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ING Procedures to Deal with the Coronavirus Outbreak

ING wants to reassure astronomers and guests that we are responding to the coronavirus outbreak, with the goal of ensuring that the ING facilities will remain safe for staff and visitors. Our approach is to follow the recommendations of National Authorities and the World Health Organisation, as well as the procedures established by the STFC.

Based on those recommendations, ING procedures have been established to clarify what to do when an individual shows symptoms, or when an individual, due to travel or otherwise, may have been in close contact with infected persons. We have also requested increased hygiene standards from our cleaning services in line with health authority recommendations.

Teams or individuals planning a visit to ING facilities are encouraged to enquire with their ING host about any precautions we expect them to follow. These may include deferring their arrival at ING. ING retains the option to deny admission to its premises if a visitor's conditions would imply risk to ING staff or other visitors.

Marc Balcells
Director ING
9th March, 2020

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Last modified: 13 March 2020