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Visiting observers are politely invited to give a seminar at ING.
Talks usually take place in the sea level office in the afternoon and last for
about 30 minutes plus time for questions afterwards. Astronomers from ING and
other institutions on site are invited to assist. Please contact Danny Lennon
at and visit
this URL: http://www.ing.iac.es/Astronomy/science/seminars.html,
for more details. Below the latest seminars are listed:
17 March. Lara Baldacci (Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna), “Population
of variable stars in the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC6822”.
5 May. Thais Mothe Diniz (Paris Observatory, Meudon), “Asteroid Families:
A new analysis”.
20 June. Nic Walton (IoA, Cambridge & Astrogrid Consortium), “The
AstroGrid Virtual Observatory System: Release 1.0”.
8 July. Roopesh Ojha (Australia Telescope National Facility. CSIRO), “Is
Scintillation the key to an improved ICRF?”
26 August. Tim Naylor (School of Physics, University of Exeter, UK), “OB
associations in the era of planet formation”.
7 September. Ben Davies (Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, University of
Leeds, UK), “Extreme clumping in the winds of Luminous Blue Variables”.
23 September. Angela Bragaglia (INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna,
Italy), “ Old open clusters as tracers of galactic chemical evolution”.
13 October. Jan-Erik Solheim (Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, Oslo),
“Remote observations with the NOT at the Nordic-Baltic summer school
in August 2005”.
24 October. Preben Nørregaard (Copenhagen University Observatory,
Denmark), “Features and performance of the Copenhagen generation 3 array-controller”.
14 November. Simon Tulloch (ING), “New developments in CCD technology”.