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WHT Quality Control

The aim of the WHT quality-control programme is to characterise and monitor all aspects of telescope performance, in order to detect as early as possible any potential problems (thereby maximising S:N for observers, and minimising downtime).

Before-and-after performance characterisation is of particular importance in connection with two major changes planned at the WHT over the next few years: commissioning of a major new instrument (WEAVE multi-object spectrograph) at prime focus in 2019, and commissioning of a new telescope control system in 2018.

Key performance-characterisation results are summarised below, with links to additional quality-control and performance information.

Optical performance:

Pointing and tracking performance:

Use of telescope time:

ING support astronomers can find a list of pending on-sky tests on a separate page.

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Contact:  (WHT Manager)
Last modified: 26 February 2019