heise, J, 2000, A&A, 361, 85.
“Near-infrared detection and optical follow-up of the GRB990705 afterglow”,
Masetti, N et al, Augusteijn, T, 2000, A&A, 354, 473.
“The Morphology of Satellites in External Galaxies”, Gutierrez, C M,
Prada, F, Azzaro, M, 2000, Astron Soc Pac Conf Ser, 197, 345.
“Meteor shower on the lunar atmosphere”, Barbieri, C, Benn, C R, Cremonese,
G, Verani, S, 2000, Conference Earth-Moon Relationships, 8/10 November 2000,
Accademia Galileiana - Padova, Italy, to be published by Kluwer Academic
Publishers as a special issue of Earth, Moon, and Planets, E48.
“LUNAM (LUNar Atmosphere Mission)”, Barbieri, C, Cremonese, G, Fornasier,
S, Lazzarin, M, Marchi, S, Ragazzoni, R, Rampazzi, F, Verani, S, Benn, C,
Mendillo, M, Baumgartner, J, Wilson, J, Chakrabarti, S, & Dolci, M, 2000,
Conference Earth-Moon Relationships, 8/10 November 2000, Accademia Galileiana
- Padova, Italy, to be published by Kluwer Academic Publishers as a special
issue of Earth, Moon, and Planets, E44.
“Rainbows, Haloes and Earthshine”, Benn, C, 2000, Conference Earth-Moon
Relationships, 8/10 November 2000, Accademia Galileiana - Padova, Italy,
to be published by Kluwer Academic Publishers as a special issue of Earth,
Moon, and Planets, E16.
“The Moon and the origin of life”, Benn, C, 2000, Conference Earth-Moon
Relationships, 8/10 November 2000, Accademia Galileiana - Padova, Italy,
to be published by Kluwer Academic Publishers as a special issue of Earth,
Moon, and Planets, E15.
“The redshift distribution of FIRST radio sources at 1mJy”, Magliocchetti,
M, Maddox, S J, Wall, J V, Benn, C R, Cotter, G 2000, MNRAS, 318, 1047.
“An early-time infrared and optical study of the Type Ia Supernova
1998bu in M96”, Hernández, M et al, Benn, C R, Sorensen, P M, Telting
J H, Walton, N A, 2000, MNRAS, 319, 223.
“Fast Winds from Symbiotic Stars shaping Large Ionized Nebulae”, Corradi,
R L M, 2000, Astron Soc Pac Conf Ser, 204, 365.
“A hydrodynamical study of multiple-shell planetaries I NGC 2438”,
Corradi, R L M, Schönberner, D, Steffen, M, Perinotto, M 2000, A&A,
354, 1071.
“Spatially resolved spectroscopy of the outflow from the symbiotic
Mira RX Puppis”, Corradi, R L M, Schwarz, H E, 2000, A&A, 363, 671.
“Morphology vs Physical Properties: Some Comments and Questions”, Corradi,
R L M, 2000, Astron Soc Pac Conf Ser, 199, 25.
“Knots in the Outer Shells of the Planetary Nebulae IC 2553 and NGC
5882”, Corradi, R L M, Goncalves, D R, Villaver, E, Mampaso, A, Perinotto,
M, 2000, ApJ, 542, 861.
“High-Velocity Collimated Outflows in Planetary Nebulae: NGC 6337,
HE 2-186, and K4-47”, Corradi, R L M, Goncalves, D R, Villaver, E, Mampaso,
A, Perinotto, M, Schwarz, H E, Zanin, C, 2000, ApJ, 535, 823.
“Symbiotic Miras Can Do It”, Corradi, R L M, Livio, M, Schwarz, H E,
Munari, U, 2000, Astron Soc Pac Conf Ser, 199, 175.
“Jets and Jet-Like Structures of Low-Ionization in Planetary Nebulae”,
Goncalves, D R, Corradi, R L M, Villaver, E, Mampaso, A, 2000, Revista
Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica Conference Series, 9,
“Low-ionization Structures in Planetary Nebulae”, Goncalves, D R, Corradi,
R L M, Villaver, E, Mampaso, A, Perinotto, M 2000, ASP Conf Ser 199: Asymmetrical
Planetary Nebulae II: From Origins to Microstructures, 217.
“A search for planetary nebulae in M33”, Magrini, L, Corradi, R L M,
Mampaso, A, Perinotto, M, 2000, A&A, 355, 713.
“Enigmatic low-velocity jet-like features in Planetary Nebulae, Goncalves,
D R, Corradi, R, Mampaso, A, 2000, Emission Lines from Jet Flows Isla Mujeres
November 13- 17, 2000, E19.
“The Nature of Low-Ionization Microstructures in Planetary Nebulae”,
Goncalves, D R, Mampaso, A, Corradi, R L M, 2000, Ionized Gaseous Nebulae
Mexico City November 21- 24, 2000, E34.
“The Evolving Morphology of the Bipolar Nebula M2-9”, Doyle, S, Balick,
B, Corradi, R L M, Schwarz, H E, 2000, AJ, 119, 1339.
“Spectropolarimetry of the symbiotic nova HM Sge”, Schmid, H M, Corradi,
R, Krautter, J, Schild, H, 2000, A&A, 355, 261.
“Comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)”, Kidger, M, Corradi, R, O’Mahoney, N 2000,
IAU Circ, 7472, 3.
“Detection of a giant halo around NGC7027”, Navarro, S G, Mampaso,
A, Corradi, R, 2000, Ionized Gaseous Nebulae Mexico City November 21- 24,
2000, E38.
“An extensive search for planetary nebulae in M33”, Perinotto, M, Magrini,
L, Corradi, R L M, Mampaso, A, 2000, Proceedings 232 WE-Heraeus Seminar,
22-25 May 2000, Bad Honnef, Germany Edited by Elly M Berkhuijsen, Rainer
Beck, and Rene A M Walterbos Shaker, Aachen, 2000, 119.
“A multi-wavelength study of pre-main sequence stars in the Taurus-Auriga
star-forming region”, Guenther, E W, Stelzer, B, Neuhäuser, R, Hillwig,
T C, Durisen, R H, Menten, K M, Greimel, R, Barwig, H, Englhauser, J, &
Robb, R M 2000, A&A, 357, 206.
“Spiral Resonance Structure of NGC4321 from HI Data”, Canzian, B, Knapen,
J H, 2000, Bull Am Astron Soc, 197, 3711.
“Kinematics of Ionized and Molecular Hydrogen in the Core of M100”,
Knapen, J H, Shlosman, I, Heller, C H, Rand, R J, Beckman, J E, & Rozas,
M, 2000, ApJ, 528, 219.
“Kinematics of the Circumnuclear Region of M 100”, Knapen, J H, 2000,
ASP Conf Ser 197: Dynamics of Galaxies: from the Early Universe to the Present,
“A Subarcsecond Resolution Near-Infrared Study of Seyfert and “Normal”
Galaxies II Morphology”, Knapen, J H, Shlosman, I, Peletier, R F, 2000, ApJ,
529, 93.
“Deffciency of “Thin” Stellar Bars in Seyfert Host Galaxies”, Shlosman,
I, Peletier, R F, Knapen, J H, 2000, ApJ, 535, L83.
“Circumnuclear regions in barred spiral galaxies - I Near-infrared
imaging”, Pérez-Ramírez, D, Knapen, J H, Peletier, R F, Laine,
S, Doyon, R, Nadeau, D, 2000, MNRAS, 317, 234.
“NLTE Model Atmosphere Analysis of Main-Sequence O Stars in NGC 346”,
Bouret, J, Heap, S R, Hubeny, I, Lanz, T, Hillier, D J, Lennon, D J, Smith,
L J, Evans, C J, 2000, Bull Am Astron Soc, 197, 78.10.
“An exploratory non-LTE analysis of B-type supergiants in the Small
Magellanic Cloud”, Dufton, P L, McErlean, N D, Lennon, D J, Ryans, R S I,
2000, A&A, 353, 311.
“Differential O and SI Abundances in M33 Early B Supergiants”, Monteverde,
M I, Herrero, A, Lennon, D J, 2000, ApJ, 545, 813.
“Abundance Determinations in Massive Blue Stars Within the Local Group”,
Herrero, A, Kudritzki, R P, Smartt, S J, Venn, K, Przybilla, N, Lennon, D
J, McCarthy, J K, Monteverde, M I, 2000, Mathematical and Quantum Aspects
of Relativity and Cosmology, 331.
“Abundance Determinations in Massive Blue Stars Within the Local Group”,
Herrero, A, Kudritzki, R, Smartt, S J, Venn, K, Przybilla, N, Lennon, D J,
McCarthy, J K, Ilusión Monteverde, M 2000, From Extrasolar Planets
to Cosmology: The VLT Opening Symposium, Proceedings of the ESO Symposium
held at Antofagasta, Chile, 1-4 March 1999 Edited by Jacqueline Bergeron
and Alvio Renzini Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2000, 331.
“NGC 346-12, a Rapidly Rotating O95V Star in the SMC: Test Case of
Weak Winds”, Lanz, T, Bouret, J, Heap, S R, Hubeny, I, Hillier, D J, Lennon,
D J, Smith, L J, Evans, C J, Owocki, S P, 2000, Bull Am Astron Soc, 197,
“Analysis of A-F Supergiants in M31 from Keck HIRES Spectroscopy”,
Venn, K A, McCarthy, J K, Lennon, D J, Pryzbilla, N, Kudritzki, R P, Lemke,
M, 2000, Bull Am Astron Soc, 196, 40.11.
“Analysis of Four A-F Supergiants in M31 from Keck HIRES Spectroscopy”,
Venn, K A, McCarthy, J K, Lennon, D J, Przybilla, N, Kudritzki, R P, Lemke,
M, 2000, ApJ, 541, 610.
“First Stellar Abundances in NGC6822 from VLT-UVES and Keck-HIRES Spectroscopy”,
Venn, K A, Miller, L, Lennon, D J, Kaufer, A, McCarthy, J K, Przybilla, N,
Kudritzki, R P, Lemke, M, Skillman, E D, Smartt, S J, 2000, Ionized Gaseous
Nebulae Mexico City November 21- 24, 2000, E60.
“The atmospheric parameters and chemical composition of early B-type
giants in h and chi Persei”, Vrancken, M, Lennon, D J, Dufton, P L, Lambert,
D L, 2000, A&A, 358, 639.
“The Ultraviolet and Optical Spectra of Metal-deffcient O Stars in
the Small Magellanic Cloud”, Walborn, N R, Lennon, D J, Heap, S R, Lindler,
D J, Smith, L J, Evans, C J, Parker, J W, 2000, PASP, 112, 1243.
“Hubble Space Telescope Infrared Imaging Polarimetry of Centaurus A:
Implications for the Unified Scheme and the Existence of a Misdirected BL
Lacertae Nucleus”, Capetti, A, Schreier, E J, Axon, D, Young, S, Hough, J
H, Clark, S, Marconi, A, Macchetto, D, Packham, C, 2000, ApJ, 544, 269.
“Highly polarized structures in the near-nuclear regions of Cygnus
A: intrinsic anisotropy within the cones?”, Tadhunter, C N, Sparks, W, Axon,
D J, Bergeron, L, Jackson, N J, Packham, C, Hough, J H, Robinson, A, Young,
S, 2000, MNRAS, 313, L52.
“The hot-spot environment of SW Sex in a low state”, Groot, P J, Rutten,
R G M, van Paradijs, J, 2000, New Astron Rev, 44, 137
“Spirals and the size of the disk in EX Dra”, Joergens, V, Spruit,
H C, Rutten, R G M, 2000, A&A, 356, L33.
“INES: Astronomy Data Distribution for the Future”, Wamsteker, W, Skillen
I, Ponz, J D, de la Fuente, A, Barylak, M, Yurrita, I, 2000, Astrophys J
Suppl, 273, 155.
“A detailed spectroscopic analysis of varepsilon Per I Determination
of the orbital parameters and of the frequencies”, De Cat, P, Telting, J, Aerts, C, Mathias, P, 2000, A&A, 359, 539.
“Optical and infrared photometry of the Type IIn SN 1998S: days 11-146”,
Fassia, A et al, Telting, J H, Walton, N A, 2000, MNRAS, 318, 1093.
“Long term variability in Be-star disks”, Telting, J H, 2000, Astron
Soc Pac Conf Ser, 214, 422.
“The acceleration of the Universe: measurements of cosmological parameters
from type Ia supernovae”, Goobar, A et al, Walton, N A, 2000, Physica Scripta
Volume T, 85, 47.
“Supernovae 2000bt, 2000bu, 2000bv, 2000bw, 2000bx, 2000by, 2000bz”,
Hardin, D, Walton, N, Amadon, A, Batcheldor, D, Folatelli, G, Garavini, G,
Nobili, S, Mourao, A, Cruz, M J, 2000, IAU Circ, 7406, 2.
“The Wide Field Survey on the Isaac Newton Telescope”, Lewis, J R,
Bunclark, P S, Irwin, M J, McMahon, R G, Walton, N A, 2000, Astron Soc Pac
Conf Ser, 216, 415.
“UltraDAS: the high-performance data acquisition system at the Isaac
Newton Group of Telescopes”, Rixon, G T, Walton, N A, Armstrong, D B, Woodhouse,
G, Tulloch, S M 2000, Proc SPIE, 4009, 132.
“MOSAIC: a multi-object spectrograph with adaptive image correction”,
Sharples, R M, Myers, R M, Walton, N A, 2000, Proc SPIE, 4008, 228.
“Using planetary nebulae as abundance probes of galaxies”, Walsh, J
R, Jacoby, G H, Petetier, R F, Walton, N A, 2000, Proc SPIE, 4005, 131.
“Populations of High-Luminosity Density-bounded HII Regions in Spiral
Galaxies: Evidence and Implications”, Beckman, J E, Rozas, M, Zurita, A,
Watson, R A, Knapen, J H, 2000, AJ, 119, 2728.
“XTE J1650-500”, Augusteijn, T, Coe, M, Groot, P, 2001, IAU Circ, 7710,
“The IR counterpart of the black-hole candidate 4U 1630-47”, Augusteijn,
T, Kuulkers, E, van Kerkwijk, M H, 2001, A&A, 375, 447.
“The Metamorphosis of SN 1998bw”, Patat, F, Cappellaro, E, Danziger,
J, Mazzali, P A, Sollerman, J, Augusteijn, T, Brewer, J, Doublier, V, Gonzalez,
J F, Hainaut, O, Lidman, C, Leibundgut, B, Nomoto, K, Nakamura, T, Spyromilio,
J, Rizzi, L, Turatto, M, Walsh, J, Galama, T J, van Paradijs, J, Kouveliotou,
C, Vreeswijk, P M, Frontera, F, Masetti, N, Palazzi, E, Pian, E, 2001, ApJ,
555, 900.
“RoboDIMM”, Augusteijn, T, 2001, ING Newsl, 4, 27.
“Does TV Col have the Longest Recorded Positive Superhumps?”,
Retter, A, Hellier, C, Augusteijn, T, Naylor, T, 2001, Astron Soc Pac Conf
Ser, 229, 391.
“The first year of optical-IR observations of SN1998bw”, Danziger,
I J, Augusteijn, T, Brewer, J, Cappellaro, E, Doublier, V, Galama, T, Gonzalez,
J F, Hainaut, O, Leibundgut, B, Lidman, C, Mazzali, P, Nomoto, K, Patat,
F, Spyromilio, J, Turatto, M, van Paradijs, J, Vreeswijk, P M, Walsh, J,
2001, Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts: the Greatest Explosions since the
Big Bang, 79.
“GRB 010222 — WHT BVRI images”, Salamanca, I, Vreeswijk, P, Rol, E,
Kaper, L, Tanvir, N, Fruchter, A, Wijers, R, Kouveliotou, C, Augusteijn,
T, Zurita, A, 2001, GRB Circular Network, 1082, 1.
“Morphological analysis of satellite galaxies in external systems”,
Azzaro, M, Gutiérrez, C M, Prada, F, 2001, Astron Soc Pac Conf Ser,
230, 431.
“The 1999 Quadrantids and the lunar Na atmosphere”, Verani, S, Barbieri,
C, Benn, C R, Cremonese, G, Mendillo, M, 2001, MNRAS, 327, 244.
“NAOMI News”, Benn, C, Østensen, R, Myers, R, Gregory, T, Longmore,
A, 2001, ING Newsl, 5, 19.
“NAOMI — Adaptive Optics at the WHT”, Benn, C, Longmore, A, Myers,
R, Gregory, T, Davenhall, C, 2001, ING Newsl, 4, 21.
“Scientific Impact of Large Telescopes”, Benn, C, Sánchez, S,
2001, ING Newsl, 4, 15.
“Scientific Impact of Large Telescopes, Benn, C R, Sánchez,
S F, 2001, PASP, 113, 385.
“Adaptive optics at the WHT”, Benn, C R, 2001, New Astron Rev, 45,
“Lunam 2000 (Lunar Atmosphere Mission)”, Barbieri, C, Fornasier, S,
Lazzarin, M, Marchi, S, Rampazzi, F, Verani, S, Cremonese, G, Ragazzoni,
R, Dolci, M, Benn, C R, Mendillo, M, Baumgardner, J, Chakrabarti, S, Wilson,
J, 2001, Earth Moon and Planets, 85, 487.
“Search for z > 4 Radio QSOs”, Holt, J, Benn, C, 2001, Astron Soc
Pac Conf Ser, 249, 310.
“Earthshine at the Rainbow Angle”, Benn, C R, 2001, Earth Moon and
Planets, 85, 497.
“The Moon and the Origin of Life”, Benn, C R, 2001, Earth Moon and
Planets, 85, 61.
“Limits on Dust Extinction in B3 QSOS”, Benn, C R, Vigotti, M, Carballo,
R, González-Serrano, J I, Sánchez, S F, 2001, Astrophys J Suppl,
276, 1037.
“Supernova 2001dc in NGC 5777”, Hurst, G M, Armstrong, M, Meikle, P,
Bramich, D, Corradi, R L M, Erwin, P, Boles, T, Irwin, M, Fassia, A, 2001,
IAU Circ, 7662, 1.
“Low-ionization structures in planetary nebulae: confronting models
with observations”, Gonçalves, D R, Corradi, R L M, Mampaso, A, 2001,
ApJ, 547, 302.
“Accurate positions of candidate planetary nebulae in M33”, Magrini,
L, Cardwell, A, Corradi, R L M, Mampaso, A, Perinotto, M, 2001, A&A,
367, 498.
“Normal and eccentric dying Suns”, Corradi, R, 2001, ING Newsl, 4,
“The Southern Crab from a new perspective”, Corradi, R L M, Livio,
M, Balick, B, Munari, U, Schwarz, H E, 2001, ApJ, 553, 211.
“Are microstructures in the outer shells of PNe fossil condensations
of the AGB wind?”, Gonçalves, D R, Corradi, R L M, Villaver, E, Mampaso,
A, Perinotto, M, 2001, Post-AGB Objects as a Phase of Stellar Evolution,
“Mass loss geometry in symbiotic binaries”, Corradi, R L M, 2001, Post-AGB
Objects as a Phase of Stellar Evolution, 221.
“The large-scale ionized outflow of CH Cyg”, Corradi, R L M, Munari,
U, Livio, M, Mampaso, A, Gonçalves, D R, Schwarz, H E, 2001, ApJ,
560, 912.
“First light on the new Small Fibre Module of Autofib2/WYFFOS”, Corradi,
R L M, Dee, K, M, Bassom, R A, Blanken, M F, Goodsell, S J, van der Hoeven,
M, 2001, ING Newsl, 5, 19.
“Evidence for binarity in the bipolar planetary nebulae A 79, He 2-428,
and M 1-91”, Rodríguez, M, Corradi, R L M, Mampaso, A, 2001, A&A,
377, 1042.
“New candidate planetary nebulae in M81”, Magrini, L, Perinotto, M,
Corradi, R L M, Mampaso, A, 2001, A&A, 379, 90.
“Bipolar planetary nebulae Sa 2-237”, Montez, R, Schwarz, H E, Corradi,
R L M, 2001, Bull Am Astron Soc, 199, 136.14.
“Discovery of Emission-Line Objects in M33”,Perinotto, M, Magrini,
L, Corradi, R L M, Mampaso, A, Beckman, J E, Cardwell, A, Corral, L, Zurita,
A, 2001, Astron Soc Pac Conf Ser, 230, 325.
“Stellar and ionized gas kinematics of the interacting Seyfert 19 galaxy
NGC 2992”, García-Lorenzo, B, Arribas, S, Mediavilla, E, 2001, A&A,
378, 787.
“Integral Field Spectroscopy of Six Seyfert Galaxies”, García-Lorenzo,
B, Mediavilla, E, Arribas, S, 2001, Astrophys J Suppl, 276, 1121.
“Spectrophotometric Observations of Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxies: Mkn
370, Mkn 600 and Mkn 36”, Cairós, L M, Caon, N, Vílchez, J
M, García-Lorenzo, B, Muñoz-Tuñón, C, 2001,
Astrophys Space Science Supplement, 277, 453.
“Integral Field Spectroscopy of Active Galaxies”, García-Lorenzo,
B, Arribas, S, Mediavilla, E, 2001, Astrophys Space Science Supplement, 277,
“Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy of BCDs: MRK 370”, García-Lorenzo,
B, Cairós, L M, Caon, N, Vílchez, J, 2001, Astrophys Space
Science Supplement, 277, 461.
“Comparison of the Ionized Gas and Stellar Kinematics in the Circumnuclear
Regions of Seyfert Galaxies”, García-Lorenzo, B, Acosta-Pulido, J
A, Pérez-García, A M, Mediavilla, E, Arribas, S, 2001, Astron
Soc Pac Conf Ser, 249, 175.
“Two-Dimensional Spectroscopy of NGC 2992”, García-Lorenzo,
B, Arribas, S, Mediavilla, E, 2001, Astrophys J Suppl, 276, 437.
“Gas Dynamics and Star Formation in the Grand-Design Spiral NGC 5248”,
Jogee, S, Laine, S, Shlosman, I, Scoville, N Z, Knapen, J H, Englmaier, P,
Wilson, C D, 2001, Bull Am Astron Soc, 199, 72.04.
“Pipeline Data Processing”, Greimel, R, Lewis, J R, Walton, N A, 2001,
ING Newsl, 4, 9.
“The Wide Field Camera and Infrastructure”, Greimel, R, Irwin, M J,
Lennon, D J, Lewis, J R, Rixon, G T, Walton, N A, 2001, ING Newsl, 4, 7.
“The Central Kiloparsec of Starbursts and AGN: The La Palma Connection”,
Knapen, J H, 2001, ING Newsl, 5, 10.
“Statistical Properties of Circumnuclear H II Regions in Nearby Galaxies”,
Alonso-Herrero, A, Knapen, J H, 2001, AJ, 122, 1350.
“The gravitational torque of bars in optically unbarred and barred
galaxies”, Block, D L, Puerari, I, Knapen, J H, Elmegreen, B G, Buta, R,
Stedman, S, Elmegreen, D M, 2001, A&A, 375, 761.
“Circumnuclear kinematics in NGC 5248: the origin of nuclear spiral
arms”, Laine, S, Knapen, J H, Pérez-Ramírez, D, Englmaier,
P, Matthias, M, 2001, MNRAS, 324, 891.
“Gas motions in the plane of the spiral galaxy NGC 3631”, Fridman,
A M, Khoruzhii, O V, Polyachenko, E V, Zasov, A V, Sil’chenko, O K, Moiseev,
A V, Burlak, A N, Afanasiev, V L, Dodonov, S N, Knapen, J H, 2001, MNRAS,
323, 651.
“Near-infrared spectroscopy of the circumnuclear star formation regions
in M100: evidence for sequential triggering”, Ryder, S D, Knapen, J H, Takamiya,
M, 2001, MNRAS, 323, 663.
“Nuclear star formation in the hotspot galaxy NGC 2903”, Alonso-Herrero,
A, Ryder, S D, Knapen, J H, 2001, MNRAS, 322, 757.
“Adaptive optics imaging and TAURUS 2-D spectroscopy of galaxy cores”,
Knapen, J H, 2001, New Astron Rev, 45, 73.
“Circumnuclear Regions and their Barred Host Galaxies”, Pérez-Ramírez,
D, Knapen, J H, Laine, S, 2001, Astrophys J Suppl, 276, 625.
“Understanding Circumnuclear Star Formation in Spiral Galaxies”, Ryder,
S D, Knapen, J H, Takamiya, M, 2001, Astron Soc Pac Conf Ser, 230, 327.
“The Central Kiloparsec of Starbursts and AGN: The La Palma Connection”,
Knapen, J H, Beckman, J E, Shlosman, I, Mahoney, T J, 2001, Astron Soc Pac
Conf Ser, 249.
“Kinematics in the Central Kiloparsec of Spiral Galaxies”, Knapen,
J H, 2001, Astron Soc Pac Conf Ser, 249, 37.
“High-Resolution Imaging of Stars, Dust, and Star Formation in Nuclear
Rings in Galaxies”, Mazzuca, L M, Knapen, J H, Regan, M W, Böker, T,
2001, Astron Soc Pac Conf Ser, 249, 573.
“Grand-Design Spirals in the Core of NGC 5248”, Laine, S, Knapen, J
H, Pérez-Ramírez, D, Doyon, R, Nadeau, D, 2001, Astrophys J
Suppl, 276, 475.
“Nuclear Star Formation in the Hotspot Galaxy NGC 2903, Alonso-Herrero,
A, Ryder, S D, Knapen, J H, 2001, Astron Soc Pac Conf Ser, 249, 557.
“The Ages of Circumnuclear Starbursts from Near-IR Spectroscopy: Bushfires
or Mexican Wave?”, Ryder, S D, Knapen, J H, Alonso-Herrero, A, Takamiya,
M, 2001, Astron Soc Pac Conf Ser, 249, 501.
“A Near-Infrared Imaging Survey of Nearby Spiral Galaxies”, Stedman,
S, Knapen, J H, Bramich, D M, 2001, Astron Soc Pac Conf Ser, 249, 187.
“New Structures in Galactic Disks: Predictions and Discoveries”, Fridman,
A M, Khoruzhii, O V, Minin, V A, Polyachenko, E V, Polyachenko, V L, Silchenko,
O K, Zasov, A V, Afanasiev, V L, Dodonov, S N, Moiseev, A V, Boulesteix,
J, Knapen, J H, 2001, Astron Soc Pac Conf Ser, 230, 187.
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