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LIRIS Predefined Observing Modes

From within the UltraDAS system (the console with the SYS> prompt), you can select different observing modes for LIRIS. These save time, since the various LIRIS wheels are moved simultaneously. Besides, the best configurations for imaging, spectroscopy etc. are chosen automatically, thus significantly reducing the number of possible error sources during night time operation. An overview of the currently available, predefined modes is given below.

NOTE: For all LIRIS observations North is up and East is left for PA=0°.

Imaging mode:   limage <option>
Option Slit wheel Filter wheel 1 Filter wheel 2 Pupil wheel Grism wheel
y clear clear y pshortbr clear
z clear clear z pshortbr clear
j clear clear j pshortbr clear
h clear clear h pshortbr clear
ks clear clear ks pcblnkxl clear
brg clear clear brg pcblnkxl clear
kc clear clear kc pcblnkxl clear
h2_10 clear h2v10 clear pcblnkxl clear
h2_10_ks clear h2v10 ks pcblnkxl clear
h2_21 clear h2v21 clear pcblnkxl clear
h2_21_ks clear h2v21 ks pcblnkxl clear
he1 clear clear he1 pcblnkxl clear
hc clear hc clear plongmidu clear
jc clear jc clear pcentnr clear
hc_h clear hc h plongmidu clear
fe2 clear fe2 clear plongmidu clear
fe2_h clear fe2 h plongmidu clear
ch4 clear ch4 clear plongmidu clear
pab clear pabeta clear pcentnr clear

Spectroscopic mode:   lspec <option> <option: slit>
Option Slit wheel Filter wheel 1 Filter wheel 2 Pupil wheel Grism wheel
lr_zj slit? clear clear pshortbr rzj
lr_hk slit? clear hkspec pcblnkxl rhk
mr_k slit? clear hkspec pcblnkxl mr_k
hr_j slit? clear clear pshortbr hrj
hr_h slit? clear hkspec pshortbr hrh
hr_k slit? clear hkspec pcblnkxl hrk

Argon and Xenon lines for grisms: lr_zj, lr_hk and mr_k.
Argon lines for grisms: lr_zj and lr_hk.
Xenon lines for grisms: lr_zj and lr_hk.

The slit wheel is not moved unless you give the name of the slit mask as an additional, second argument. Alternatively, the desired slit mask can be inserted separately with
lslit <slit mask name>
Available slit masks

Coronagraphic mode:   lcor <option>
Option Slit wheel Filter wheel 1 Filter wheel 2 Pupil wheel Grism wheel
y cor clear y pcoron clear
z cor clear z pcoron clear
j cor clear j pcoron clear
h cor clear h pcoron clear
ks cor clear ks pcoron clear
brg cor clear brg pcoron clear
kc cor clear kc pcoron clear
h2_10 cor h2v10 clear pcoron clear
h2_10_ks cor h2v10 ks pcoron clear
h2_21 cor h2v21 clear pcoron clear
h2_21_ks cor h2v21 ks pcoron clear
he1 cor clear he1 pcoron clear
hc cor hc clear pcoron clear
hc_h cor hc h pcoron clear
fe2 cor fe2 clear pcoron clear
fe2_h cor fe2 h pcoron clear
ch4 cor ch4 clear pcoron clear
jc cor jc clear pcoron clear
pab cor pab clear pcoron clear

Polarimetry mode:   lipol
Option Slit wheel Filter wheel 1 Filter wheel 2 Pupil wheel Grism wheel
y clear clear y pshortbr wdw_image
z clear clear z pshortbr wdw_image
j clear clear j pshortbr wdw_image
h clear clear h pshortbr wdw_image
ks clear clear ks pcblnkxl wdw_image
kc clear clear kc pcblnkxl wdw_image
hc clear hc clear plongmidu wdw_image
jc clear jc clear pcentnr wdw_image

Calibration / other:   lblanks
wheel: Slit wheel Filter wheel 1 Filter wheel 2 Pupil wheel Grism wheel
value: blank hc kc blank rzj

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Last modified: 28 November 2018

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