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M 81 Galaxy

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M81 Galaxy

Description: This image shows the spiral galaxy Messier 81 in its entirety.

Credit: Jonathan Irwin, DSS2.

Date: 2003.

Technical information: The image is a combination of exposures from the Isaac Newton Telescope on La Palma and Digitized Sky Survey (2 images). Telescope: 2.5-m Isaac Newton Telescope and Digitized Sky Survey.
Instrument: Wide Field Camera (WFC).
Detector: EEV.
Filters and exposure times: 2 × 100s exposures in B, 2 × 80s exposures in V and 2 × 60s exposures in R.

Available formats: JPEG (442 K) | TIFF (11,422 K) | PDF (with text)

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Last modified: 22 December 2010

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