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NIR polarimetry standard stars -project


Dome flats (at zenith or dome flat position)

SYS>lipol ks

SYS>agmirror out

SYS>petals open

SYS>fflamp 1 on

SYS>fflamp 2 on

Put manually a retarder plate LIR-HWPPAR using GUI.
Check exposure time.

SYS>run liris 1.5 "exp test"

keep the maximum counts less than 20 000.

Here I use 1.5s as exposure time, but change it accordingly to your successful
test exposure.

SYS>hwflats.bsh 1.5 Dome_pol_Ks_bright ; bell

SYS>fflamp all off

Use the same exposure time for both bright and dim flats.

SYS>hwflats.bsh 1.5 Dome_pol_Ks_dim ; bell

Above example is for Ks but take also J, H, z and Y. No need to take separate dim flats for these filters.


No need for sky flats.

At night

No seeing limit, Airmass 2 or less (with exeption of two targets that never go so high), sky has to be clear.

Observe the following stars (or any subset) *
Star nameRA (J2000)DEC (J2000)KHJYz
BD+64 10600 57 36.7+64 51 26
TYC4034-1216-101 24 40.43+63 08 29
BD+61 37002 03 37.12+62 03 56.7
BSD9-6103 08 41.9+59 10 53
BD+56 86603 59 28.89+57 07 04.9
HDE 27965804 17 06.6+37 16 55.3 8.40
HDE 27965204 18 10.4+37 43 11.4 8.74
HDE 28363704 25 58.9+27 37 01.4 9.19
Elias3-2904 37 15.1+25 17 30***
HD 28380904 41 24.72+25 54 48.56.17***
HDE 28380004 43 27.3+27 01 37.0 8.69
HDE 28385504 48 12.7+27 01 47.8 9.22
HD28387904 48 14.30+25 11 43.5*
NGC2024-105 41 37.85-01 54 36.5***
HD29086205 46 43.30+00 04 35.8*
HD25120406 05 05.67+23 23 38.5
HRW2407 04 47.40-10 56 18.0
HD16206117 49 33.89-11 53 56.3
BD-12 513318 40 01.7-12 24 06.9
R Cra #5819 01 14.4-37 26 01.3 6.90*!!
R Cra #1519 05 12.5-37 29 15.810.91!!!!
Cyg OB2 No.320 31 37.5+41 13 21.15.75****
Cyg OB2 A20 32 31.5+41 14 08***
BD+57 246522 09 20.87+57 51 28.4
HD21580622 46 40.2+58 17 43.98.08**

* With decent seeing one needs to defocus a bit.
! These have no data so far. Put higher on the list if possible. Very low, look at the visibility and optimize.

SYS>lipol ks

Point to the target.

SYS>lobject_impol <x> <y>

where x and y are the coordinates of the star on the detector (you will see 4 times the same field, choose the star on the second from top). This will move the star to the pre-defined position on the detector.

Again test the peak counts with using LIR-HWPPAR in the beam, aim for less than 20k.

SYS>run liris 1 "exposure time test"

Here 1s is the expsosure time

SYS>hw2_nod5_pol 1 -ncyc=3 -jitter=2 -clean=9

Report the file names for instrument specialist (rk).

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Last modified: 10 January 2020

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