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Isaac Newton Telescope

LIAP: Leicester Indium Antimonide Photometer

First light (at ING): 1986

Description: This photometer uses a 0.5mm Cincinnati Electronics detector in conjunction with a capacitative feedback pre amplifier similar to that described by Barton and Allen (1980).A simplified readout system employs a voltage-to-frequency converter feeding a digital counter system. The system was configured to take photometric readings every 20ms, under which condition the output is background-noise-limited when observing the bright sky close to the Moon with the aperture needed for the observation. A microcomputer system was used to store up to 80s worth of data in digital form, with ananalog tape recorder and ananalog oscillograph recorder as backups

Time allocations:
Nights scheduled since semester 2007B

Research impact:

Publications (1 from ING paper count)

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Last modified: 23 September 2024

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