The ING Astronomy Documentation archives are located in the northern side of the
second floor of the INT building, between the Plate Library and the Old and Rare Book Library (
map). For any queries, please contact the current ING librarian. Below you can find the list of archived astronomy documentation:
Astronomy Documentation Archive I
William Herschel Telescope
- WHT Night Reports (1986-...)
- WHT Imaging Log Books (1988-...)
- WHT ISIS+FOS+Taurus Log Books (1988-...)
Isaac Newton Telescope
- INT Night Assistants Log Books (07/84-08/93)
- INT Night Reports (08/85-...)
- INT Taurus Log Books (12/86-02/89)
- INT Logs (02/90-07/92)
- INT Imaging Log Books (09/85-01/92)
- INT IDS Log Books (04/84-07/89)
- INT General Instruments Log Books (07/87-04/89)
Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope
- JKT Night Assistants Log Books (02/88-09/89)
- JKT Night Reports (10/85-...)
- JKT Direct Imaging Log Books (09/85-09/93)
Site Characterization
- Seeing at ING Documentation
- CAMC Seeing Plots (09/86-12/94)
- 70's Site Testing Reports
- PATT and CAT Applications (1984-...)
- Scheduling General Documentation
- Service applications
ING Publications
- ING Technical Notes
- ING Manuals
- ING Technical Manuals
- Observers' Guides
- Spectrum Newsletter
- ING Annual Reports
Instrument documentation
- Documentation on IDS: arc maps and others
- ING Papers (1984-...)
- Photographic Plates
- Withdrawn Instruments and Detectors
- Documents Concerning the Construction of the Telescopes
- Other Documents
Astronomy Documentation Archive II
William Herschel Telescope
- Operations Logs (1987-...)
- Observing Logs (1992-...)
Isaac Newton Telescope
- Operations Logs (1984-...)
- Observing Logs (1992-...)
Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope
- Operations Logs
- Observing Logs
Telescope and Instrument Documentation
- FOS 1& 2
- INT Prime
- WHT service documentation
- INT service documentation
- JKT service documentation
Software Documentation