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PF-QHY Command Summary

  1. Command line
  2. GUI control

1 - Command line

Use "indicam" command in the pink ICS window:

2.1 Set default parameters

indicam list                Lists available camera(s), 
                            which should include TWFC2 (PF-QHY) and TWFC1 (off-axis)

indicam -b 4                Sets default bin 4

indicam filter TWFC2 -f "B" Change filter to B (takes about 10s)

indicam -b 4 -w "[956:5432,2550:7026]" run TWFC2 10   
        Sets 5x5' window, then takes one 10s image with bin 4

indicam -b 2 -w "[2746:3642,4340:5236]" run TWFC2 10  
        Sets 1x1' window, then takes one 10s image with bin 2

indicam -b 4 -w "[956:5432,4340:5236]" run TWFC2 2
        Sets 1x5' window in the RA,DEC directions at PA=0, 
        then takes one 2s image with bin 4

Note: The window limits (X1:X2,Y1:Y2) should be calculated
based on pixel size 0.067"/pix and centered on (4488,3194), 
so that the target falls in the centre of the window. 

2.2 Calibration images

indicam bias TWFC2               Takes one bias image using default bin 2

indicam -b 4 bias TWFC2          Takes one bias image using bin 4

indicam -b 4 -n 11 bias TWFC2    Takes 11 biases with bin 4 

indicam flat TWFC2 7             Takes one 7s flat with default bin 2

indicam -b 4 flat TWFC2 7        Takes one 7s flat with bin 4

indicam -b 4 -n 5 flat TWFC2 10  Takes 5x10s flats with bin 4

indicam dark TWFC2 7             Takes one 7s dark with default bin 2

indicam -b 4 dark TWFC2 7        Takes one 7s dark with bin 4

indicam -b 4 -n 5 dark TWFC2 10  Takes 5x10s dark with bin 4

2.3 Science images

indicam run TWFC2 1              Takes one 1s exposure with default bin 2

indicam -b 4 run TWFC2 5         Takes one 5s exposure with bin 4

indicam -b 4 -n 5 run TWFC2 10   Takes 5x10s exposure with bin 4

2 - GUI control

The following steps will be taken to use the SKYTSAR GUI to acquire images (one by one) with the PF-QHY camera:
  • Select camera: TWFC2, press Confirm, wait to complete.
  • Select filter: pick up from the list, wait to complete.
  • Exp. time: complete the number (in seconds).
  • Bin: complete the number (4 or 2) or click the "-" or "+" button.
  • Check button "Save images" if you want to save, otherwise the image will be only displayed.
  • Window: Press Full (10.7x7.1') or enter the limits (x0, y0, width, height).
  • Press button "Expose" to take the image.
  • Press buttons Bias or Dark (entering the Exp. time) to acquire one bias or dark.

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Contact: PF-QHY Instrument Specialist
Last modified: 23 June 2021