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ING Annual Report 1999
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ING Staff Research Publications
Appendix F
The following list includes research papers published by ING staff in refereed and unrefereed publications in 1999. It is organised by subjects and sorted in alphabetical order. ING authors appear in bold and italic.
THE SOLAR SYSTEME S Barker, C Allende Prieto, T L Farnham, D B Goldstein, R S Nerem, J V Austin, J Y Shim, A B Storrs, S A Stern, A B Binder, T Bida, T Morgan, S M Larson, A L Sprague, D M Hunten, R E Hill, R W H Kozlowski, B Ludwig, S Rubinson, J Baumgardner, M Mendillo, J Wilson, J Wroten, S Verani, C R Benn, R J García López, E Gates, D L Talent, A Alday, A Pozar, D Witte, B Africano, B Villanneva, R Anderson, P Kervin, G S Rossano, R W Walker, S Hoss, C M Anderson, W Offutt, "Results of observational campaigns carried out during the impact of Lunar Prospector into a permanently shadowed crater near the South Pole of the Moon", Bull Am Astron Soc, 31, 1583.
A Fitzsimmons, D Pollacco, "The Leonids 1998", Astronomy Now, 13, 53.
S Verani, C Barbieri, C Benn, G Cremonese, M Mendillo, "Observations of the lunar sodium atmosphere during the 1999 quadrantids meteor shower", Bull Am Astron Soc, 31, 1131.
STARSM Asplund, D L Lambert, T Kipper, D Pollacco, M D Shetrone, "The rapid evolution of the born-again giant Sakurai's object", Astron Astrophys, 343, 507.
C Catala, J F Donati, T Bohm, J Landstreet, H F Henrichs, Y Unruh, J Hao, A Collier Cameron, C M Johns-Krull, L Kaper, T Simon, B H Foing, H Cao, P Ehrenfreund, A P Hatzes, L Huang, J A de Jong, E J Kennelly, E T Kulve, C L Mulliss, J E Neff, J M Oliveira, C Schrijvers, H C Stempels, J H Telting, N Walton, D Yang, "Short-term spectroscopic variability in the pre-main sequence Herbig AE star AB Aurigae during the MUSICOS 96 campaign", Astron Astrophys, 345, 884.
G C Clayton, F Kerber, K D Gordon, W A Lawson, M J Wolff, D L Pollacco, E Furlan, "The Ever-changing Circumstellar Nebula around UW Centauri", Astrophys J, 517, 143.
J A de Jong, H F Henrichs, C Schrijvers, D R Gies, J H Telting, L Kaper, G A A Zwarthoed, "Non-radial pulsations in the O stars xi Persei and lambda Cephei", Astron Astrophys, 345, 172.
H W Duerbeck, P Schmeer, J H Knapen, D Pollacco, "The February 1999 superoutburst of the SU UMa-type dwarf nova CG CMa", Inf Bull Variable Stars, 4759, 1.
N C Hambly, S J Smartt, S T Hodgkin, R F Jameson, S N Kemp, W R J Rolleston, I A Steele, "On the parallax of WD 0346++246: a halo white dwarf candidate", MNRAS, 309, 33.
L Kaper, H F Henrichs, J S Nichols, J H Telting, "Long- and short-term variability in O-star winds. II. Quantitative analysis of DAC behaviour", Astron Astrophys, 344, 231.
C Koen, D O'Donoghue, D L Pollacco, S Charpinet, "The EC 14026 stars - XII PG 1219+534, PG 0911+456: successes and new challenges for the Fe driving mechanism", MNRAS, 305, 28.
R P Kudritzki, J Puls, D J Lennon, K A Venn, J Reetz, F Najarro, J K McCarthy, A Herrero, "The wind momentum-luminosity relationship of galactic A and B-supergiants", Astron Astrophys, 350, 970.
D J Lennon, "Clues to the Evolution of Intermediate Mass Stars from Open Clusters", in "Spectrophotometric Dating of Stars and Galaxies", edited by I Hubeny, S Heap, and R Cornett, ASP Conference Proceedings, 192, 24.
N D McErlean, D J Lennon, P L Dufton, "Galactic B-supergiants: A non-LTE model atmosphere analysis to estimate atmospheric parameters and chemical compositions", Astron Astrophys, 349, 553.
D Pollacco, "The planetary nebula surrounding the final thermal pulse object V4334 Sagittarii", MNRAS, 304, 127.
C Schrijvers, J H Telting, "Line-profile variations due to adiabatic non-radial pulsations in rotating stars. IV. The effects of intrinsic profile variations on the IPS diagnostics", Astron Astrophys Suppl, 342, 453.
K A Venn, M Dieng, D J Lennon, R P Kudritzki, "Metallicity effects on the terminal velocities of A-type supergiant stellar winds", Astron Astrophys Suppl, 194, 1303.
K A Venn, M Dieng, D J Lennon, R P Kudritzki, "Metallicity effects on the terminal velocities of A-type supergiant stellar winds", Bull Am Astron Soc, 31, 845.
THE GALAXYP L Dufton, S J Smartt, N C Hambly, "A UKST survey of blue objects towards the galactic centre – a search for early-type stars", Astron Astrophys Suppl, 139, 231.
N Lehner, W R J Rolleston, R S I Ryans, F P Keenan, B Bates, D L Pollacco, K R Sembach, "High-velocity interstellar clouds towards the M 15 globular cluster. I. Low resolution optical data", Astron Astrophys Suppl, 134, 257.
S J Smartt, "Abundance Gradients from Massive, Early-Type Stars: The Milky Way and Beyond", in "Chemical evolution from zero to high redshift", edited by J R Walsh and M R Rosa, ESO Astrophysics Symposia, 24.
EXTRAGALACTIC ASTRONOMYG Aldering, P Nugent, R Ellis, S Perlmutter, D Folha, "Supernova 1999bh in NGC 3435", IAUC Circ, 7138.
P Astier, European Supernova Cosmology Consortium (including N A Walton and J Méndez), Supernova Cosmology Project, "Supernovae", IAU Circ, 7258.
S Benetti, C Morossi, F Bortoletto, R Cosentino, D Gardiol, A Ghedina, F Ghinassi, A Magazzu, E Marchetti, C Pernechele, A Zacchei, D Axon, C Packham, A Humphrey, J Ray, J Smith J, "Supernova 1999cn in MCG +2-38-043", IAU Circ, 7202.
R Carballo, J I González-Serrano, C R Benn, S F Sánchez, M Vigotti, "The shape of the blue/UV continuum of B3 VLA radio quasars", MNRAS, 306, 137.
R Carballo, J I Gonzalez-Serrano, S F Sánchez, C R Benn, Vigotti M, "The shape of the blue/UV continuum of B3 VLA radio quasars", Astrophys Space Sci, 263, 63.
T J Galama, M S Briggs, R A M Wijers, P M Vreeswijk, E Rol, D Band, J van Paradijs, C Kouveliotou, R D Preece, M Bremer, I A Smith, R P J Tilanus, A G de Bruyn, R G Strom, G Pooley, A J Castro-Tirado, N Tanvir, C Robinson, K Hurley, J Heise, J Telting, R G M Rutten, C Packham, R Swaters, J K Davies, A Fassia, S F Green, M J Foster, R Sagar, A K Pandey, Nilakshi, R K S Yadav, E O Ofek, E Leibowitz, P Ibbetson, J Rhoads, E Falco, C Petry, C Impey, T R Geballe, D Bhattacharya, "The effect of magnetic fields on gamma-ray bursts inferred from multi-wavelength observations of the burst of 23 January 1999", Nature, 398, 394.
D Hardin, N A Walton, R S Ellis, M Irwin, R G McMahon, I Hook, P Ruíz-Lapuente, J Méndez, A Visco, P Astier, C Balland, G Blanc, A Blanchard, S Fabbro, F Hammer, A Letessier-Selvon, J M Levy, M Mouchet, R Pain, J Rich, K Shahmaneche, R Taillet, "Supernovae 1999cj and 1999ck in Anonymous Galaxies", IAU Circ, 7182.
D J Lennon, S J Smartt, P L Dufton, A Herrero, R-P Kudritzki, K Venn, J McCarthy, "Extragalactic stellar spectroscopy", ING Newsl, 1, 5.
B Muschielok, R P Kudritzki, I Appenzeller, F Bresolin, K Butler, W Gssler, R Hfner, H J Hess, W Hummel, D J Lennon, K-H Mantel, W Meisl, W Seifert, S J Smartt, T Szeifert, K Tarantik, "VLT FORS spectra of blue supergiants in the Local Group galaxy NGC 6822", Astron Astrophys, 352, L40.
S F Sánchez, J I González-Serrano, "Excess of faint galaxies around seven radio QSOs at 10<z<16", Astron Astrophys, 352, 383.
C N Tadhunter, C Packham, D J Axon, N J Jackson, J H Hough, A Robinson, S Young, W Sparks, "An Edge-brightened Bicone in the Nuclear Regions of Cygnus A", Astrophys J, 512, 91.
J R Walsh, N A Walton, G H Jacoby, R F Peletier, "Spectra of planetary nebulae in NGC 5128 (Centaurus-A)", Astron Astrophys, 346, 753.
OBSERVATIONAL COSMOLOGYS Perlmutter, G Aldering, G Goldhaber, R A Knop, P Nugent, P G Castro, S Deustua, S Fabbro, A Goobar, D E Droom, I M Hook, A G Kim, M Y Kim, J C Lee, N J Nunes, R Pain, C R Pennypacker, R Quimby, C Lidman, R S Ellis, M Irwin, R G McMahon, P Ruíz-Lapuente, N Walton, B Schaefer, B J Boyle, A V Filippenko, T Matheson, A S Fruchter, N Panagia, H J M Newberg, W J Couch, "Measurements of Omega and Lambda from 42 High-Redshift Supernovae", Astrophys J, 517, 565.
SKY SURVEYSJ R Lewis, P S Bunclark, N A Walton, "A Broadband Wide-Field Survey on the Isaac Newton Telescope", in "Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems VIII", edited by D M Mehringer, R L Plante, and D A Roberts, ASP Conference Proceedings, 172, 179.
N A Walton, M Irwin, R McMahon, J R Lewis, "The Isaac Newton Group's Wide Field Survey. Status of the survey and associated data pipeline", ING Newsl, 1, 3.
SITE CHARACTERIZATIONR W Wilson, N O'Mahony, C Packham, M Azzaro, "The seeing at the William Herschel", MNRAS, 309, 379.
INSTRUMENTATIONC Packham, "INGRID: a new near-IR camera for the WHT", ING Newsl, 1, 12.
P Moore, N Rando, "Super Cool Technology", ING Newsl, 1, 13.
R Rutten, "Instrumentation Plans for the ING Telescopes", ING Newsl, 1, 19.
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