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AG5 with UltraDAS + SDSU Gen.3

Device Identification

Standard AG5 performance shown below. If the AG5 head is used with a shorter cable and started up under uDAS as AG5XF  then much faster performance is possible. This could be useful for fast photometry observations.
Chip name AG5
Year of manufacture 2005
Serial number 8383-10-18
First light on La Palma October 2005
Description E2V CCD 57-10-1-431  with Integral Peltier Cooler

Operational Characteristics

Speed  Fast Slow
Bias(ADU) 1266
Gain(e/ADU) 1.35
Noise(e) 6.8
Noise(ADU) 5.1 9.5
Linear to(ADU) 
Readout time(s)


Physical Characteristics

X Pixel size 13 microns
Y Pixel size 13 microns
X size in pixels of digitised area 560
Y size in pixels of digitised area 536
X size of useful imaging area 535
Y size of useful imaging area 528
X start of useful imaging area 13
Ystart of useful imaging area 1
Limiting Magnitude
At cass. with a clear filter the limiting magnitude is approx. Mag 21 for a 5 s exposure.

Operational Parameters

Operating temperature 243K
Preferred amplifier Left

Measured Characteristics

Quantum Efficiency


Dark current  
Cosmetics none

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Last modified: 21 November 2010

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