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William Herschel Telescope

CANARY: On-Sky MOAO demonstrator

— Wide-field LGS tomography and open-loop AO (MOAO) demonstrator —

First light (at ING): 19 September, 2010.

Designed and built by: Observatoire de Paris, Durham University, ONERA, UK ATC and ING.

Description: CANARY is an open-loop Adaptive Optics system that will use multiple laser guide stars and deformable mirrors. It is the instrument that provides the first on-sky test of combined wide-field LGS tomography and open-loop AO control. On-sky validation of these combined techniques is performed with the goal of emulating a single channel of the proposed E-ELT MOAO instrument, EAGLE, albeit at 1/10th scale.


Time allocations:
Nights scheduled since semester 2007B

Instrument information:

Research impact:

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Last modified: 23 September 2024

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