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Staff Publications 2012

  1. Agócs, T., Abrams, D. C., Cano Infantes, D., O'Mahony, N., Dee, K., Daban, J.-B., Gouvret, C., and Ottogalli, S., 2012, "Preliminary optical design for the WEAVE two-degree prime focus corrector", SPIE, 8444, 2012SPIE.8444E..6JA.

  2. Armstrong, D., Pollacco, D., Watson, C. A., Faedi, F., Gómez Maqueo Chew, Y., Cegla, H. M., McDaid, P., Burton, J., McCormac, J., and Skillen, I., 2012, "A transiting companion to the eclipsing binary KIC002856960", A&A, 545, L4. 2012A&A...545L...4A.

  3. Balam, D. D., Vaduvescu, O., Badescu, T., Lacatus, D., Paraschiv, A., Popescu, M., Suciu, O., and Tudorica, A., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [950 La Palma]", MPC, 80156, 4. 2012MPC..80156...4B.

  4. Barentsen, G., Vaduvescu, O., and Licandro, J., 2012, "Comet Observations [950 La Palma]", MPC, 81082, 5. 2012MPC..81082...5B.

  5. Barros, S. C. C., Pollacco, D. L., Gibson, N. P., Keenan, F. P., Skillen, I., and Steele, I. A., 2012, "High-precision transit observations of the exoplanet WASP-13b with the RISE instrument", MNRAS, 419, 1248. 2012MNRAS.419.1248B.

  6. Benecchi, S., Sheppard, S. S., Vaduvescu, O., and Schechter, P. L., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [304 Las Campanas Observatory]", MPC, 78792, 2. 2012MPC..78792...2B.

  7. Benn, C., 2012, "User-support models at the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes", SPIE, 8448, 2012SPIE.8448E..0BB.

  8. Benn, C., Méndez, J., Balcells, M., 2012, "Europe's eyes on the northern sky", Astronomy, special issue "The World's Greatest Telescopes" (summer 2012).

  9. Bonfils, X., Gillon, M., Udry, S., Armstrong, D., Bouchy, F., Delfosse, X., Forveille, T., Fumel, A., Jehin, E., Lendl, M., Lovis, C., Mayor, M., McCormac, J., Neves, V., Pepe, F., Perrier, C., Pollaco, D., Queloz, D., and Santos, N. C., 2012, "Radial velocity and photometry for GJ3470 (Bonfils+, 2012)", yCat, 354, 69027. 2012yCat..35469027B.

  10. Bonfils, X., Gillon, M., Udry, S., Armstrong, D., Bouchy, F., Delfosse, X., Forveille, T., Fumel, A., Jehin, E., Lendl, M., Lovis, C., Mayor, M., McCormac, J., Neves, V., Pepe, F., Perrier, C., Pollaco, D., Queloz, D., and Santos, N. C., 2012, "A hot Uranus transiting the nearby M dwarf GJ 3470. Detected with HARPS velocimetry. Captured in transit with TRAPPIST photometry", A&A, 546, A27. 2012A&A...546A..27B.

  11. Borguet, B. C. J., Edmonds, D., Arav, N., Benn, C., and Chamberlain, C., 2012, "BAL Phosphorus Abundance and Evidence for Immense Ionic Column Densities in Quasar Outflows: VLT/X-Shooter Observations of Quasar SDSS J1512+1119", ApJ, 758, 69. 2012ApJ...758...69B.

  12. Bressi, T. H., Vaduvescu, O., Badescu, T., Lacatus, D., Paraschiv, A., Popescu, M., Suciu, O., Tudorica, A., Christensen, E. J., Ahern, J. D., Beshore, E. C., Boattini, A., Gibbs, A. R., Grauer, A. D., Hill, R. E., Kowalski, R. A., Larson, S. M., McNaught, R. H., Ryan, W. H., Ryan, E. V., Holmes, R., Buzzi, L., Devore, H., Foglia, S., Vorobjov, T., and Tomatic, A. U., 2012, "2012 DG54", MPEC, , 102. 2012MPEC....D..102B.

  13. Bruni, G., Mack, K.-H., Dallacasa, D., Montenegro-Montes, F. M., Benn, C. R., Carballo, R., González-Serrano, J. I., Holt, J., and Jiménez-Luján, F., 2012, "The central structure of Broad Absorption Line QSOs: observational characteristics in the cm-mm wavelength domain", JPhCS, 372, 012031. 2012JPhCS.372a2031B.

  14. Bruni, G., Mack, K.-H., Salerno, E., Montenegro-Montes, F. M., Carballo, R., Benn, C. R., González-Serrano, J. I., Holt, J., and Jiménez-Luján, F., 2012, "Radio spectra and polarisation properties of a bright sample of radio-loud broad absorption line quasars", A&A, 542, A13. 2012A&A...542A..13B.

  15. Buie, M. W., Wasserman, L. H., Vaduvescu, O., Holmes, R., and Linder, T., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [807 Cerro Tololo]", MPC, 79528, 6. 2012MPC..79528...6B.

  16. Buie, M. W., Wasserman, L. H., Vaduvescu, O., Schwamb, M. E., Holmes, R., Linder, T., Hoette, V., Rabinowitz, D., and Tourtellotte, S., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [807 Cerro Tololo]", MPC, 78893, 2. 2012MPC..78893...2B.

  17. Buie, M. W., Wittman, D., Wasserman, L. H., Vaduvescu, O., Holmes, R., Linder, T., and Sampson, R., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [807 Cerro Tololo]", MPC, 80631, 6. 2012MPC..80631...6B.

  18. Casas, R., Ali Lagoa, V., Vaduvescu, O., and Licandro, J., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [954 Teide Observatory]", MPC, 78438, 2. 2012MPC..78438...2C.

  19. Cavadore, C., Elst, E. W., Lagerkvist, C.-I., Boattini, A., Behrend, R., and Vaduvescu, O., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [809 European Southern Observatory]", MPC, 79220, 1. 2012MPC..79220...1C.

  20. Cavadore, C., Elst, E. W., Masi, G., Lagerkvist, C.-I., Boattini, A., and Vaduvescu, O., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [809 European Southern Observatory]", MPC, 78046, 1. 2012MPC..78046...1C.

  21. Chazelas, B., Pollacco, D., Queloz, D., Rauer, H., Wheatley, P. J., West, R., Da Silva Bento, J., Burleigh, M., McCormac, J., Eigmüller, P., Erikson, A., Genolet, L., Goad, M., Jordán, A., Neveu, M., and Walker, S., 2012, "NGTS: a robotic transit survey to detect Neptune and super-Earth mass planets", SPIE, 8444, 2012SPIE.8444E..0EC.

  22. Crass, J., Aisher, P., Femenia, B., King, D. L., Mackay, C. D., Rebolo-López, R., Labadie, L., Pérez Garrido, A., Balcells, M., Díaz Sánchez, A., Jimenez Fuensalida, J., Lopez, R. L., Oscoz, A., Pérez Prieto, J. A., Rodríguez-Ramos, L. F., and Villó, I., 2012, "The AOLI low-order non-linear curvature wavefront sensor: a method for high sensitivity wavefront reconstruction", SPIE, 8447, 2012SPIE.8447E..0TC.

  23. Dalton, G., Trager, S. C., Abrams, D. C., Carter, D., Bonifacio, P., Aguerri, J. A. L., MacIntosh, M., Evans, C., Lewis, I., Navarro, R., Agocs, T., Dee, K., Rousset, S., Tosh, I., Middleton, K., Pragt, J., Terrett, D., Brock, M., Benn, C., Verheijen, M., Cano Infantes, D., Bevil, C., Steele, I., Mottram, C., Bates, S., Gribbin, F. J., Rey, J., Rodriguez, L. F., Delgado, J. M., Guinouard, I., Walton, N., Irwin, M. J., Jagourel, P., Stuik, R., Gerlofsma, G., Roelfsma, R., Skillen, I., Ridings, A., Balcells, M., Daban, J.-B., Gouvret, C., Venema, L., and Girard, P., 2012, "WEAVE: the next generation wide-field spectroscopy facility for the William Herschel Telescope", SPIE, 8446, 2012SPIE.8446E..0PD.

  24. Eliche-Moral, M. C., González-García, A. C., Aguerri, J. A. L., Gallego, J., Zamorano, J., Balcells, M., and Prieto, M., 2012, "Evolution along the sequence of S0 Hubble types induced by dry minor mergers. I. Global bulge-to-disk structural relations", A&A, 547, A48. 2012A&A...547A..48E.

  25. Elst, E. W., Boattini, A., Behrend, R., Vaduvescu, O., and Rabinowitz, D., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [809 European Southern Observatory]", MPC, 79529, 2. 2012MPC..79529...2E.

  26. Elst, E. W., Lagerkvist, C.-I., Boattini, A., Behrend, R., Vaduvescu, O., Galad, A., Protopapa, S., Hornoch, K., Kusnirak, P., Pravec, P., and Snodgrass, C., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [809 European Southern Observatory, La Silla]", MPC, 81717, 5. 2012MPC..81717...5E.

  27. Elst, E. W., Lagerkvist, C.-I., Boattini, A., and Vaduvescu, O., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [809 European Southern Observatory]", MPC, 77698, 1. 2012MPC..77698...1E.

  28. Elst, E. W., Lagerkvist, C.-I., Boattini, A., Vaduvescu, O., Rabinowitz, D., Schwamb, M. E., and Tourtellotte, S., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [809 European Southern Observatory, La Silla]", MPC, 78893, 3. 2012MPC..78893...3E.

  29. Elst, E. W., Lagerkvist, C.-I., Boattini, A., West, R. M., Vaduvescu, O., Galad, A., Protopapa, S., Pravec, P., Hornoch, K., and Kusnirak, P., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [809 European Southern Observatory, La Silla]", MPC, 81274, 5. 2012MPC..81274...5E.

  30. Fagotti, P., Dimai, A., Quadri, U., Strabla, L., Girelli, R., Quadri, A., Fiorentino, L., Skvarc, J., and Masi, G., 2012, "Supernova 2012aw in M95 = PSN J10435372+1140177.", CBET, 3054, 1. 2012CBET.3054....1F.

  31. Fitzsimmons, A., Balam, D. D., Vaduvescu, O., Badescu, T., Lacatus, D., Paraschiv, A., Popescu, M., Suciu, O., and Tudorica, A., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [950 La Palma]", MPC, 79530, 1. 2012MPC..79530...1F.

  32. Fitzsimmons, A., Balam, D. D., Vaduvescu, O., Oszkiewicz, D., Geier, S., Karami, M., Fathivavsari, H., and Toma, R., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [950 La Palma]", MPC, 79221, 6. 2012MPC..79221...6F.

  33. Fitzsimmons, A., Vaduvescu, O., Badescu, T., Lacatus, D., Paraschiv, A., Popescu, M., Suciu, O., and Tudorica, A., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [950 La Palma]", MPC, 78894, 9. 2012MPC..78894...9F.

  34. Fitzsimmons, A., Vaduvescu, O., Badescu, T., Lacatus, D., Paraschiv, A., Popescu, M., Suciu, O., and Tudorica, A., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [950 La Palma]", MPC, 78437, 11. 2012MPC..78437..11F.

  35. Fitzsimmons, A., Vaduvescu, O., Barentsen, G., Licandro, J., and Dumitriu, A., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [950 La Palma]", MPC, 81285, 4. 2012MPC..81285...4F.

  36. Fitzsimmons, A., Vaduvescu, O., Karami, M., Fathivavsari, H., Licandro, J., Ledo, H., Paraschiv, A., and Lacatus, D., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [950 La Palma]", MPC, 78047, 5. 2012MPC..78047...5F.

  37. Fitzsimmons, A., Vaduvescu, O., Popescu, M., Comsa, I., Paraschiv, A., Lacatus, D., Suciu, O., Sonka, A., Tudorica, A., Badescu, T., Badea, M., Constantinescu, M., Vidican, D., and Opriseanu, C., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [950 La Palma]", MPC, 77699, 2. 2012MPC..77699...2F.

  38. Gajdos, S., McMillan, R. S., Bressi, T. H., Vaduvescu, O., Badescu, T., Lacatus, D., Paraschiv, A., Popescu, M., Suciu, O., Tudorica, A., Christensen, E. J., Hill, R. E., Ahern, J. D., Beshore, E. C., Boattini, A., Gibbs, A. R., Grauer, A. D., Kowalski, R. A., Larson, S. M., McNaught, R. H., Holmes, R., Buzzi, L., Devore, H., Foglia, S., Vorobjov, T., Hug, G., and Tomatic, A. U., 2012, "2008 CS1", MPEC, , 19. 2012MPEC....E...19G.

  39. González Hernández, J. I., Ruiz-Lapuente, P., Tabernero, H. M., Montes, D., Canal, R., Méndez, J., and Bedin, L. R., 2012, "No surviving evolved companions of the progenitor of SN1006", Natur, 489, 533. 2012Natur.489..533G.

  40. Hebrard, G., Collier, C. A., Brown, D. J. A., Diaz, R. F., Faedi, F., Smalley, B., Anderson, D. R., Armstrong, D., Barros, S. C. C., Bento, J., Bouchy, F., Doyle, A. P., Enoch, B., Gomez Maqueo Chew, Y., Hebrard, E. M., Hellier, C., Lendl, M., Lister, T. A., Maxted, P. F. L., McCormac, J., Moutou, C., Pollacco, D., Queloz, D., Santerne, A., Skillen, I., Southworth, J., Tregloan-Reed, J., Triaud, A. H. M. J., Udry, S., Vanhuysse, M., Watson, C. A., West, R. G., and Wheatley, P. J., 2012, "Four new WASP transiting close-in giant planets (Hebrard+, 2013)", yCat, 354, 99134. 2012yCat..35499134H.

  41. Hempel, A., Cristobal-Hornillos, D., Prieto, M., Trujillo, I., Balcells, M., Lopez-Sanjuan, C., Abreu, D., Eliche-Moral, M. C., and Dominguez-Palmero, L., 2012, "EROs in Groth Strip (Hempel+, 2011)", yCat, 741, 42246. 2012yCat..74142246H.

  42. Hornoch, K., Fohring, D., and Karjalainen, R., 2012, "Confirmation and Photometry of Five Optical Nova Candidates in M81", ATel, 3888, 1. 2012ATel.3888....1H.

  43. Hornoch, K., Patrick, L., Arnold, D., Dominguez, L., Fernandez, A. G., Hardy, L., Hrudkova, M., Van Oers, P., Ramanjooloo, Y., Karjalainen, R., and Vaduvescu, O., 2012, "Discovery of Two Probable Novae in M81", ATel, 4462, 1. 2012ATel.4462....1H.

  44. Hornoch, K., Vaduvescu, O., and Zurita, C., 2012, "H-alpha Confirmation of Seven Nova Candidates in M31", ATel, 4181, 1. 2012ATel.4181....1H.

  45. Hornoch, K., Vaduvescu, O., Zurita, C., Patrick, L., Ledo, H., and Karjalainen, R., 2012, "Discovery of Two Novae in M81", ATel, 4129, 1. 2012ATel.4129....1H.

  46. Karami, M., Fathivavsari, H., and Vaduvescu, O., 2012, "Comet Observations [950 La Palma]", MPC, 77876, 15. 2012MPC..77876..15K.

  47. Kostov, A., Skvarc, J., Mikuz, H., Casali, M., Coffano, A., Marinello, W., Micheli, M., Pizzetti, G., Soff, A., Jaeger, M., Prosperi, E., Vollmann, W., Buzzi, L., Hasubick, W., Ligustri, R., Seki, T., Osterhage, K.-F., Bill, H., Baransky, A., Vorontseva, A., Salvo, R., Roland, S., Dymock, R., Pritchett, N. E., Dupouy, P., de Vanssay, J. B., Rinner, C., Kugel, F., Shurpakov, S., Linder, J., Nicolas, J., Overhaus, C., Montoro, L., Haeusler, B., Bryssinck, E., Plaksa, S., Diepvens, A., Gerke, V., Aledo, J., Ivanov, A., Ivanov, V., Lyashenko, A., Bogachev, N., Lysenko, V., Dangl, G., Roser, O., Aguilar, E., Gaitan, J., Nevski, V., Novichonok, A., Ivanov, D., Dekelver, P.-J., Sugiyama, Y., Hills, K., Takahashi, T., Herald, D., Drummond, J., Bergonio, J. M. R., Brandt, D., Sherrod, P. C., Lozano, J., Carrillo, J., Limon, F., Gonzalez, J., Carreno, A., Piqueras, J., Hernandez, J. F., Baez, J., Pinilla, F. G., Garcia, F., Muler, G., Fletcher, J., Birtwhistle, P., and Williams, G. V., 2012, "Observations and Orbits of Comets", MPEC, , 16. 2012MPEC....R...16K.

  48. Kostov, A., Vassileva, L., Bacci, P., Vergari, S., Tesi, L., Fagioli, G., Zakrajsek, J., Casali, M., Coffano, A., Marinello, W., Micheli, M., Pizzetti, G., Antonini, P., Haver, R., Gorelli, R., Jaeger, M., Prosperi, E., Vollmann, W., Buzzi, L., Naves, R., Campas, M., Hasubick, W., Ligustri, R., Nishiyama, K., Hashimoto, N., Kadota, K., Seki, T., Shimomoto, S., Sato, H., Bill, H., Arnold, L., Baransky, A., Barinova, K., Vorontseva, A., Pettarin, E., Grauer, A. D., Hill, R. E., Ahern, J. D., Beshore, E. C., Boattini, A., Garradd, G. J., Gibbs, A. R., Tricarico, P., Kowalski, R. A., Larson, S. M., McNaught, R. H., Blythe, M., Spitz, G., Brungard, R., Paige, J., Festler, P., McVey, T., Valdivia, A., Gall, C., Durig, D. T., Ikari, Y., Castellano, J., Dymock, R., Vidal, J. R., Karami, M., Fathivavsari, H., Vaduvescu, O., Bryssinck, E., Linder, J., Nicolas, J., Martignoni, M., Haeusler, B., Noel, T., Diepvens, A., Zilch, T., Gerke, V., Novichonok, A., Steffl, A., Tremosa, L., Caimmi, M., Balanytsa, P., Lipunov, V., Zimnukhov, D., Gorbovskoy, E., Shurpakov, S., Hills, K., Koishikawa, M., Takahashi, T., Herald, D., Camilleri, P., Drummond, J., Guido, E., Sostero, G., Howes, N., Sherrod, P. C., Bell, C., Ortiz, J. L., Morales, N., de, I., Ambrosioni Prosen, C., Jehin, E., Manfroid, J., Gillon, M., Hutsemekers, D., Magain, P., Buczynski, D., Limon, F., Gonzalez, J., Rinner, C., Kugel, F., Benkhaldoun, Z., Muler, G., Ruiz, J. M., and Williams, G. V., 2012, "Observations and Orbits of Comets", MPEC, , 23. 2012MPEC....B...23K.

  49. Lagerkvist, C.-I., Boattini, A., Vaduvescu, O., and Galad, A., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [809 European Southern Observatory]", MPC, 79996, 5. 2012MPC..79996...5L.

  50. Levan, A. J., Tanvir, N. R., and Hrudkova, M., 2012, "GRB 120521C: WHT optical observations.", GCN, 13322, 1. 2012GCN..13322...1L.

  51. Mackay, C., Rebolo-López, R., Femenia Castellá, B., Crass, J., King, D. L., Labadie, L., Aisher, P., Pérez Garrido, A., Balcells, M., Díaz-Sánchez, A., Jimenez Fuensalida, J., Lopez, R. L., Oscoz, A., Pérez Prieto, J. A., Rodríguez-Ramos, L. F., and Villó, I., 2012, "AOLI: Adaptive Optics Lucky Imager: diffraction limited imaging in the visible on large ground-based telescopes", SPIE, 8446, 2012SPIE.8446E..21M.

  52. Marinova, I., Jogee, S., Weinzirl, T., Erwin, P., Trentham, N., Ferguson, H. C., Hammer, D., den Brok, M., Graham, A. W., Carter, D., Balcells, M., Goudfrooij, P., Guzmán, R., Hoyos, C., Mobasher, B., Mouhcine, M., Peletier, R. F., Peng, E. W., and Verdoes Kleijn, G., 2012, "The HST/ACS Coma Cluster Survey. VIII. Barred Disk Galaxies in the Core of the Coma Cluster", ApJ, 746, 136. 2012ApJ...746..136M.

  53. McCall, M. L., Vaduvescu, O., Pozo Nunez, F., Barr Dominguez, A., Fingerhut, R., Unda-Sanzana, E., Li, B., and Albrecht, M., 2012, "Fundamentals of the dwarf fundamental plane", A&A, 540, A49. 2012A&A...540A..49M.

  54. Mikuz, H., Maticic, S., and Skvarc, J., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [106 Crni Vrh]", MPC, 79972, 1. 2012MPC..79972...1M.

  55. Mikuz, H., Maticic, S., Skvarc, J., Vales, J., and Zakrajsek, J., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [106 Crni Vrh]", MPC, 78327, 6. 2012MPC..78327...6M.

  56. Mikuz, H., Mikuz, B., Maticic, S., and Skvarc, J., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [106 Crni Vrh]", MPC, 79141, 4. 2012MPC..79141...4M.

  57. Mikuz, H. and Skvarc, J., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [106 Crni Vrh]", MPC, 81616, 1. 2012MPC..81616...1M.

  58. Mikuz, H. and Skvarc, J., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [106 Crni Vrh]", MPC, 81142, 8. 2012MPC..81142...8M.

  59. Mikuz, H. and Skvarc, J., 2012, "Comet Observations [106 Crni Vrh]", MPC, 80062, 3. 2012MPC..80062...3M.

  60. Mikuz, H., Skvarc, J., Jaeger, M., Prosperi, E., Vollmann, W., Apitzsch, R., Foglia, S., Galli, G., Naves, R., Campas, M., Abe, H., Seki, T., Shimomoto, S., Gilmore, A. C., Kilmartin, P. M., Arnold, L., Baransky, A., Simon, A., Ponomarenko, V., Barinova, K., Zhdanov, A., Scotti, J. V., Ikari, Y., Castellano, J., Ferrando, R., James, N., Rinner, C., Shurpakov, S., Thinius, B., Nicolas, J., Bel, J., Overhaus, C., Borghini, W., Frazzica, C., Santini, M., Freguia, N., Montoro, L., Bryssinck, E., Geyer, R., Sachot, G., Diepvens, A., Dangl, G., Mantero, A., Gaitan, J., Ohshima, Y., Hills, K., Takahashi, T., Herald, D., Hadnett, J., Sato, H., Sherrod, P. C., Lozano, J., Martin, J. L., Limon, F., Gonzalez, J., Carreno, A., Piqueras, J., Pena Ciriza, F., Pinilla, F. G., Garcia, F., Muler, G., Canales, O., Benavides, R., and Williams, G. V., 2012, "Observations and Orbits of Comets", MPEC, , 23. 2012MPEC....Q...23M.

  61. Mikuz, H., Skvarc, J., and Mikuz, B., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [106 Crni Vrh]", MPC, 79747, 5. 2012MPC..79747...5M.

  62. Mikuz, H., Skvarc, J., Mikuz, B., Maticic, S., Zakrajsek, J., and Vales, J., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [106 Crni Vrh]", MPC, 80453, 6. 2012MPC..80453...6M.

  63. Mikuz, H., Skvarc, J., Mikuz, B., Vales, J., Zakrajsek, J., and Maticic, S., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [106 Crni Vrh]", MPC, 78785, 2. 2012MPC..78785...2M.

  64. Mikuz, H., Skvarc, J., Vales, J., Maticic, S., and Zakrajsek, J., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [106 Crni Vrh]", MPC, 77922, 7. 2012MPC..77922...7M.

  65. Mikuz, H., Vales, J., Skvarc, J., and Mikuz, B., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [106 Crni Vrh]", MPC, 80114, 8. 2012MPC..80114...8M.

  66. Mikuz, H., Vales, J., Zakrajsek, J., and Skvarc, J., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [106 Crni Vrh]", MPC, 79474, 1. 2012MPC..79474...1M.

  67. Mikuz, H., Zakrajsek, J., Skvarc, J., Maticic, S., Vales, J., and Mikuz, B., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [106 Crni Vrh]", MPC, 77580, 1. 2012MPC..77580...1M.

  68. Pravec, P., Scheirich, P., Vokrouhlický, D., Harris, A. W., Kušnirák, P., Hornoch, K., Pray, D. P., Higgins, D., Galád, A., Világi, J., Gajdoš, Š., Kornoš, L., Oey, J., Husárik, M., Cooney, W. R., Gross, J., Terrell, D., Durkee, R., Pollock, J., Reichart, D. E., Ivarsen, K., Haislip, J., Lacluyze, A., Krugly, Y. N., Gaftonyuk, N., Stephens, R. D., Dyvig, R., Reddy, V., Chiorny, V., Vaduvescu, O., Longa-Peña, P., Tudorica, A., Warner, B. D., Masi, G., Brinsfield, J., Gonçalves, R., Brown, P., Krzeminski, Z., Gerashchenko, O., Shevchenko, V., Molotov, I., and Marchis, F., 2012, "Binary asteroid population. 2. Anisotropic distribution of orbit poles of small, inner main-belt binaries", Icar, 218, 125. 2012Icar..218..125P.

  69. Skvarc, J., Buzzi, L., Bressi, T. H., Cozzi, E., Primak, N., Schultz, A., Watters, S., Thiel, J., Goggia, T., Ryan, W. H., Ryan, E. V., Losse, F., Birtwhistle, P., and Tomatic, A. U., 2012, "2012 DJ61", MPEC, , 12. 2012MPEC....E...12S.

  70. Skvarc, J., Buzzi, L., McMillan, R. S., Pettarin, E., Vivona, M., Boattini, A., Ahern, J. D., Beshore, E. C., Garradd, G. J., Gibbs, A. R., Tricarico, P., Grauer, A. D., Hill, R. E., Kowalski, R. A., Larson, S. M., McNaught, R. H., McGaha, J. E., Cozzi, E., Carbognani, A., Andreev, M., Sergeev, A., Parakhin, N., Kozlov, V., Karpov, N., Mills, M., Losse, F., and Tomatic, A. U., 2012, "2012 DZ13", MPEC, , 48. 2012MPEC....D...48S.

  71. Skvarc, J., Casali, M., Coffano, A., Marinello, W., Micheli, M., Pizzetti, G., Bregoli, I., Haver, R., Gorelli, R., Jaeger, M., Prosperi, E., Vollmann, W., Burhonov, O., Novichonok, A., Foglia, S., Galli, G., Naves N., R., Campas, M., Hasubick, W., Abe, H., Seki, T., Gilmore, A. C., Kilmartin, P. M., Kashuba, S., Kashuba, V., Gorbanev, Y., Podlesnyak, S., Stogneeva, I., Baransky, A., Simon, A., Ponomarenko, V., Barinova, K., Zhdanov, A., McMillan, R. S., Johnson, J. A., Boattini, A., Christensen, E. J., Gibbs, A. R., Grauer, A. D., Hill, R. E., Kowalski, R. A., Larson, S. M., McNaught, R. H., Moritz, N., Elliott, R., Ikari, Y., Castellano, J., Dupouy, P., de Vanssay, J. B., James, N., Denzau, H., Shurpakov, S., Nevski, V., Nicolas, J., Overhaus, C., Montoro, L., Noel, T., Bryssinck, E., Diepvens, A., Gerke, V., Dangl, G., Soriano, M., Aguilar, E., Gaitan, J., Ohshima, Y., Sugiyama, Y., Hills, K., Takahashi, T., Drummond, J., Primak, N., Schultz, A., Watters, S., Thiel, J., Goggia, T., Urbanik, M., Sato, H., Sherrod, P. C., Bell, C., Masek, M., Cerny, J., Ebr, J., Prouza, M., Kubanek, P., Jelinek, M., Lozano, J., Martin, J. L., Betoret, A., Carballo, J. G., Limon, F., Gonzalez, J., Pinilla, F. G., Garcia, F., Rinner, C., Fletcher, J., and Williams, G. V., 2012, "Observations and Orbits of Comets", MPEC, , 70. 2012MPEC....Q...70S.

  72. Skvarc, J., Gajdos, S., Kornos, L., Johnson, J. A., Boattini, A., Christensen, E. J., Gibbs, A. R., Grauer, A. D., Hill, R. E., Kowalski, R. A., Larson, S. M., McNaught, R. H., Holmes, R., Vorobjov, T., Buzzi, L., Foglia, S., Devore, H., and Hug, G., 2012, "2012 VL94", MPEC, , 23. 2012MPEC....W...23S.

  73. Skvarc, J., Gibbs, A. R., Ahern, J. D., Beshore, E. C., Boattini, A., Garradd, G. J., Tricarico, P., Grauer, A. D., Hill, R. E., Kowalski, R. A., Larson, S. M., McNaught, R. H., McGaha, J. E., Ryan, W. H., Ryan, E. V., Holmes, R., Vorobjov, T., Buzzi, L., Foglia, S., Birtwhistle, P., and Tomatic, A. U., 2012, "2012 FM", MPEC, , 28. 2012MPEC....F...28S.

  74. Skvarc, J., Griesser, M., Buzzi, L., McMillan, R. S., Pettarin, E., Vivona, M., Boattini, A., Ahern, J. D., Beshore, E. C., Garradd, G. J., Gibbs, A. R., Tricarico, P., Grauer, A. D., Hill, R. E., Kowalski, R. A., Larson, S. M., McNaught, R. H., McGaha, J. E., Cozzi, E., Carbognani, A., Andreev, M., Sergeev, A., Parakhin, N., Kozlov, V., Karpov, N., Corelli, P., Hills, K., Primak, N., Schultz, A., Watters, S., Thiel, J., Goggia, T., Mills, M., Losse, F., and Tomatic, A. U., 2012, "2012 DX13", MPEC, , 46. 2012MPEC....D...46S.

  75. Skvarc, J., Ligustri, R., Falla, N., Sato, H., Urbanik, M., Henrichs, M., Pritchett, N. E., York, P. F., Joseph, C., Bacci, P., Breukers, M. G. J., Suzuki, M., Bryssinck, E., Sokolovsky, K., Guido, E., Sostero, G., and Howes, N., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [H06 iTelescope Observatory, Mayhill]", MPC, 81452, 3. 2012MPC..81452...3S.

  76. Skvarc, J., Mikuz, B., Maticic, S., Mikuz, H., Gajdos, S., Buzzi, L., Tichy, M., Ticha, J., Kocer, M., Honkova, M., Fabris, F., Pettarin, E., Lister, T., Pietschnig, M., Holmes, R., Vorobjov, T., Foglia, S., Devore, H., Hug, G., and Birtwhistle, P., 2012, "2012 RH3", MPEC, , 25. 2012MPEC....R...25S.

  77. Skvarc, J., Mikuz, H., and Maticic, S., 2012, "Comet Observations [106 Crni Vrh]", MPC, 80335, 4. 2012MPC..80335...4S.

  78. Skvarc, J., Pettarin, E., Christensen, E. J., Boattini, A., Gibbs, A. R., Grauer, A. D., Hill, R. E., Kowalski, R. A., Larson, S. M., McNaught, R. H., and Tomatic, A. U., 2012, "2012 KD6", MPEC, , 25. 2012MPEC....K...25S.

  79. Skvarc, J., Primak, N., Schultz, A., Watters, S., Thiel, J., Goggia, T., Fulton, B. J., Lister, T., and Tomatic, A. U., 2012, "2012 CP36", MPEC, , 5. 2012MPEC....D...05S.

  80. Skvarc, J. and Williams, G. V., 2012, "Comet C/2012 a2 (linear)", MPEC, , 8. 2012MPEC....B...08S.

  81. Summers, D., Abrams, D. C., Skvarč, J., Amico, P., and Kuntschner, H., 2012, "A decade of operations with the laser traffic control system: paradigm shift and implied development directions", SPIE, 8447, 2012SPIE.8447E..4SS.

  82. Tanvir, N. R., Wiersema, K., Levan, A. J., Cucchiara, A., Perley, D., Hirst, P., Carroll, T., Kerr, T., Varricatt, W., Farina, C., Hrudkova, M., and Ker, L., 2012, "GRB 120521C redshift estimate.", GCN, 13348, 1. 2012GCN..13348...1T.

  83. Tkachenko, A., Aerts, C., Pavlovski, K., Southworth, J., Degroote, P., Debosscher, J., Still, M., Bryson, S., Molenberghs, G., Bloemen, S., de Vries, B. L., Hrudkova, M., Lombaert, R., Neyskens, P., Pápics, P. I., Raskin, G., Van Winckel, H., Morris, R. L., Sanderfer, D. T., and Seader, S. E., 2012, "Detection of gravity modes in the massive binary V380 Cyg from Kepler space-based photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy", MNRAS, 424, L21. 2012MNRAS.424L..21T.

  84. Vaduvescu, O., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [950 La Palma]", MPC, 80649, 6. 2012MPC..80649...6V.

  85. Vaduvescu, O., 2012, "Minor Planet Observations [950 La Palma]", MPC, 79787, 2. 2012MPC..79787...2V.

  86. Vaduvescu, O., Badescu, T., Lacatus, D., Paraschiv, A., Popescu, M., Suciu, O., Tudorica, A., Primak, N., Schultz, A., Watters, S., Thiel, J., Goggia, T., and Williams, G. V., 2012, "2007 JF22", MPEC, , 82. 2012MPEC....D...82V.

  87. Vaduvescu, O., Popescu, M., Tudorica, A., Conovici, M., Birlan, M., Badescu, T., Sonka, A., Lacatus, D., Paraschiv, A., Curelaru, L., Ursache, F., Vidican, D., Dascalu, M., Opriseanu, C., and Grigore, V., 2012, "Data Mining the SuprimeCam Archive for Near Earth Asteroids", LPICo, 1667, 6235. 2012LPICo1667.6235V.

  88. Wiersema, K., van der Horst, A. J., Levan, A. J., Tanvir, N. R., Karjalainen, R., Kamble, A., Kouveliotou, C., Metzger, B. D., Russell, D. M., Skillen, I., Starling, R. L. C., and Wijers, R. A. M. J., 2012, "Polarimetry of the transient relativistic jet of GRB 110328/Swift J164449.3+573451", MNRAS, 421, 1942. 2012MNRAS.421.1942W.

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