Observer Support at the Telescope
A Support Astronomer (SA) will be present
until approximately 23:00 local time
on the first night of
each WHT and INT run (apart from runs with established visiting
to provide an introduction to
the telescope, instrumentation and
data-acquisition systems, and to safety issues. The SA will be
on-call at the Residencia throughout the first night. Unless otherwise
agreed, observers should meet their SA in the telescope control room at
15:00 on the first day of the run.
Support Astronomers usually make contact
with their observers several weeks before the start of the observing run.
support is provided by student SAs.
The WHT 'observing support assistant' (OSA, an enhancement
of the former 'telescope-operator' role)
provides all-night, year-round operator
and engineering support at
the telescope.
The OSA will be present at the telescope by half an hour
before sunset (usually carrying out pre-observing checks) and will
by default ensure, weather permitting, that by sunset the dome is open and the
telescope is available for observing.
If observers need the telescope on-sky earlier (e.g. for
unusually-demanding sky flats) they should discuss this in advance with
the OSA (or SA).
It's expected that on-sky observations will end during morning
Occasionally, e.g. if the dome couldn't be opened
in the evening, the observer may need to take sky flats in
morning twilight.
If so, the OSA should be warned about this during the night, and
sky flats should not extend beyond 10 minutes after sunrise (NB
flats taken in bright twilight can be done with the WHT pointing at
zenith, allowing the OSA to park the telescope). The OSA will only
rarely be able to stay at the telescope longer than this, due to
various constraints (including allowed shift length), and such observations
may also conflict with daytime engineering
access to the telescope.
The OSA's mobile-phone number is +34 616 97 45 13.
INT observers
may call on the OSA for advice, but should be aware that the OSA usually
has to stay at the WHT, and can't go to the INT to investigate
Critical technical problems which arise at the INT on
weekends or public holidays, and which cannot be solved by the OSA,
will not be addressed until the next working day.
There is no engineering support on-site during the following periods
(local time):
Summer weekdays |
16:00 - 19:30 (15:30 - 19:30 on Fridays)
Winter weekdays
16:00 - 18:30 (15:30 - 18:30 on Fridays)
Weekends, public holidays
From dawn until 19:30 (18:30 in winter)
During these periods, the telescope buildings will be locked
(key available from the Residencia reception), and visitors
working alone should carry the lone-worker alarm and the lone-worker
mobile phone. In the event of an emergency, call the Observing Support
Assistant (phone +34 616 974513) or Residencia
reception (phone +34 922 405500).
On normal working days, the operations-team staff will carry out only
limited checks of the WHT and of the instrument scheduled for use that night.
The telescope will usually be available to observers by 15:00.
The operations team will not normally move any optical component
in the instrument light-path (and if they do, the observers will be
notified) but system restarts might change
the detector readout settings. It's recommended that observers
check during the afternoon that the instrument configuration has not
been disturbed.
On a few working days (Christmas and New Year's eve, colour-coded
light green on the schedules),
there will be a reduced level of engineering support.
Only ING staff are allowed to
move the WHT, or its dome or shutters.
Observers who have a
long observing run at the INT, and who plan to change the observing team
during the run, should let their SA know, well in advance of the
run, the names of the observers and the date/s of the handover/s.
Safety training will be provided for the new observers on the day of
each handover.
Observers who wish to discuss
any aspects of the run, after arrival on
La Palma, but before the formal
start-of-run introduction at the telescope,
may want to arrange a preliminary meeting
with their SA, perhaps in Santa Cruz, where the ING offices are located.
Configuration changes
Manual changes of the configuration of an instrument
during an observing run
(e.g. changes of filter, dichroic or grating)
be accommodated if they were requested explicitly in the
original observing proposal.
Such changes will be made by ING staff, and must not be made by
observers at either the WHT or INT.
At the WHT, manual changes to instrument configurations can
also be made during the night by the
At the INT, instrument
configuration changes can only be made on normal working days, when
appropriately-trained day-time staff are available to effect the changes.
Details of requested changes to the instrument configuration during a run
should be confirmed with the SA well in advance of the run.
Requests for configuration changes not specified in the
telescope proposal will be handled on a best-efforts basis.
The INT/WFC is offered at a default rotator position angle of
180 degrees. When there is compelling scientific justification
(which should appear in the original observing proposal), other
rotator angles (0, 90 or 270 degrees) can be offered for the duration
of the run.
Changes of WFC rotator angle during a run are
not permitted.
Observer experience
Inexperienced WHT and INT observers must be accompanied
by an experienced observer.
'Inexperienced' here means unable, alone, to make efficient (and safe) use of the
observing night, whether from general lack of observing experience,
or from lack of experience with the specific techniques to be used. This lack of experience will not adequately be compensated by the start-of-run training provided by observatory support staff.
In addition, it is essential that INT
observers have considerable end-to-end observing experience with
medium-sized telescopes. INT observers are responsible for all
aspects of operation, from opening the dome in the
evening, and operating the telescope and instrumentation throughout
the night, to parking the telescope and closing the dome at the end of
the night or in the event of deteriorating weather conditions.
ING relies on student supervisors, and experienced members of proposing teams, to ensure that less-experienced observers prepare adequately for their observing runs, before travelling to La Palma.
If there is any doubt
about whether intended observers have sufficient experience,
the advice of the SA should be sought.
Lone working at the INT
While observing alone at the INT, observers should always carry
with them the lone-worker
alarm, whose use will be demonstrated by the SA.
INT observers who need help should make
contact with the WHT OSA at dinner time, or contact him/her in the
WHT control room (telephone +34 922 405559 or 452 on Cisco phones).
Since there is no OSA at the INT, observers are expected
to move the telescope, dome and shutters themselves. If there is ice
on the dome, or there are other doubts about how to proceed,
the WHT OSA should be contacted.
Mechanical workshop
ING has a well-equipped mechanical workshop, staffed during normal
working hours by trained engineers.
Observers requiring their services
should contact
the Head of Operations,
With sufficient advance notice, assistance outside normal working hours
may also be possible.