News from the Roque
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ING Newsletter No. 8, September 2004

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Reference: ING Newsl., No. 8, page 24.
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News from the Roque

The 10-m GTC project is making visible good progress. As can be seen from the web cameras on the GTC’s web page the telescope mount has been completed, and the telescope structure itself is being mounted inside the dome. At the time of writing the mirror support cell is already completed. The first mirror segments have been received, as are the first instrument components such as the aquisition and guiding units and the commissioning camera. First light for this telescope is coming closer !

The large Cherenkov telescope, MAGIC, is nearly fully operational. All mirrors have been fitted, providing for an impressive sight at night as well as during the day. First detections have already been registered early in the year. The ‘Counting House’ has been constructed close to the telescope, also containing a dome that will host a small telescope used for calibration purposes. Furthermore, advanced plans exist for the construction of a second telescope of similar characteristics as MAGIC-1 and will be placed in the same area.

Figure 1
MAGIC telescope and GTC (photo courtesy Francesca Phillips). [ JPEG | TIFF ]

The SuperWASP (Wide Angle Search for Planets) project is now fully operational and has been collecting data already for several months, but still under the watchful eye of an observer. The telescope was inaugurated very appropriately in a remote fashion in April. The system has operated throughout summer in an automatic fashion. Later this year the telescope is expected to start full robotic operation and be fitted with the full complement of 8 cameras.

Figure 2
SuperWASP and WHT in the background. [ JPEG | TIFF ]

The Liverpool telescope has had its first robotic observations earlier in the year. Following an upgrade to the hydraulic system for the enclosure the telescope will be ready for full operation.¤

Email contact: René Rutten (

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