Targets of Opportunity
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Targets of Opportunity

As a consequence of the WHT and INT upgrades, the Override Programme is not offered.

A target-of-opportunity (ToO) programme is one for which observations are required at short notice, and they can be justified by the unique scientific opportunity these observations represent. Examples targets of opportunity are rare events, such as unusual supernovae, gamma-ray bursts or X-ray flares. ToO observations can be classified as follows depending on whether they can be anticipated or not at the semestral subsmision deadline for regular proposals:


The ToO programme stays in standby mode during a specific period of time during which it can be triggered. The ING Override Programme on the WHT and the INT provides the right observing scheme.


An opportunity arises and a ToO programme is immediately submitted. The ING Service Programme on the WHT can provide the required fast-response scheme. Please note that some anticipated ToO programmes can be submitted to the ING Service Programme as well, but their triggers will be restricted to service nights only.

The Spanish time allocation committee also offers service time on the INT and IAC Director's discretionary time on the WHT and INT.

A description of the precedences and rules for ToO programmes, within either the ING Service Programme or the ING Override Programme, is provided at the ING Override Programme web pages.

In cases of particular urgency and impact, e.g. observations on either the WHT or the INT required within 24 hours, the ING Director or Head of Astronomy should be contacted with a brief science case (couple of paragraphs) justifying the urgency, and the observations requested.

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Last modified: 28 July 2024

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