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ING Operations on Hold Due to Coronavirus

Folllowing the declaration of a state of emergency ('Estado de Alarma') by the Spanish Government on Saturday 14th March, ING has stepped up measures to protect its staff and visitors. With immediate effect and until further notice, staff are working from home, with minimal visits to the telescopes (for essential maintenance) and to the sea-level offices. There will be no day-time or night-time activity at the WHT or INT, i.e. no visiting observers and no observing, until further notice. ING staff will travel outside La Palma only when strictly necessary.

As noted above, ING staff will be working from home, and communications with them via email and telecons should be relatively unaffected.

We will keep the community informed about any significant changes in the situation, and look forward to resuming scientific observations, and WEAVE integration activities, as soon as it safe to do so.

Marc Balcells
Director ING
16th March, 2020

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Last modified: 17 March 2020

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