Cassegrain A& G
(Last reviewed Sep 2007, source WHT A&G system user guide)
Type command-name and return, for help on those commands taking parameters.
A&G mirrors
agmirror out remove all mirrors
agingrid put in flat to feed A&G aux port 2 (opposite
aux port), e.g. AG2, equiv to agmirror ingrid
or agmirror largefeed
(NB INGRID never now mounted on this port)
agcomp move mirror to acquisition/comparison lamp position
agslit move mirror to slit-viewing position (and switches
off the calinration lamps if they are on)
agaux equivalent to agmirror smallfeed (for auxiliary focus
compmirror state state = in or out
A&G filters
mainfiltnd name main filter slide to OUT, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (see whiteboard)
mainfiltc name main filter colour to OUT, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (see whiteboard)
mainfilta new name for above?
mainfiltb " "
Aux-port imager
auxfilter n select auxiliary focus filter n, 1-6 (see MIMIC for
details of filters in wheel), or by name
auxlamps name turn on AUXCUAR or AUXW lamps for auxport
(COMPLAMPS OFF to turn off). Not now in use.
tvfocus n moves TV focus to n (14000 for 5 arcsec/mm, 12750 for
12 arcsec/mm for slit-viewing)
tvfilt name TV filter to CLEAR, B, V, R or EMPTY (= OPAQUE)
tvscale s select TV scales of s = ~5 or 12 arcsec/mm
(1.5 or 4 arcmin field)
N.B. The two TV scales need slightly different TV focus settings.
settv f/mode sets mirror and TV focal reducer, where f = 5 or 12
(5 or 12 arcsec/mm) and mode = slit or direct
tvslit5 standard slit-viewing, 5 arcsec/mm
tvslit12 same, 12 arcsec/mm
tvdirect5 on-axis viewing (not reflected from slit jaws), 5 arcsec/mm
tvdirect12 same, 12 arcsec/mm
Calibration lamps
complamps name turn on lamp (cuar, cune, cuar+cune, w) or off
compfilta name put in CLEAR, ND0.2, ND0.6, ND0.8, ND1.8, ND3.0,
GG375, GG495
compfiltb name put in CLEAR, ND0.3, ND0.5, ND0.9, ND1.2, ND2.0, BG24,
compnd n put in closest approximation to ND n (0 - 3) it can
cuaron procedure to put in comparison mirror and turn CUAR on
cuneon same but for CUNE
Superceded: (?)
ARCOFF turn lamps off and returns to slit viewing
prag r theta set probe position in r and theta
autoradial r r=0-40000 microns
autotheta theta theta=0-180000 millidegrees
N.B. for values below 35000, the probe may vignet the slit
autofocus n n=0-6000 microns (typically 1500-2500)
autofilt filt select EMPTY, CLEAR, OPAQUE, B, V or I (can also select
by number)
agdoor open/close Unlock or lock A&G filter access door
agvalues report A&G mechanisms status
AGUPDATE mechanism updates MIMIC for given mechanism e.g. AGUPDATE ALL
cagb start/stop start or stop A&G control system
cagb_cancel -m mech -a action
cancel outstanding action, where mech = one of above
mechanisms, and action = init, move or stop
cagb_cancel all cancel all outstanding actions
cagb_cancel ? list available options
cagb_init -m mechanism initialise A&G mechanism:
TVREDUCER (to init TVSCALE)[5mm] or ALL
(synonym = aginit)
cagb_init_all initialise all A&G mechanisms
cagb_move -m mech position
move mechanism to specified position
cagb_stop -m mech stop mechanism
cagb_update -m mech update value
cagb_update_all as above, for all mechs
Autoguider VME commands [old, no longer relevant?]
START-UP and SHUT-DOWN commands can be issued at autoguider terminal (or window).
SETINT n set integration time for the field in millisecs
FIELD n do 4 readouts and looks for n stars
SELECT STAR n select nth brightest star for guiding
GUIDE ON or OFF start or stop guiding
<< rotate LUT
+TAU and -TAU change horizontal scale of guide error display
+SCALE and -SCALE change vertical scale
ACQINT n n=1000-50000 millisecs (sets acquisition time)
GUIINT n n=1000-50000 millisecs (sets guiding time, typical 1-2s)
FIELD take exposures and finds guide star
FON initiate following by autoguider
User should inform TCS of probe position (get from CAGB mimic)
AUTOGUIDER ON at TCS to initiate closed-loop autoguiding
AUTOGUIDER OFF at TCS to stop autoguiding
FOFF terminate following
(For simulated star, FILT=OPAQUE, THETA=60000, RADIAL=20000, FOCUS=2700)