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Observing Trips for Student Training

Apart from the ING Support and Research Studentship Programme, the ING has also been hosting other initiatives for student training organised as observing trips by external bodies. Below we list some of these initiatives:

Leiden University, The Netherlands

Since 2008, undergraduate students from Leiden University have been visiting the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) as part of their astronomy bachelor's degree programme. This programme gives students the opportunity to gain valuable experience in the field of observational astronomy. They learn how to write a proposal, plan and execute their observations, and acquire the skills to analyse and present their findings. Read more.

University of La Laguna, Spain

Students from the Master degree of the University of La Laguna, Spain come to the ING twice. On the first year they tour the ORM telescopes, including the WHT and the INT, sometimes organised in two trips each of around 15 students. On the second year, they observe with the Isaac Newton Telescope.

University of Sheffield, UK

MPhys students from University of Sheffield, UK has been organising observing trips since 2012 with some local suport provided by ING. Apart from visitng the telescopes, they use pt5m, a 50cm telescope on the roof of the WHT.

The NEON Observing Schools

ING hosted two observing schools of the Network of European Observatories in the North (NEON) supported by OPTICON. The 7th NEON Observing School took place from June 23 to July 5, 2008, and the 11th NEON Observing School from July 14 to 27, 2013.

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Last modified: 03 August 2022

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