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Former Research Staff


Staff Username
Post Publications Research interests Left
Alberto MadrigalamadrigalObserving Support AssistantADSInstrumentation, galaxies, site testingJan 2025
Ovidiu Vaduvescu [Page] ovidiuvObserving Support ScientistADSDwarf galaxies, near Earth asteroids, data mining and surveys, education and public outreach, astronomical observatories.Dec 2023
Richard Ashley rashleyObserving Support AssistantADSWhite dwarfs and compact binary objectsFeb 2023
Lucía SuárezlsuarezStaff ObserverADSChemical abundances in stars with and without planets.Jan 2023
Marie KarjalainenmhObserving Support ScientistADS M. Hrudkova
ADS M. Karjalainen
Stellar oscillations and planets of G and K giant stars, transiting extrasolar planets.Dec 2018
Florencia JiménezfjimenezObserving Support AssistantADSLow-mass star-forming galaxies at different redshiftsSep 2018
Rosa ClaverorclaveroObserving Support AssistantADSAstroparticle physics and Very-High-Energy gamma-ray astronomy; Active Galactic Nuclei.Sep 2018
James McCormacjmccObserving Support AssistantADSTransiting extrasolar planets.Jul 2014
Samantha RixsrixObserving Support ScientistADSHigh redshift star-forming galaxies, quasar absorption line systems.Jan 2014
Raine KarjalainenrkObserving Support ScientistADSPlanetary rings, exoplanets.Jun 2021
Richard Ashley rashleyStaff ObserverADSWhite dwarfs and compact binary objectsOctober 203
Andrew Cardwell cardwell Observing Support Assistant ADS Feb 2012
Juan Carlos Guerra jcg Observing Support Assistant ADS Apr 2011
Miguel Santander García msantander Observing Support Scientist   Dec 2010
Pablo Rodríguez Gil prguez Observing Support Scientist   1) Double degenerates and low-mass X-ray binaries. Ultra-compact binaries; 2) Magnetic accretion in binaries; 3) Low states of CVs; 4) Central stars of planetary nebulae: search for binarity. Nov 2010
Daniel Bramich dmb Observing Support Scientist   Sep 2009
Romano Corradi rcorradi Senior Support Astronomer   Oct 2008
Javier Licandro licandro Observing Support Scientist   Dec 2007
Danny Lennon djl Head of Astronomy   Nov 2007
Michael Schirmer mischa Observing Support Scientist   Oct 2007
Pierre Leisy pleisy Support Astronomer   Aug 2007
Robert Greimel greimel Data Flow Scientist   Dec 2006
Roy Østensen roy Support Astronomer   Apr 2006
Chris Evans cre Research Postdoc   Sep 2005
Marco Azzaro azzaro Telescope Operator   Jan 2004
Almudena Zurita azurita Support astronomer   Jan 2004
Sebastian Els sels Marie Curie Fellow   2003
Francisco Prada fprada Support Astronomer   Aug 2003
Ilona Söchting ilona Marie Curie Fellow   Dec 2003
Peter Sørensen pms Telescope operator   Oct 2003
Saskia Telting-Prins saskia Astronomical Software Development   Oct 2003



Name Username
Home institution ING supervisor Research interests Left
Joshua BishopjoshuabishopSheffield University, UKSep 2024
Jaya ChandjayachandDurham University, UKOct 2024
Benjamin GodsonbenjamingodsonUniversity of Warwick, UKOct 2024
Ida JaniakidajaniakUniversity of Manchester, UKSep 2024
Llanos MartinezllanosmartinezInstituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, ESSep 2024
Alejandro SantosalejandrosantosUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya, ESSep 2024
Shravya ShenoyshravyashenoyHertfordshire University, UKSep 2024
Freya BarwellfbarwellUniversity of Sheffield, UKDark matter and dark matter detection techniques, gravitational lensing.Sep 2023
Ross Dobson [ Page ] rdobsonUniversity College LondonExoplanet discovery and characterization, asteroseismology of host stars, machine learning, astronomical instrumentation and software.Sep 2023
Kiran JhasskjhassUniversity of SheffieldSep 2023
James MundayjmundayUniversity of Warwick, UKI am a PhD student researching the most compact binary star systems in the Milky Way. My focus is towards double white dwarf binaries with orbital periods ranging from 10 hours to a mere 5 minutes.Nov 2023
Judith SantosjsantosUniversity of La Laguna, ESJavier MéndezStar Formation History of the Milky Way, galaxy formation and evolution and public outreachOct 2023
Kane SjobergksjobergHarvard College, Astrophysics & Physics Department, USAAug 2023
Jacobus Hendrikus TerweljhterwelUniversity of Dublin, IrelandSupernovae Type Ia, Ia-CSM, peculiar supernovae, CosmologySep 2023
Kellie de VoskdevosUniversity of Nottingham, UKSep 2023
Pablo GalánpgalanArmagh and Queens University, UKExtragalactic physics, cosmologic and n-body simulations, extragalactic planetary neabulae, galaxy clusters and galaxy evolution.Sep 2022
Rosa HoogenboomrhoogenboomLeiden University, NL(Exo)planets and interstellar medium. Astrochemistry.Sep 2022
George HumeghumeSheffield University, UKTrans-Neptunian Objects; Solar System formation and evolution; Binary Star Systems; Planetary NebulaeSep 2022
Conor RansomecransomeLiverpool John Moores University, UKTransients and transient diversity, with a focus on classical novae and type IIn supernovae and constraining their progenitors.May 2022
Monu SharmamsharmaUCL, UKThe baryon cycle at different epochs in the history of the universe. Star forming Galaxies, their formation and evolution. Global dust attenuation relations.Sep 2022
Dimitris SouropanisdsouropanisUniversity of Athens, GreeceType Ia supernovae, binary systems, accreting white dwarfs, radiation transfer and photo-ionizationDec 2022
Clár-Brid TohillcbtohillUniversity of Nottingham, UKGalaxy morphology and evolution, high-redshift galaxies, machine learning techniques.Dec 2022
Paige YarkerpyarkerSheffield University, UKSep 2022
Enrico BiancalanienricobLeiden University & Delft University of Technology, the NetherlandsPhoto-detectors; telescopic optics; exo-planetologyOct 2021
Carlos Celma QuerolcarloscqUniversitat Politecnica de Catalunya, ESAccretion disks,binary systems, astrophysical turbulence, material ejecta,supernovas and novas.Oct 2021
Ignacio García SorianoignaciogsUNED, ESGalaxy evolution, starburst galaxies and stellar chemical abundances.Sep 2021
Darío González PicosdariogpLeiden University, NLExoplanets, planetary atmospheres and astrobiology.Aug 2021
Nada IhanecnadaiAstronomical Observatory University of Warsaw, PolandTransients related to Black Holes; Transients in the Nucleus of Galaxies, Electromagnetic counterparts of Gravitational Waves, Microlensing eventsOct 2021
Pol Massana ZapatapolmzUniversity of Surrey, UKFormation and evolution of galaxies using as a laboratory our immediate surroundings, with focus in understanding the past evolution of the Magellanic Clouds.Dec 2021
Jordan SimpsonjordanspSheffield University, UKCataclysmic variables, post-common-envelope binaries, planetary nebulae, and exoplanets.Dec 2021
Jacob L. WisejacobwSheffield University, UKAsteroid detection, star formation histories in galaxies and binary stars.Sep 2021
Nicholas AmosnamosLancaster University, UKGalaxy and cluster dynamics, highest redshift galaxy clusters, galaxy morphology, galaxy evolution, Environmental quenching across cosmic time, IFU instrumentation.Sep 2020
Rebeca GalerargaleraInstituto de Astrofísica de Canarias/University of La Laguna, SpainISM, Planetary Nebulae. Chemical Abundances & ADF, LG Galaxies, Stellar and galactic evolutionary models, Observing & Public Outreach.Jun 2020
Macarena GarcíammacarenaInstituto de Astrofísica de Canarias/University of La Laguna, SpainStar-forming galaxies and regions, galactic feedback, galaxy evolution, high redshift SNe-Ia and their hosts, SN-Ia cosmology, instrumentation.Sep 2020
Jacob HibbertjmhibbertSheffield University, UKComets, planets, globular clusters.Sep 2020
Viktoria PintervpinterUniversity of Craiova, RomaniaOvidiu VaduvescuDwarf galaxies, galaxy evolution, asteroid detection, gravitational waves.Jan 2021
Thomas SteinmetztsteinmetzSheffield University, UKAGN and outflows, Galaxy kinematics and evolution, Observations.Sep 2020
Belén Alcalde PampliegabelenalcUniversidad Complutense de Madrid, Spainhigh redshift galaxies, galaxy evolution,instrumentationDec 2019
Thomas A. Davison tdavisonUniversity College London, UKGalaxy formation, compact & early dwarf galaxies, observing, telescopes, public outreach, astrophotographyDec 2019
Luke Holden lholdenUniversity of Sheffield, UKActive Galactic Nuclei, Galaxy Evolution, Instrumentation, Public OutreachSep 2019
David Nespral dnespralIAC, SpainExoplanets, atmospheres, transit photometry, observing, public outreachAug 2019
Abel de Burgos Sierra [ Page ] abelburgosUniversidad Complutense de Madrid, SpainStellar physics and stellar associations, supergiants, cold stars, observing, instrumentation, space, astrophotographyOct 2019
Alexander BrownalexUniversity of Sheffield, UKSep 2018
Rachel CochranerachelUniversity of Edinburgh, UKGalaxy star formation and evolution across cosmic time.Sep 2018
Lara MonteagudolaraUniversity of La Laguna/IACStar formation history in the Large Magellanic Cloud.Dec 2018
Thomas WilsonthomasUniversity College London, UKDebris disks around white dwarfs and comets.Dec 2018
Tarik ZegmotttarikUniversity of Kent, UKPhysical properties of asteroids.Sep 2018
Francisco GalindofgalindoCAB, SpainAstrostatistics; open clusters; stellar ages; brown dwarfs and low-mass stars.Sep 2017
Bartosz GauzabgauzaIAC, SpainSearches and characterization of very low-mass stars and substellar objects (brown dwarfs and planetary mass objects), especially as companions to stars.Feb 2017
Taoran Litaoran National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NAOC), Beijing, ChinaOvidiu VaduvescuStray light in telescopes and mirror seeing researchMar 2017
David ModianodmodianoUniversity of Sheffield, UKAGN jets, exoplanets, and star formation.Sep 2017
Philip ShortpshortUniversity of Sheffield, UKSome experience in active galactic nuclei: projects both looking at the effects of AGN on galaxy evolution (gas outflows and emission mechanisms), and also studying the physics of AGN jets.Sep 2017
Lucía SuárezlsuarezIAC, SpainChemical abundances in stars with and without planets.Dec 2017
Richard AshleyrashleyUniversity of Warwick, UKOvidiu VaduvescuWhite dwarfs and compact binary objectsDec 2016
Nicholas HumphriesnikSheffield University, UKChris BennEvolution of light pollution on La PalmaSep 2016
Luis PeraltaperaltaInstituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, SpainMarc BalcellsGrowth of massive galaxies through cosmic time.Nov 2016
Paulina SowickapaulinaNicolas Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warshaw, PolandCecilia FariñaThe Zoo of variable central stars of planetary nebulaeSep 2016
Martha TabormarthaNottingham University, UKLilian DomínguezSpectroscopic bulge-disk decompositions of MaNGASep 2016
Charlotte CarlislecharlotteSheffield University, UKMarc BalcellsMassive galaxies at intermediate redshiftsSep 2015
Manuel Díaz AlfaromanuelIAC, SpainLilian DomínguezHelioseismology, asteroseismology.Sep 2015
Ronny ErrmannronnyUniversity of Jena, GermanyOvidiu VaduvescuExoplanets, young stars, integrated optics and vortex coronagraphyDec 2015
Fátima LópezfatimaUniversidad Complutense de Madrid, SpainCecilia FariñaStar-forming regions, young stellar objects and T Tauri starsDec 2015
Iñaki OrdóñezinakiUniversidad del País Vasco, SpainJavier MéndezSolar-System planets and planetary cartography.Sep 2015
Fanny StevancefannyUniversity of Sheffield, UKOvidiu VaduvescuStars, near Earth asteroids photometry and light-curves.Aug 2015
Teo Mocnik teo University of Manchester, UK Marie Hrudkova PNe, exoplanets. MSc thesis: 'The Unusual Central Star of the Planetary Nebula Sh2-71'.
Saeed Doostmohammadi Saeed Iranian National Observatory Ovidiu Vaduvescu Ph.D. Student. Spectrum of Active Galactic Nuclei as the sources of Ultra-High energy cosmic rays
Nicola Pietro Gentile Fusillo nicola University of Warwick, UK Ian Skillen PhD student, thesis: "Stellar and planetary remnants in large area surveys" Sep 2014
Nick Hammar nick University of Victoria, Canada Emilie L'Homé Astronomy optics Aug 2014
Hristo Stoev hristo Centro de Astrobiología, Spain Ovidiu Vaduvescu Stellar variability in the near-infrared. Classification of variable stars. Oct 2014
Vlad Tudor vlad Leicester University, UK Ovidiu Vaduvescu Dwarf fundamental plane extension to other galaxies. INT seeing investigation. Sep 2014
Doug Arnold darnold Liverpool John Moores University's Astrophysics Research Institute (ARI), UK Lilian Domínguez 1st year PhD student, thesis: "RINGO3: A multi-wavelength Polarimeter for Time Domain Astrophysics" Sep 2013
Ariadna González Fernández ariadnag University of La Laguna, Spain Cecilia Fariña MSc student, thesis: "Search and Characterization of Thörne-Zytkow Objects"Nov 2013
Yudish Ramanjooloo yudish Mullard Space Science Laboratory (MSSL), University College London (UCL), UK Raine Karjalainen 3rd year Ph.D. student, thesis: "The structure of the inner heliosphere as revealed by comets"
Pieter van Oers pietero University of Southampton, UK Chris Benn 3rd year Ph.D. student, thesis: "Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei by studying their local counterparts (stellar-mass black holes in our Galaxy) and assuming the physics scales" Sep 2013
Dora Föhring df Durham University, UK Ian Skillen Extrasolar planets, fast photometry, atmospheric turbulence simulations and atmospheric profiling. Sep 2012
Liam Hardy lh University of Sheffield, UK Chris Benn [undergraduate] Oct 2012
Hugo Ledo hl University of Hertfordshire, UK Ovidiu Vaduvescu Assembling history of early-type galaxies. Sep 2012
Lee Patrick leep University of Sheffield, UK Lilian Domínguez Nuclear Star Clusters Oct 2012
Mansour Karami mansour Sharif Univ. of Technology, Iran Chris Benn Cosmic structure formation, modified gravity and dark energy, gravitational lensing Apr 2012
Hassan Fathivavsari hassan Tabriz Univ., Iran Chris Benn Quasar absorption-line systems Apr 2012
Amy Tyndall atyndall Univ. of Manchester, UK Romano Corradi (IAC) Planetary Nebulae morphology and their binary central stars. Sep 2011
Lindsay Magill lmagill Queen's Univ. Belfast, UK Chris Benn Core-collapse supernovae. Sep 2011
Ilona Busenbender ibusenbender IAC, Spain Andrew Cardwell Outskirts of Galaxies. Sep 2011
Annemieke Janssen ajanssen Rijks Universiteit Groningen, The Netherlands Neil O'Mahony, Chris Benn Astronomical instrumentation Aug 2011
Shant Baghram shant Sharif Univ. of Technology, Iran Chris Benn Dark energy and modified gravity Apr 2011
James McCormac jmcc Queen's Univ. Belfast, UK. Ian Skillen. Transiting extrasolar planets.
Eleanor Dyke edyke Univ. of Hertfordshire, UK. Sam Rix and Ovidiu Vaduvescu. Lyman-Alpha emitters and Lyman-Alpha blobs.
Daniel Hurley dhurley Univ. College Cork, Ireland Pablo Rodríguez Low mass X-ray binaries
Florencia Jiménez Luján fjimenez Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Chris Benn
Evelyn Johnston ejohnston The Univ. of Sheffield, UK Pablo Rodríguez Cataclysmic Variable Stars
Florencia Jiménez Luján fjimenez Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Chris Benn
David Jones djones Univ. of Manchester, UK Samantha Rix and Miguel Santander
María del Mar Rubio Díez mrubio Universidad de La Laguna, Spain Miguel Santander
Stylianos Pyrzas spyrzas Univ. of Warwick, UK Pablo Rodríguez
Sarah Barker [ web ] sbarker Univ. of Sheffield, UK Chris Benn
Marica Valentini mvalentini Astronomical Observatory of Padova, Univ. of Padova, Italy Romano Corradi
Tiina Liimets tiina Tartu Observatory, Estonia Romano Corradi
Marie Hrudkova marie Charles Univ., Czech Rep. Ian Skillen/Chris Benn
Ian Hunter ihunter Queen's Univ. Belfast, UK Danny Lennon
Miguel Santander-García msantander Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Spain Romano Corradi
Paul Behrens [ web ] Univ. of Sheffield, UK Chris Benn
José Antonio Caballero Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
Andrew Cardwell Open University, UK
Samantha Hickey Univ. of Hertfordshire, UK Ian Skillen
Richard Parker Univ. of Sheffield, UK Carry Trundle/Danny Lennon
Laurence Sabin Univ. of Manchester, UK Romano Corradi
Mansura Jaigirdar Univ. of Hertfordshire, UK
James Furness Univ. of Sheffield, UK
Sergio Simón Díaz Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Spain
Carrie Trundle Queen's Univ. Belfast, UK
Antonio García Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, Spain
Dimitris Mislis Univ. of Thessalonika, Greece
David Russell [ web ] Univ. of Hertfordshire, UK Chris Benn
Neville Styles Univ. of Hertfordshire, UK
Chris Bee Univ. of Hertfordshire, UK
Colin Davenport Univ. of Sheffield, UK
Jo Goodger Queen Mary College, London, UK
Mikel Lamensans
Carrie Trundle Queen's Univ. Belfast, UK
Stuart Folkes
Antonio García
Hannah Worters
Shelley Wright [ web ] University of California, Santa Cruz, USA
Daniel Bramich Cambridge University
C. Crowley Trinity College Dublin
Stuart Folkes Hertfordshire University
Richard Hijmering Nijmegen University
Joanna Holt Sheffield University
A. Tayal Hertfordshire University
Carrie Trudle QUB
Hannah Worters Sheffield University
Jay Abbot Hertfordshire University
Daniel Batcheldor [ web ] Hertfordshire University
Rachel Curran Hertfordshire UniversityChris Benn
Andrew Humphrey Hertfordshire University
Jay Abbot Hertfordshire University
Andrew Humphrey Hertfordshire University

Research guests

Name Username
(+34 922 425 ext.)
Home institution ING contact Research interests Period
Anahi GranadaNational Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), ArgentinaCecilia FarinaVisit supported by the OCEANS project within the Horizon Europe Framework Programme – Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions & Support to Experts (MSCA Staff Exchanges). The goal is to initiate a collaborative project on WEAVE observations.Jan 2025-
Reynier PeletierGroningen University, NLMarc BalcellsWorking on WEAVE dataJan 2025-
Huw MorrisSTFC, UKChris BennApr 2019
Marc FrincuWest University of Timisoara, RomaniaOvidiu VaduvescuBig data analysis, cloud computing, near Earth asteroidsSep 2019
Steve GuestSTFC, UKChris BennApr 2019
Viktoria PinterUniversity of Craiova, RomaniaOvidiu VaduvescuDwarf elliptical galaxies, near Earth asteroids, gravitational waveformsSep 2019
Saeed DoostmohammadiKerman University, IranChris BennObservatory/telescope design, operationJan 2018
Claudia de Sousa MirandaclaudiaUniversity College LondonChris BennSep 2017
Denisa Copandeanguest24Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, RomaniaOvidiu VaduvescuSoftware pipeline for detection of moving sources (asteroids) in astronomical images - classic and digital tracking methodsJan 2017
Guillermo Luis BoschFacultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, ArgentinaCecilia FariñaMassive stars and massive star formation. Starburst regions. Young stellar populations. Oct 2016
Radu Corneaguest22Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy, RomaniaOvidiu VaduvescuSolar System astronomy with emphasis on minor bodies ‐ asteroids and comets.2016
Klaus FuhrmannklausJavier MéndezAbundance analyses of FGK-type stars; exoplanet host stars; stellar populations; thick- and thin-disc; formation and evolution of the Milky Way2016
Hristo StoevhristoCentro de Astrobiología, SpainOvidiu VaduvescuStellar variability in the near-infrared. Classification of variable stars. Nov 2015
Matteo FrigomfrigoInstituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, SpainMarc Balcells2015
Marcel Popescumpopescu (441)Astronomical Institute of the Romanian Academy (Romania)Ovidiu VaduvescuSolar System astronomy with emphasis on minor bodie ‐ asteroids and comets.Summer 2014
Patrick Sandquist psandquist University of St. Andrews, UK James McCormac and Raine Karjalainen Twilight flat assistant script for all ING imagers, transiting extrasolar Summer 2013
Vlad Tudor vlad Leicester University, UK Ovidiu Vaduvescu ING instrument database and server, dwarf fundamental plane extension to other galaxies Summer 2013

Claire Burke

  Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, UK Doug Arnold Evolution in galaxy cluster cores since half way back to the big bang. May 2013
Reynier Peletier peletier Kapteyn Astronomical Institute Marc Balcells Galaxy evolution. Stellar populations of early- and late-type galaxies. Bulges of disk galaxies. Dwarf galaxies. Stellar population modelling. Dec 2012-Feb 2013
Ilona Busenbender ibusenbender IAC Chris Benn Outskirts of Galaxies Oct 2011-Dec 2012
Gabriel Marinello gm Univ. Central Lancashire, UK Chris Benn Large-scale structure Aug-Sep 2012
Linda Schmidtobreick ESO, Chile Pablo Rodríguez Jun-Jul 2008
Carlo Ferri IEEC, Barcelona Pablo Rodríguez Jul-Aug 2008
Laura Colombón Ochoa Javier Licandro 2004

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Last modified: 05 February 2025

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