Relaxed Observing Constraints and Filler Proposals
The relaxed observing, instrument and scheduling proposal constraints described below correspond to a proposal that can be done under the most frequent observational and instrumental condition, and therefore, depending on the scientific grade and the proposal length, the probability of providing all the observations requested during the standard activation period, or one year, will be the highest. We encourage the principal investigators to prepare such proposals, as they are also good fillers of our observing queues.
Instrumentation, in descending order of preference:
- ACAM Spe
Setup: service defaults as shown on the service application forms.
Scheduling: almost doable on any S/D available night, no time critical.
Calibrations: service defaults as shown on the service application forms.
Seeing: Any.
Photometric conditions: Any.
Airmass: Any.
Moon: Any/Bright.
Targets: as many as possible and spread in RA, Dec higher than ~-20°, not faint, not moving fast.
Total time requested: The shorter, the better.
Observational strategy: Better if the total observing time can be split into short observations doable on different nights.