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LIRIS Detector

The LIRIS detector is a 1024x1024 HgCdTe HAWAII array, manufactured by Rockwell Scientific Corporation. The main characteristics of the LIRIS detector are summarized below. More detailed descriptions can be found at the ING detector page and in the report of IAC.

LIRIS detector properties

Detector size 1024 x 1024 pixels
Full-well capacity 100000-150000 e-
Spectral range 0.85-2.5 μm
Quantum efficiency 90% (K), 80% (J)
Readout noise (CDS) < 10 e-
Readout noise (MNDR) < 3 e-
Gain 3.5-3.7 e- / ADU
Pixel size 18.5 μm
Pixel scale 0.250" / pixel
Field of view 4.27' x 4.27'
Bad pixels ~1.5%, almost all of them located at the very detector edges
Linearity < 2% within 25000 ADU, drop to 15% within 35000 ADU. For very low illuminations (few 100 ADU), the detector is undersensitive (see the linearity over the 4 sections of the detector here).
Charge persistency < 1%, disappears after two or three detector reads
Saturation limit 45000 ADU (before Dec. 2006: 35000 ADU)
Dark current ~ 0.065 e-/s at 83 K
Readout time 0.9 s

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Contact:  (LIRIS Instrument Specialist)
Last modified: 10 April 2013

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