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Past, Present and Future Instruments and Related Facilities

For currently available instruments please check the ING instrumentation overview. Common-user instruments are supported by ING personnel, visitor instruments are private, future instruments refer to instruments already planned for commissioning at ING, and decommissioned instruments are no longer available. A list of instrument acronyms is also available.

Astronomers planning to submit a proposal for using a new visitor instrument should follow the procedure for new visitor instruments.


HARPS3. A fibre-fed, high resolution, high stability, echelle spectrograph.

Current common user

ACAM. A wide-field Cassegrain imager and spectrograph.
ISIS. Low- and medium-resolution slit spectrograph.
LIRIS. Near-infrared imager and spectrograph.
PF-QHY. Prime Focus (WEAVE optics) sCMOS camera.
WEAVE. Multi-object spectrograph.

Decommissioned common user

AUTOFIB-2. Fiber-optics multiobject spectrograph.
A&G Unit. Cassegrain Acquisition and Guidance Unit.
AUX. Imaging camera at Cassegrain focus.
FOS-2. Faint Object Spectrograph.
GHRIL. Ground-based High Resolution Laboratory.
GLAS. Laser guiding star system for use with NAOMI.
GRACE. GRound based Adaptive optics Controlled Environment.
INGRID. Isaac Newton Group Red Imaging Device.
LDSS-2. Low Dispersion Survey Spectrograph.
MARTINI. Multi-Aperture Real Time Image Normalisation Instrument.
NAOMI. AO feeder.
NAOMI+INGRID. AO near-infrared imaging camera.
NAOMI+OASIS. AO areal lenslet spectrograph.
NAOMI+OSCA+INGRID. AO coronagraph.
PFIP. Prime focus imager.
TAURUS-II. Fabry-Perot spectrograph.
UES. Echelle high-resolution spectrograph.
WHIRCAM. William Herschel Infra-Red Camera.
WYFFOS. Wide-field Fibre Optic Spectrograph.

FOS-1. Faint Object Spectrograph.
IDS. The Intermediate Dispersion Spectrograph.
PFC. Prime Focus Camera.
TAURUS-1. Fabry-Perot spectrograph and imager.
WFC. Wide-Field Camera.

JAG. JKT Acquisition and Guidance Unit.
PP. People´s Photometer.
RBS. Richardson-Brearley Spectrograph.
WPC. Wide-field Photographic Camera.

Formerly visitor

2D-FIS. Two dimensional spectrograph.
AOLI. Adaptive Optics Lucky Imager.
ARNICA. Infrared camera.
CANARY. Wide-field LGS tomography and open-loop AO (MOAO) demonstrator.
CIRPASS. The Cambridge Infrared PAnoramic Survey Spectrograph.
CIRSI. Cambridge Infra Red Survey Instrument.
CRNG. Cosmic Random Number Generator.
DIP. The Durham Imaging Polarimeter.
DIPOL-2. Double image polarimeter.
ELECTRA. Enhanced Light Efficiency Cophasing Telescope Resolution Actuator.
ExPo. Extreme Polarimeter.
FAST. Infra-red Imaging Fabry-Perot Camera.
FastCam. Very high-spatial resolution optical imager.
FLEX. Fiber Linked Experimental.
GASP. Galway Astronomical Stokes Polarimeter.
GHaFaS. Fabry-Perot spectrometer.
GISC. Galway Image Sharpening Camera.
HEXAFLEX. Fiber spectrograph.
HHC. Hitch-Hiker Camera.
HHS. Holographic High-Resolution Spectrograph.
HiPERCAM. A high-speed camera for the study of rapid variability in the Universe.
INTEGRAL. Areal fiber-optics spectrograph.
IQuEyE. High speed photon-counting photometer.
LAOT. High-contrast adaptive-optics high-resolution spectrograph.
LEXI. Formerly the Leiden Adaptive Optics Testbed, LAOT.
MES. Manchester Echelle Spectrograph.
NAOJCam. National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Camera.
ORS. Optical Resonance Spectrometer.
PAUCam. Prime-focus imager.
PLANETPOL. High-sensitivity polarimeter.
PN.S. Double-arm slitless spectrograph.
PWFS. Pyramid Wavefront Sensor.
SAURON. Areal lenslet spectrograph.
SCAM. Imager based on superconductivity.
SLODAR. SLOpe Detection And Ranging.
SPIFS. Stabilized speckle integral field spectroscopy demonstrator.
TEIFU. Thousand Element Integral Field Unit.
TRIFFID. Photometer.
ULTRACAM. Fast 3-colour imager.

CIRSI. Cambridge Infra Red Survey Instrument.
DIP. The Durham Imaging Polarimeter.
EXOhSPEC. High resolution spectrograph based on exploiting innovations.
LIAP. Leicester Indium Antimonide Photometer.
MES. Manchester Echelle Spectrograph.
MOMI. Manchester Occulting Mask Imager.
MP. Munich three star, five colour photometer.
MUSICOS. Multi-Site Continuous Spectroscopy spectropolarimeter.
Pennypacker. Pennypacker Camera.
Stereo-SCIDAR. Optical turbulence profiling with high sensitivity using a modified SCIDAR instrument.
Sodium Profiler. Imager of sodium laser guide stars.
TTP. Texas-Tromso Photometer.

Cute-SCIDAR. An Automatically Controlled SCIDAR Instrument for the Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope.
MPF. Multi-purpose Photometer.
QUBES. Queen´s University Belfast Echelle Spectrograph.
RS. Reticon Spectrometer.

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Last modified: 25 May 2020

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