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ING photo release
04 October, 2019

Mark Thomson, Executive Chairman of STFC, Visits ING

On the 2nd and 3rd of October Prof Mark Thomson, Executive Chairman of the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) visited the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes (ING). Shortly after arriving at the Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory, he met the observing teams at the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) and the William Herschel Telescope (WHT), and used a portable telescope outside the INT to view the Andromeda Galaxy, star clusters, nebulae, planets and the Moon. On the following morning, he learnt about the progress made with WEAVE and addressed the ING staff.
Marc Balcells (ING Director) explains observing in the control room of the INT. Left to right, top to bottom: Rebeca Galera (ING student support astronomer), Marc Balcells, Mark Thomson, Matteo Monelli (IAC), Thomas Davison and Viktoria Pinter (ING student support astronomers). Credit: ING. Large format: [ JPEG ].
Mark Thomson in the control room of the WHT. Credit: ING. Large format: [ JPEG ].
Mark Thomson meets the WHT observing team. Left to right: Marc Balcells, Chris Woolford (STFC delegate of the ING Board), Mark Thomson, Berto González (Observing Support Assistant), Chris Benn (ING Head of Astronomy) and Stefano Bagnulo (Armagh Observatory, UK). Credit: ING. Large format: [ JPEG ].
Left to right: Marc Balcells, Don Carlos Abrams (ING Head of Engineering), Chris Woolford, Mark Thomson, and ING staff: Servando Rodríguez (back), Émilie Lhomé (front), Frank Gribbin, Carlos Martínez and Amado González. Credit: ING. Large format: [ JPEG ].

Marc Balcells, Mark Thomson and Chris Woolford at the WHT. Credit: ING. Large format: [ JPEG ].
Mark Thomson addresses the ING staff. Credit: ING. Large format: [ JPEG ].
Group photograph of Mark Thomson and ING staff. Credit: ING. Large format: [ JPEG ].

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Last modified: 08 October 2019

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