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The principal investigator, institution or university, title of the programme,
and programme reference for every telescope and allocation are listed below.
Service programmes are not included. For observing schedules please visit
this web page: http://www.ing.iac.es/ds/sched/.
ITP Programmes on the ING Telescopes
Gänsicke (Warwick). Towards a global understanding of close
binary evolution. ITP7.
William Herschel Telescope
Ahmad (Armagh Observatory). Parameters of hot subdwarfs of the
double-lined spectroscopic binary —PG 1544+488. W/2005A/46.
Bailey (Anglo–Australian Observatory). A high precision polarization
survey of bright stars. W/2005A/10.
Blundell (Oxford). A complete spatial and dynamical study of the
microquasar SS433. W/2005A/52.
Bower (Durham). The Lyman-a haloes of SCUBA galaxies: exploring
super-winds and feedback at z=3. W/2005A/21.
Christian (Queen’s University, Belfast). ISIS characterisation
of variable stars from the SuperWASP survey. W/2005A/36.
Dobbie (Leicester). A rigorous examination of the evolutionary
status of SDSS hot DB white dwarfs within the DO/DB gap. W/2005A/5.
Hewett (IoA, Cambridge). Imaging of spectroscopically selected
gravitational lenses from the SDSS. W/2005A/19.
Hough (Hertfordshire). Circular spectropolarimetry of DIBs. W/2005A/7.
Jarvis (Oxford). Spectroscopic redshifts for the first radio galaxy
sample selected at 74 MHz. W/2005A/8.
Keenan (Queen’s University, Belfast). The space density of B-type
stars in the Galactic halo. W/2005A/6.
Knigge (Southampton). Spectroscopic reconnaissance of candidate
emission line stars discovered by IPHAS. W/2005A/39.
Kosroshah (Birmingham). A membership study of the nearest fossil
group. W/2005A/17.
Kurosawa (Exeter). The clumpy nature of O supergiant stellar winds.
Levan (Leicester). Probing the high redshift universe with GRBs.
Lucas (Hertfordshire). PLANETPOL polarimetry of Tau Boo Ab. W/2005A/20.
Magrini (Firenze, Italy). The chemical content of nearby galaxies:
GR 8. W/2005A/29.
Merrifield (School of Physics and Astronomy, Nottingham). Determining
the dynamics of round elliptical galaxies using the Planetary Nebula Spectrograph.
Pettini (IoA, Cambridge). The nature of DLA galaxies traced through
spin temperatures: the optical survey. W/2005A/3.
Pozzo (ICL). Late-time study of the very nearby Type IIP SN 2004dj.
Tadhunter (Sheffield). Ultraluminous infrared galaxies: quasars
and radio galaxies in the making? W/2005A/1.
Tanvir (Hertfordshire). The physics of short bursts and relativistic
blast waves. W/2004B/51 LT.
Wilkinson (IoA, Cambridge). Dark matter at the edge of the Sextans
dwarf spheroidal. W/2005A/35.
Cappellari (Leiden Observatory). Dark matter in early-type galaxies:
stellar line-of-sight velocity-distribution at 5Re using SAURON. w05an005.
Douglas (Kapteyn Institute). Determining the dynamics of round
elliptical galaxies using the Planetary Nebula Spectrograph (PN.S). w05an014.
Franx (Leiden Observatory). Infrared spectroscopy of restframe
optically red galaxies at high redshift. w05an006.
Groot (Nijmegen). High-resolution eclipse mapping of accretion
disks in cataclysmic variables. w05an004.
Helmi (Kapteyn Institute). Building up the Milky Way halo via accretion
of small satellites. w05an017.
McDermid (Leiden Observatory). The central black hole in NGC 4486A:
measuring the mass and environment with OASIS+NAOMI. w05an023.
Roelofs (Nijmegen). Measuring directly the anticipated tidal deformation
of the accretion disk of AM CVn. w05an012.
Wijers (Astronomical Institute, Amsterdam). The physics of short
bursts and relativistics blast waves. w05an013.
Wijers (Astronomical Institute, Amsterdam). Probing the high redshift
universe with GRBs. w05an020.
Beckman (IAC). Basic properties of the nuclear bars in galaxies
with double bar. W39/2005A.
Cairós (IAC). Near infrared mapping of blue compact dwarf
galaxies: disentangling the starburst and the old stars. W33/2005A.
Casares (IAC). Determining system parameters of a Soft X-ray transient
in outburst. W1/2005A.
Eiroa (Autónoma de Madrid). IMF to the subestellar limit
in extremely young pre-main sequence clusters: Serpens. W14/2005A.
González (IAA). Finding an evolutionary link between radio
galaxies and very luminous infrared galaxies. W8/2005A.
Gorgas (Complutense de Madrid). The star formation history of elliptical
galaxies in different environments. W52/2005A.
Licandro (IAC/ING). The Deep Impact experiment. W19/2005A.
López (IAC). Studying the dynamics and origin of nuclear
bars. W38/2005A.
López-Martín (IAC). Identifying and characterising
the counterparts to ULXs. W30/2005A.
López-Sánchez (IAC). Star formation zones in starburst
galaxies with tidal streams. W51/2005A.
Mediavilla (IAC). Photometric and spectroscopic variability of
gravitational lenses. WL2/2005A.