If you have a long list of objects to observe,
you probably want to create your own catalogue before the observing run.
This way you won't need to type the coordinates each time you want to move
the telescope, which will make the observing more efficient.
- Write your object list in the format:
NAME ra(hh mm ss.ss) dec(dd mm ss.ss) equinox
where NAME can have up to 20 characters and equinox specifies the equinox of the source coordinates ("B1950", "J2000" or "APPARENT").
M33   01 33 51.02  30 39 36.70   J2000
NGC157   00 32 14.40 -08 40 20.00   B1950
GJ398.2   10 39 36.74 +43 06 09.25   APPARENT
- The target list should include the coordinates of any blind-offset stars.
- Note that the coordinates should be separated by spaces not colons ':'
- The file should not include tab characters.
Save the file with extension .cat (e.g. mylist.cat).
- Send the catalog to your support astronomer. He/She will copy mylist.cat onto directory /wht/cat
mounted on the observing system (lpss7 machine).
- Include mylist.cat as an user catalogue into the TCS
(see the Operation Manual)
- Once you start the observing system, you can point the telescope to any object in the list by typing:
TO> gocat <NAME>