The following includes all 102 refereed and non-refereed publications of
ING astronomers in the year 2004 (50 refereed journal papers and 52 non-refereed
papers in conference proceedings or other publications), and all 84 refereed
and non-refereed publications in the year 2005 (37 refereed journal papers
and 47 non-refereed papers in conference proceedings or other publications).
It is sorted by year and in alphabetical order (ING author appears in italic
and bold).
1. Ahmad, A., Jeffery, C. S., Solheim, J.-E., Østensen,
R., “Pulsation stability of helium-rich subdwarf B stars”,
Astrophys J Suppl, 291, 435.
2. Azzaro, M., Prada, F., Gutiérrez, C. M., “Motion
Properties of Satellites around External Spiral Galaxies”, ASP Conf
Series, 327, 268.
3. Benetti, S., Meikle, P., Stehle, M., Altavilla, G., Desidera, S., Folatelli,
G., Goobar, A., Mattila, S., Méndez, J.,
Navasardyan, H., Pastorello, A., Patat, F., Riello, M., Ruiz-Lapuente, P.,
Tsvetkov, D., Turatto, M., Mazzali, P., Hillebrandt, W., “Supernova
2002bo: inadequacy of the single parameter description”, MNRAS, 348,
4. Benn, C. R., Blanken, M., Bevil, C., Els,
S., Goodsell, S., Gregory, T., Jolley, P., Longmore, A. J., Martin,
O., Myers, R. M., Østensen, R., Rees, S.,
Rutten, R. G. M., Söchting, I., Talbot, G.,
Tulloch, S. M., “NAOMI: adaptive optics at the WHT”, Proc SPIE,
5490, 79.
5. Binzel, R. P., Licandro, J., Serra-Ricart, M., de León
Cruz, J., Pinilla-Alonso, N., “Comet C/2003 WT 42 (LINEAR)”, IAU
Circ, 8270, 1.
6. Bond, H. E., Henden, A., Levay, Z. G., Panagia, N., Sparks, W. B., Starrfield,
S., Wagner, R. M., Corradi, R. L. M., Munari, U., “Hubble
Space Telescope Observations of the Light Echoes around V838 Monocerotis”,
ASP Conf Ser, 313, 543.
7. Carpano, S., Wilms, J., Schirmer, M., Kendziorra, E., “X-Ray
properties of NGC 300 point sources detected with XMM-Newton, and their optical
counterparts”, Mem Soc Astron Ital, 75, 486.
8. Clarkson, W. I., Christian, D. C., Collier-Cameron, A., Evans, N., Fitzsimmons,
A., Haswell, C. A., Hellier, C., Hodgkin, S. T., Horne, K. D., Kane, S. R.,
Keenan, F. P., Lister, T. A., Norton, A. J., Pollacco, D. L., Ryans, R., Skillen,
I., Street, R. A., West, R. G., Wheatley, P. J., “Current Status
of the SuperWASP Project, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts,
9. Corradi, R. L. M., “Planetary Nebulae Morphology According
to Padre Angelo Secchi”, ASP Conf Ser, 313, 25.
10. Corradi, R. L. M., “Multiple, Coeval and Hubble-Like
Bipolar Outflows”, ASP Conf Ser, 313, 148.
11. Corradi, R. L. M., “Discussion Session on Nebulae
Around Symbiotic Stars”, ASP Conf Ser, 313, 558.
12. Corradi, R. L. M., “The Bull's Eye Pattern in the
Cat's Eye and Other Planetary Nebulae”, ING Newsl, 8, 10.
13. Corradi, R. L. M., Sánchez-Blázquez, P., Giammanco,
C., Mellema, G., Schwarz, H. E., “New Rings in Planetary Nebulae Haloes”,
ASP Conf Ser, 313, 290.
14. Corradi, R. L. M., Sánchez-Blázquez, P., Mellema,
G., Giammanco, C., Schwarz, H. E., “Rings in the haloes of planetary
nebulae”, Astron Astrophys, 417, 637.
15. Corradi, R. L. M., “Stellar paleontology using planetary
nebulae”, Mem Soc Astron Ital, 75, 73.
16. Crowther, P. A., Evans, C. J., “CNO Abundances in
Magellanic Cloud OB Supergiants”, IAU Symposium, 215, 218.
17. de León, J., Duffard, R., Licandro, J., Lazzaro,
D., “Mineralogical characterization of A-type asteroid (1951) Lick”,
Astron Astrophys, 422, L59.
18. Dotto, E., Fornasier, S., Barucci, M. A., Boehnhardt, H., Hainaut, O.,
Marzari, F., Licandro, J., de Bergh, C., “Visible and
near-infrared spectroscopic survey of Jupiter Trojan asteroids: investigation
of dynamical families”, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting
Abstracts, 36.
19. Duffard, René; Lazzaro, Daniela; Licandro, Javier;
de Sanctis, Maria Cristina; Capria, Maria Teresa; Carvano, Jorge M., “Mineralogical
characterization of some basaltic asteroids in the neighborhood of (4) Vesta:
first results”, Icarus, 171, 120.
20. Ellison, S. L., Churchill, C. W., Rix, S. A., Pettini, M.,
“The Number Density of 0.6<z<1.7 Mg II Systems from CORALS: Observational
Biases at Intermediate Redshift", Astrophys J, 615, 118.
21. Evans, C. J., Crowther, P. A., Fullerton, A. W., Hillier,
D. J., “Quantitative Studies of the Far-Ultraviolet, Ultraviolet, and
Optical Spectra of Late O- and Early B-Type Supergiants in the Magellanic
Clouds”, Astrophys J, 610, 1021.
22. Evans, C. J., Howarth, I. D., Irwin, M. J., Burnley, A.
W., Harries, T. J., “2dF survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud”,
VizieR Online Data Catalog, 735, 30601.
23. Evans, C. J., Lennon, D. J., Trundle,
C., Heap, S. R., Lindler, D. J., “Terminal Velocities of Luminous,
Early-Type Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud”, Astrophys J, 607, 451.
24. Evans, C. J., Lennon, D. J., Walborn, N. R.,
Trundle, C., Rix, S. A., “The Ultraviolet
and Optical Spectra of Luminous B-Type Stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud”,
PASP, 116, 909.
25. Evans, C. J., Howarth, I. D., Irwin, M. J., Burnley, A.
W., Harries, T. J., “A 2dF survey of the Small Magellanic Cloud”,
MNRAS, 353, 601.
26. Fadeyev, V., et al., (withMéndez, J.), “Cosmological
Constraints from the First Supernova Discovered above Redshift of One”,
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 205.
27. Flix, J., Martínez, M., Prada, F.,
The MAGIC Collaboration, “Indirect Searches for SUSY Dark Matter with
the MAGIC Cherenkov Telescope”, ASP Conf Ser, 327, 47.
28. Funes, J. G., Gutiérrez, C. M., Prada, F., Azzaro,
M., Ribeiro, M. B., “Star Formation in Satellite Galaxies”, ASP
Conf Ser, 327, 272.
29. Gabasch, A., Salvato, M., Saglia, R. P., Bender, R., Hopp, U., Seitz,
Feulner, G., Pannella, M., Drory, N., Schirmer, M., Erben, T.,
“The Star Formation Rate History in the FORS Deep and GOODS-South Fields”,
Astrophys J, 616, L83.
30. Garavini, G., et al. (with Méndez, J.), “Spectroscopic
Observations and Analysis of the Peculiar SN 1999aa”, Astron J, 128,
31. Giavalisco, M., et al. (with Schirmer, M.), “The Great
Observatories Origins Deep Survey: Initial Results from Optical and Near-Infrared
Imaging”, Astrophys J, 600, L93.
32. Gonçalves, D. R., Mampaso, A., Corradi, R. L. M.,
Perinotto, M., “The Physical Parameters and Excitation of Jets and Knots
in PNe”, ASP Conf Ser, 313, 198.
33. Groot, P.J., Rutten, R.G.M., van Paradijs, J., “A
spectrophotometric study of RW Trianguli”, Astron Astrophys, 417, 333.
34. Gonçalves, D. R., Mampaso, A., Corradi, R. L. M.,
Perinotto, M., Riera, A., López-Martín, L., “K 4-47: a
planetary nebula excited by photons and shocks”, MNRAS, 355, 37.
35. Gonçalves, D. R., Corradi, R. L. M., Mampaso, A.,
Perinotto, M., Erratum: ``The Physical Parameters, Excitation, and Chemistry
of the Rim, Jets, and Knots of the Planetary Nebula NGC 7009'', Astrophys
J, 601, 1161.
36. Gorosabel, J., Jelinek, M., Méndez, J., Ruiz-Lapuente,
P., Castro Ceron, J. M., Ugarte, P., Castro-Tirado, A. J., “GRB 040511:
optical observations”,GRB Circular Network, 2592, 1
37. Heber, U., Drechsel, H., Østensen, R.,
Karl, C., Napiwotzki, R., Altmann, M., Cordes, O., Solheim, J.-E., Voss, B.,
Koester, D., Folkes, S., “HS 2333+3927: A new sdB+dM binary with a large
reflection effect”, Astron Astrophys, 420, 251.
38. Herrero, A., Lennon, D. J., “Abundance Anomalies and
Rotation in Main Sequence OB Stars (Invited Review)”, IAU Symposium,
215, 209.
39. Holt, J., Benn, C. R., Vigotti, M., Pedani,
M., Carballo, R., González-Serrano, J. I., Mack, K.-H., García,
B., “A sample of radio-loud QSOs at redshift ~ 4”, MNRAS, 348,
40. Holt, J., Benn, C. R., Vigotti, M., Pedani,
M., Carballo, R., Gonzalez-Serrano, J. I., Mack, K.-H., García, B.,
“Radio-loud QSOs at z ~4 (Holt+, 2004)”, VizieR Online Data Catalog,
734, 80857.
41. Jolley, P. D., Goodsell, S., Benn, C. R.,
Gregory, T., Rees, S., van der Hoeven, M., Blanken, M., Pit, R., “Recent
enhancements to the NAOMI AO system”, Proc SPIE, 5490, 280.
42. Karl, C. A., Heber, U., Drechsel, H., Napiwotzki, R., Altmann, M., Østensen,
R., Folkes, S., Solheim, J. E., Cordes, O., Voss, B., Koester, D.,
“HS 2333 + 3927: a new sdB binary with a large reflection effect”,
Astrophys J Suppl, 291, 283.
43. Kniazev, A. Y., Grebel, E. K., Pustilnik, S. A., Pramskij, A. G., Kniazeva,
T. F., Prada, F., Harbeck, D., “Low Surface Brightness
Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. I. Search Method and Test Sample”,
Astron J, 127, 704.
44. Kowalski, M., et al. (with Méndez, J.), “A
Set of Nearby SNe Ia Lightcurves”, American Astronomical Society Meeting
Abstracts, 205.
45. López-Martín, L., Gonçalves, D. R., Corradi,
R. L. M., Mampaso, A., “Jet and Knots in K4-47: Observations
and Models”, ASP Conf Ser, 313, 468.
46. Lara, L.-M., Rodrigo, R., Tozzi, G. P., Boehnhardt, H., Leisy, P.,
“The gas and dust coma of Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)”, Astron Astrophys,
420, 371.
47. Lara, L.-M., Rodrigo, R., Tozzi, G. P., Boehnhardt, H., Leisy, P.,
Erratum: “The gas and dust coma of Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee)”, Astron
Astrophys, 423, 1169.
48. Lazzaro, D., Duffard, R., de Leon, J., Licandro, J., “Basaltic
asteroids and HED meteorites: searching for a genetic link using spectral
parameters”, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts,
49. Lennon, D. J., “DISCUSSION: Observations of Rotating
Stars”, IAU Symposium, 215, 205.
50. Magrini, L., Corradi, R. L. M., Leisy, P.,
Scatarzi, A., Morbidelli, L., Perinotto, M., “The Luminosity Function
of PNe with Different Morphology”, ASP Conf Ser, 313, 42.
51. Majewski, S. R., Prada, F., Klypin, A., White, S., “Local
Substructure and the Reliability of Data from the Canarian Observatories”,
ASP Conf Ser, 327, 339.
52. Magrini, L., Perinotto, M., Mampaso, A., Corradi, R. L. M.,
“Chemical abundances of Planetary Nebulae in M 33”, Astron Astrophys,
426, 779.
53. Mattila, S., Meikle, W. P. S., Greimel, R., “Highly
extinguished supernovae in the nuclear regions of starburst galaxies”,
New Astronomy Reviews, 48, 595.
54. Mattila, S., Meikle, W. P. S., Groeningsson, P., Greimel, R.,
Schirmer, M., Acosta-Pulido, J. A., Li, W., “Supernova
2004am in M82”, IAU Circ, 8299, 2.
55. McDermid, R., Bacon, R., Adam, G., Benn, C., Emsellem, E.,
Cappellari, M., Kuntschner, H., Bureau, M., Copin, Y., Davies, R. L., Falcon-Barroso,
J., Ferruit, P., Krajnovic, D., Peletier, R. F., Shapiro, K., de Zeeuw, P.
T., “Under the Microscope: Galaxy Centres with OASIS”, ING Newsl,
8, 3.
56. McDermid, R., Bacon, R., Adam, G., Benn, C., Cappellari,
M., “Adaptive-optics-assisted integral field spectroscopy with OASIS
and NAOMI”, Proc SPIE, 5492, 822.
57. Méndez, J., Suárez, S., “Detection of
"El Niño" Effect at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory?”,
ING Newsl, 8, 26.
58. Méndez, J., Rutten, R.,
"Evolución Histórica del Grupo deTelescopios Isaac Newton",
Revista de Estudios Generales de la Isla de La Palma, 0, 123.
59. Mobasher, B., Idzi, R., Benítez, N., Cimatti, A., Cristiani, S.,
Daddi, E., Dahlen, T., Dickinson, M., Erben, T., Ferguson, H. C., Giavalisco,
M., Grogin, N. A., Koekemoer, A. M., Mignoli, M., Moustakas, L. A., Nonino,
M., Rosati, P., Schirmer, M., Stern, D., Vanzella, E., Wolf,
C., Zamorani, G., “Photometric Redshifts for Galaxies in the GOODS Southern
Field”, Astrophys J, 600, L167.
60. Munari, U., Corradi, R. L. M., Whitelock, P. A., “HST
expansion parallaxes of binary Miras”, ASP Conf Ser, 318, 374.
61. Oreiro, R., Ulla, A., Pérez Hernández, F., Østensen,
R., Rodríguez López, C., MacDonald, J., “Balloon
090100001: A bright, high amplitude sdB pulsator”, Astron Astrophys,
418, 243.
62. Østensen, R. H., “The
Subdwarf Database”, Astrophys J Suppl, 291, 263.
63. Østensen, R. H., Telting,
J. H., “Radial velocity and line-profile variations in the sdBV star
PG 1325+101”, Astrophys J Suppl, 291, 449.
64. Perinotto, M., Patriarchi, P., Balick, B., Corradi, R. L. M.,
“STIS observations of FLIERs in NGC 7662”, Astron Astrophys, 422,
65. Pignata, G., Patat, F., Benetti, S., Blinnikov, S., Hillebrandt, W., Kotak,
R., Leibundgut, B., Mazzali, P. A., Meikle, P., Qiu, Y., Ruiz-Lapuente, P.,
Smartt, S. J., Sorokina, E., Stritzinger, M., Stehle, M., Turatto, M., Marsh,
T., Martin-Luis, F., McBride, N., Méndez, J., Morales-Rueda,
L., Narbutis, D., Street, R., “Photometric observations of the Type
Ia SN 2002er in UGC 10743”, MNRAS, 355, 178.
66. Pinilla-Alonso, N., Licandro, J., Campins, H., “Mineralogical
analysis of two different kind of icy surfaces in the trans-neptunian belt,
TNOs (50000) Quaoar and 2002 TX300”, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences
Meeting Abstracts, 36.
67. Pohlen, M.,Martínez-Delgado, D., Majewski, S., Palma, C., Prada,
F., Balcells, M., “Tidal Streams around External Galaxies”,
ASP Conf Ser, 327, 288.
68. Pollacco, P., Skillen, I., Méndez, J.,
The Wasp Consortium, “SuperWASP: The Trials and Tribulations of a Remote
Inauguration Ceremony”, ING Newsl, 8, 18.
69. Don Pollacco, Ian Skillen, Javier
Méndez y el consorcio WASP, "SuperWASP: Los problemas
de una inauguracion remota", IAC Noticias, 1-2004, 43.
70. Prada, F., Vitvitska, M., Klypin, A., Holtzman, J., Schlegel,
D., Grebel, E. K., Rix, H.-W., Brinkmann, J., McKay, T. A., Csabai, I., “Observing
the Dark Matter Density Profiles of Isolated Galaxies from SDSS Satellite
Dynamics”, ASP Conf Ser, 327, 14.
71. Prada, F., Martínez Delgado, D., Mahoney, T. J. (eds.),
“Satellites and Tidal Streams”, ASP Conf. Series, 327.
72. Reed, M. D., Green, E. M., Callerame, K., Seitenzahl, I. R., White, B.
A., Hyde, E. A., Giovanni, M. K., Østensen, R., Bronowska,
A., Jeffery, E. J., Cordes, O., Falter, S., Edelmann, H., Dreizler, S., Schuh,
S. L., “Discovery of Gravity-Mode Pulsators among Subdwarf B Stars:
PG 1716+426, the Class Prototype”, Astrophys J, 607, 445.
73. Reed, M.D., et al., (with Østensen, R.), “Observations
of the pulsating subdwarf B star Feige 48: Constraints on evolution and companions”,
MNRAS, 348, 1164.
74. Rhee, J., Seibert, M., Østensen, R. H.,
Yi, S. K., Rey, S.-C., Rich, R. M., Bianchi, L., Lee, Y.-W., “GALEX
Survey for Subdwarf B Stars”, American Astronomical Society Meeting
Abstracts, 205.
75. Rix, S. A., “The interstellar medium and stellar populations
of high-redshift galaxies”, The Observatory, 124, 226.
76. Rix, S. A., Pettini, M., Leitherer, C., Bresolin, F., Kudritzki,
R., Steidel, C. C., “Spectral Modeling of Star-forming Regions in the
Ultraviolet: Stellar Metallicity Diagnostics for High-Redshift Galaxie”s,
Astrophys J, 615, 98.
77. Ruiz-Lapuente, P., Comeron, F., Méndez, J., Canal,
R., Smartt, S. J., Filippenko, A. V., Kurucz, R. L., Chornock, R., Foley,
R. J., Stanishev, V., Ibata, R., The binary progenitor of Tycho Brahe's 1572
supernova”, Nature, 431, 1069.
78. Rutten, R., Méndez, J.,
“The Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes from a Historic Perspective”,
ASSL, 310, 83.
79. Rutten, R.G.M., “Instrumentation plans for the William
Herschel Telescope”, Mem Soc Astron Ital, 75, 225.
80. Rutten, R., “GLAS: A laser beacon for
the WHT”, ING Newsl, 8, 13.
81. Sánchez, S. F., Benn, C. R., “Impact
of astronomical research from different countries”, Astronomische Nachrichten,
325, 445.
82. Sánchez, S. F., Christensen, L., Becker, T., Kelz, A., Jahnke,
K., Benn, C. R., García-Lorenzo, B., Roth,
M. M., “The merging/AGN connection: a case for 3D spectroscopy”,
Astronomische Nachrichten, 325, 112.
83. Santander-García, M., Corradi, R. L. M., Balick,
B., Mampaso, A., “Menzel 3: Dissecting the ant”, Astron Astrophys,
426, 185.
84. Schönberner, D., Jacob, R., Hildebrandt, G., Steffen, M., Lehmann,
H., Corradi, R., Acker, A., “Probing the Mass-loss History at the Top
of the AGB by Planetary Nebulae”, Astronomische Nachrichten Supplement,
325, 104.
85. Schirmer, M., Erben, T., Schneider, P., Wolf, C., Meisenheimer,
K., “GaBoDS: The Garching-Bonn Deep Survey. II. Confirmation of EIS
cluster candidates by weak gravitational lensing”, Astron Astrophys,
420, 75.
86. Silvotti, R., Bonanno, A., Frasca, A., Bernabei, S., Janulis, R., Østensen,
R., Kim, S.-L., Park, B.-G., Xiaojun, J., Guo, J., Liu, Z., Reed,
M. D., Patterson, R. S., Gietzen, K. M., Clark, P. J., Wolf, G. W., Lipkin,
Y., Formiggini, L., Leibowitz, E., Oswalt, T. D., Rudkin, M., Johnston, K.,
“Preliminary results of the multisite time-series campaign on the sdB
pulsator PG 1325+101”, Astrophys J Suppl, 291, 445.
87. Simon, P., Schneider, P., Erben, T., Schirmer, M., Wolf,
C., Meisenheimer, K., “The galaxy-dark matter bias”, Baryons in
Dark Matter Halos, SISSA, Proceedings of Science.
88. Smartt, S. J., Maund, J. R., Hendry, M. A., Tout, C. A., Gilmore, G. F.,
Mattila, S., Benn, C. R., “Detection of
a Red Supergiant Progenitor Star of a Type II-Plateau Supernova”, Science,
303, 499.
89. Söchting, I. K., Wilson,
R. W., Myers, R. M., Longmore, A. J., Benn, C. R.,
Østensen, R., Els, S., Goodsell, S., Gregory,
T., Talbot, G., “Influence of restricted FOV and CCD binning in SH-WFS
on the performance of NAOMI”, Proc SPIE, 5490, 574.
90. Söchting, I. K., Clowes,
R. G., Campusano, L. E., “Relation of radio-quiet quasars to galaxy
clusters at z<0.3”, MNRAS, 347, 1241.
91. Solheim, J.-E., Østensen, R., Silvotti, R., Heber,
U., “The NOT pulsating sdB search programme”, Astrophys J Suppl,
291, 419.
92. Street, R. A., Christian, D. J., Clarkson, W. I., Collier Cameron, A.,
Evans, N., Fitzsimmons, A., Haswell, C. A., Hellier, C., Hodgkin, S. T., Horne,
K., Kane, S. R., Keenan, F. P., Lister, T. A., Norton, A. J., Pollacco, D.,
Ryans, R., Skillen, I., West, R. G., Wheatley, P. J., “Status
of SuperWASP I (La Palma)”, Astronomische Nachrichten, 325, 565.
93. Telting, J. H., Østensen, R. H.,
“Radial-velocity and line-profile variations in the sdBV star PG 1325+101”,
Astron Astrophys, 419, 685.
94. Tozzi, G. P., Boehnhardt, H., Del Bo, M., Hainaut, O., Jehin, E., Jorda,
L., Kolokolova, L., Lara, L. M., Licandro, J., Rauer, H., Schulz,
R., Stuewe, J. A., Weiler, M., “Comet C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) at its closest
approach to the Earth”, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting
Abstracts, 36.
95. Tozzi, G. P., Lara, L. M., Kolokolova, L., Boehnhardt, H., Licandro,
J., Schulz, R., “Sublimating components in the coma of comet
C/2000 WM1 (LINEAR)”, Astron Astrophys, 424, 325.
96. Trundle, C., Lennon, D. J., Puls, J., Dufton,
P. L., “Understanding B-type supergiants in the low metallicity environment
of the SMC”, Astron Astrophys, 417, 217.
97. Vázquez, G. A., Leitherer, C., Heckman, T. M., Lennon, D.
J., de Mello, D. F., Meurer, G. R., Martin, C. L., “Characterizing
the Stellar Population in NGC 1705-1”, Astrophys J, 600, 162.
98. Walborn, N. R., Lennon, D. J., “A Comparison of O
Spectral Types with Nonrotating and Rotating Evolutionary Models”, IAU
Symposium, 215, 512.
99. Walborn, N. R., Howarth, I. D., Rauw, G., Lennon, D. J.,
Bond, H. E., Negueruela, I., Nazé, Y., Corcoran, M. F., Herrero, A.,
Pellerin, A., “A Period and a Prediction for the Of?p Spectrum Alternator
HD 191612”, Astrophys J, 617, L61.
100. Walborn, N. R., Morrell, N. I., Howarth, I. D., Crowther, P. A., Lennon,
D. J., Massey, P., Arias, J. I., “A CNO Dichotomy among O2 Giant
Spectra in the Magellanic Clouds”, Astrophys J, 608, 1028.
101. Walton, N. A., Drew, J., Barlow, M. J., Corradi, R., Drake, J.,Gaensicke,
B., Greimel, R., Groot, P., Irwin, M. J., Knigge, C., Leisy,
P., Lennon, D. J., Mampaso, A., Masheder, M., Morris,
R., Parker, Q. A., Phillipps, S., Pretorius, M., Rodriguez-Gil, P., Skillen,
I., Sokoloski, J., Steegs, D., Unruh, Y., Witham, A., Zijlstra, A.,
Zurita, A., IPHAS, “IPHAS: The INT/WFC Photometric Hα Survey of
the Northern Galactic Plane”, American Astronomical Society Meeting
Abstracts, 205.
102. Zurita, A., Relaño, M., Beckman, J.
E., Knapen, J. H., “Ionized gas kinematics and massive star formation
in NGC 1530”, Astron Astrophys, 413, 73.
1. Altavilla, G., Ruiz-Lapuente, P., Balastegui, A., Méndez,
J., Benetti, S., Irwin, M., Schahmaneche, K., Balland, C., Pain, R.,
Walton, N., “Supernova Search at Intermediate-redshift. I. Spectroscopic
Analysis”, ASP Conf Ser, 342, 486.
2. Balastegui, A., Ruiz-Lapuente, P., Méndez, J., Altavilla,
G., Irwin, M., Schamanache, K., Balland, C., Pain, R., Walton, N., “Supernova
Search at Intermediate-redshift. III. Expansion Velocities of the Ejecta”,
ASP Conf Ser, 342, 490.
3. Barentine, J., et al. (with Méndez, J.), “Supernovae
2005hk-2005ik”, CBET, 268, 1.
4. Barentine, J., et al. (with Méndez, J.), “Supernovae
2005ht, 2005hv, 2005hy, 2005hz, 2005id, 2005ij, 2005is-2005ka”, CBET,
280, 1.
5. Barentine, J., et al. (with Méndez, J.), “Supernovae
2005go-2005gy”, CBET, 254, 1.
6. Barentine, J., et al. (with Méndez, J.), “Supernova
2005hc in MCG +00-6-3”, CBET, 259, 1.
7. Barentine, J., et al. (with Méndez, J.), “Supernovae
2005eh and 2005ex-2005gj”, CBET, 247, 1.
8. Barnes, T. G., Jeffery, E. J., Montemayor, T. J., Skillen, I.,
“Radial Velocities of Galactic Cepheids”, Astrophys J, 156, 227.
9. Benn, C. R., Carballo, R., Holt, J., Vigotti,
M., González-Serrano, J. I., Mack, K.-H., Perley, R. A., “Unusual
high-redshift radio broad absorption-line quasar 1624+3758”, MNRAS,
360, 1455.
10. Dilday, B., et al. (with Méndez, J.), “SDSS
II Supernova Survey”, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts,
11. Bradac, M., Erben, T., Schneider, P., Hildebrandt, H., Lombardi, M., Schirmer,
M., Miralles, J.-M., Clowe, D., Schindler, S., “Strong and weak
lensing united”, Astron Astrophys, 437, 49.
12. Campins, H., Licandro, J., Ziffer, J., Fernández,
Y. R., Hora, J., Kassis, M., Pinilla-Alonso, N., “Surface Characteristics
of Comet-Asteroid Transition Objects 944 Hidalgo and 162P/Siding Spring (2004
TU12)”, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 37.
13. Carpano, S., Wilms, J., Kenziorra, E., Schirmer, M., “XMM
study of the galaxy NGC 300”, 5 years of Science with XMM-Newton, 105.
14. Carpano, S., Wilms, J., Schirmer, M., Kendziorra, E., “X-ray
properties of NGC 300. I. (Carpano+, 2005)”, VizieR Online Data Catalog,
344, 30103.
15. Carpano, S., Wilms, J., Schirmer, M., Kendziorra, E., “X-ray
properties of NGC 300. I. Global properties of X-ray point sources and their
optical counterparts”, Astron Astrophys, 443, 103.
16. Comerford, J. M., Meneghetti, M., Bartelmann, M., Schirmer, M.,
“Mass Distributions of HST Galaxy Clusters from Gravitational Arcs”,
American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 207.
17. Corradi, R. L. M., Magrini, L., Greimel, R.,
Irwin, M., Leisy, P., Lennon, D. J., Mampaso,
A., Perinotto, M., Pollacco, D. L., Walsh, J. R., Walton, N. A., Zijlstra,
A. A., “The Local Group Census: planetary nebulae in the spheroidal
galaxies NGC 147, NGC 185 and NGC 205”, Astron Astrophys, 431, 555.
18. Corradi, R. L. M., Mampaso, A., “Imaging resources
for the GTC: the Local Group Census”, Rev Mex Astron Astrof Conf Ser,
24, 56.
19. Corradi, R. L. M., “The study of planetary nebulae
with large telescopes”, AIP Conf Proc, 752, 107.
20. de Ugarte Postigo, A., Furnes, J., Corradi, R.,
Jelinek, M., Gorosabel, J., Castro-Tirado, A. J., “GRB 050421: optical
observations at the INT”, GRB Coordinates Network, 3297, 1.
21. Delgado, G., Viironen, K., Corradi, R. L. M., Mampaso, A.,
“Diagnostic diagrams of H 0 regions in the Local Group”, Rev Mex
Astron Astrof Conf Ser, 24, 229.
22. Dotto, E., Fornasier, S., Barucci, M. A., Licandro, J.,
Boehnhardt, H., Hainaut, O., Marzari, F., De Bergh, C., De Luise, F., “Jupiter
Trojans: a Survey of Members of Dynamical Families”, AAS/Division for
Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 37.
23. Drew, J. E., et al. (with Corradi, R. L. M.,
Evans, C. J., Greimel, R.,
Leisy, P., Lennon, D. J.,
Skillen, I., Zurita, A.), “IPHAS:
Surveying the North Galactic Plane in H-alpha”, ING Newsl, 9, 3
24. Drew, J. E., et al. (with Corradi, R. L. M.,
Evans, C. J., Greimel, R.,
Leisy, P., Lennon, D. J.,
Skillen, I., Zurita, A.), “The
INT Photometric Hα Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane (IPHAS)”,
MNRAS, 362, 753.
25. Dufton, P. L., Ryans, R. S. I., Trundle, C., Lennon,
D. J., Hubeny, I., Lanz, T., Allende Prieto, “B-type Supergiants
in the SMC (Dufton+, 2005)”, VizieR Online Data Catalog, 343, 41125.
26. Dufton, P. L., Ryans, R. S. I., Trundle, C., Lennon,
D. J., Hubeny, I., Lanz, T., Allende Prieto, C., “B-type supergiants
in the SMC: Chemical compositions and comparison of static and unified models”,
Astron Astrophys, 434, 1125.
27. Erben, T., et al. (with Schirmer, M.), “GaBoDS:
The Garching-Bonn Deep Survey. IV. Methods for the image reduction of multi-chip
cameras demonstrated on data from the ESO Wide-Field Imager”, Astronomische
Nachrichten, 326, 432.
28. Evans, C. J., Lennon, D. J., Walborn, N. R.,
Trundle, C., Rix, S. A., “An ultraviolet
spectral library of metal-poor OB stars”, ASSL, 329, 17P.
29. Evans, C. J., et al., “The VLT-FLAMES survey of massive
stars: Observations in the Galactic clusters NGC 3293, NGC 4755 and NGC 6611”,
Astron Astrophys, 437, 467.
30. Giavalisco, M., et al., (with Schirmer, M.), “GOODS
initial results (Giavalisco+, 2004)”, VizieR Online Data Catalog, 2261,
31. Gil-Hutton, R., Licandro, J., “Minor Planet Observations
[829 Complejo Astronomico El Leoncito]”, Minor Planet Circulars, 5364,
32. González-Serrano, J. I., Carballo, R., Vigotti, M., Benn,
C. R., de Zotti, G., Fanti, R., Mack, K. H., Holt, J., “Decline
of the Space Density of Quasars Between z=2 and z=4”, Baltic Astronomy,
14, 374.
33. Heber, U., Drechsel, H., Karl, C., Østensen, R.,
Folkes, S., Napiwotzki, R., Altmann, M., Cordes, O., Solheim, J.-E., Voss,
B., Koester, D., “The Mass of the sdB Primary of the Binary HS 2333+3927”,
ASP Conf Ser, 334, 357.
34. Hendry, M. A., et al. (with Benn, C. R.),
“A study of the Type II-P supernova 2003gd in M74”, MNRAS, 359,
35. Hildebrandt, H., Bomans, D. J., Erben, T., Schneider, P., Schirmer,
M., Czoske, O., Dietrich, J. P., Schrabback, T., Simon, P., Dettmar,
R. J., Haberzettl, L., Hetterscheidt, M., Cordes, O., “UBVRI from the
Garching-Bonn Deep Survey (Hildebrandt+, 2005)”, VizieR Online Data
Catalog, 344, 10905.
36. Hildebrandt, H., Bomans, D. J., Erben, T., Schneider, P., Schirmer,
M., Czoske, O., Dietrich, J. P., Schrabback, T., Simon, P., Dettmar,
R. J., Haberzettl, L., Hetterscheidt, M., Cordes, O., “GaBoDS: the Garching-Bonn
Deep Survey. III. Lyman-break galaxies in the Chandra Deep Field South”,
Astron Astrophys, 441, 905.
37. Hunter, I., Dufton, P. L., Ryans, R. S. I., Lennon, D. J.,
Rolleston, W. R. J., Hubeny, I., Lanz, T., “A non-LTE analysis of the
spectra of two narrow lined main sequence stars in the SMC”, Astron
Astrophys, 436, 687.
38. Garavini, G., et al. (with Méndez, J.), “Spectroscopic
Observations and Analysis of the Unusual Type Ia SN 1999ac”, Astron
J, 130, 2278.
39. Kanaan, A., et al. (with Østensen, R.), “Whole
Earth Telescope observations of BPM 37093: A seismological test of crystallization
theory in white dwarfs”, Astron Astrophys, 432, 219.
40. Kleinheinrich, M., Rix, H.-W., Erben, T., Schneider, P., Wolf, C., Schirmer,
M., Meisenheimer, K., Borch, A., Dye, S., Kovacs, Z., Wisotzki, L.,
“The influence of redshift information on galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements”,
Astron Astrophys, 439, 513.
41. Kleinheinrich, M., Rix, H.-W., Schneider, P., Erben, T., Meisenheimer,
K., Wolf, C., Schirmer, M., “Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing Studies
from COMBO-17”, IAU Symposium, 225, 249.
42. Kotak, R., Meikle, W. P. S., Pignata, G., Stehle, M., Smartt, S. J., Benetti,
S., Hillebrandt, W., Lennon, D. J., Mazzali, P. A., Patat, F.,
Turatto, M., “Spectroscopy of the type Ia supernova SN 2002er: Days
-11 to +215”, Astron Astrophys, 436, 1021.
43. Lazzarin, M., Marchi, S., Magrin, S., Licandro, J., “Spectroscopic
investigation of near-Earth objects at Telescopio Nazionale Galileo”,
MNRAS, 359, 1575.
44. Lidman, C., et al. (with Méndez, J.) , “Spectroscopic
confirmation of high-redshift supernovae with the ESO VLT”, Astron Astrophys,
430, 843.
45. Leisy, P., Corradi, R. L. M., Magrini, L.,
Greimel, R., Mampaso, A., Dennefeld, M., “Planetary nebulae
in the dwarf galaxy NGC 6822: Detection of new candidates”, Astron Astrophys,
436, 437.
46. Lennon, D., Evans, C.,
Drew, J., “An RAS Specialist Meeting, London, 14 October 2005: Science
from La Palma - Looking Beyond 2009", ING Newsl, 10, 21.
47. Lennon, D. J., Howarth, I. D., Herrero, A., Walborn, N.
R., “Addressing the Question Posed by the Of?p Stars: HD191612”,
ING Newsl, 9, 18.
48. Lennon, D. J., Lee, J.-K., Dufton, P. L., Ryans, R. S. I.,
“A Be star with a low nitrogen abundance in the SMC cluster NGC 330”,
Astron Astrophys, 438, 265.
49. Licandro, J., “The Deep Impact Event as Seen from
the Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory”, ING Newsl, 10, 4.
50. Licandro, J., Pinilla-Alonso, N., “The Inhomogeneous
Surface of Centaur 32522 Thereus (2001 PT13)”, Astrophys J, 630, L93.
51. Magrini, L., Corradi, R. L. M., Greimel, R.,
Leisy, P., Mampaso, A., Perinotto, M., Walsh, J. R., Walton,
N. A., Zijlstra, A. A., Minniti, D., Mora, M., “The Local Group Census:
searching for planetary nebulae in IC 1613, WLM and GR8”, MNRAS, 361,
52. Magrini, L., Leisy, P., Corradi, R. L. M.,
Perinotto, M., Mampaso, A., Vílchez, J. M., ”The chemistry of
planetary nebulae and HII regions in the dwarf galaxies Sextans A and B from
deep VLT spectra”, Astron Astrophys, 443, 115.
53. Mampaso, A., Corradi, R. L. M., “Imaging resources
for the GTC: IPHAS”, Rev Mex Astron Astrof Conf Ser, 24, 52.
54. Mattila, S., Greimel, R., Gerardy, C., Meikle, W. P. S 2005,
“Supernova 2005V in NGC 2146”, IAU Circ, 8474, 1.
55. Mattila, S., Greimel, R., Gerardy, C., Meikle, W. P. S.,
Clements, D. L., Nandra, K., “Arp 299”, IAU Circ, 8477, 2.
56. Mattila, S., Greimel, R., Gerardy, C., Meikle, W. P. S.,
Monard, L. A. G., Boles, T., Pugh, H., Graham, J., Li, W., “Supernovae
2005Q, 2005R, 2005S, 2005T, 2005U”, IAU Circ, 8473, 1.
57. Mattila, S., Greimel, R., Meikle, P., “LIRIS Discovers
Supernovae in Starburst Galaxies”, ING Newsl, 9, 16.
58. Mazzali, P. A., et al. (with Méndez, J.), “High-Velocity
Features: A Ubiquitous Property of Type Ia Supernovae”, Astrophys J,
623, L37.
59. Meech, K. J., et al., “Deep Impact: Observations from a Worldwide
Earth-Based Campaign”, Science, 310, 265.
60. Méndez, J., “The Search for the Companion Star
of Tycho Brahe's 1572 Supernova”, ING Newsl, 9, 20.
61. Méndez, J., Ruiz-Lapuente, P., Altavilla, G., Balastegui,
A., Irwin, M., Schamanache, K., Balland, C., Pain, R., Walton, N., “Supernova
Search at Intermediate-redshift. II. Host Galaxy Morphology”, ASP Conf
Ser, 342, 488.
62. Munari, U., Henden, A., Vallenari, A., Bond, H. E., Corradi, R.
L. M., Crause, L., Desidera, S., Giro, E., Marrese, P. M., Ragaini,
S., Siviero, A., Sordo, R., Starrfield, S., Tomov, T., Villanova, S., Zwitter,
T., Wagner, R. M., “UBV(RI)c photometry of stars around V838 Mon (Munari+,
2005)”, VizieR Online Data Catalog, 343, 41107.
63. Munari, U., Henden, A., Vallenari, A., Bond, H. E., Corradi, R.
L. M., Crause, L., Desidera, S., Giro, E., Marrese, P. M., Ragaini,
S., Siviero, A., Sordo, R., Starrfield, S., Tomov, T., Villanova, S., Zwitter,
T., Wagner, R. M., “On the distance, reddening and progenitor of V838
Mon”, Astron Astrophys, 434, 1107.
64. Oreiro, R., Pérez Hernández, F., Ulla, A., Garrido, R.,
Østensen, R., MacDonald, J., “Balloon 090100001:
A short and long period pulsating sdB star”, Astron Astrophys, 438,
65. Oreiro, R., Ulla, A., Pérez Hernández, F., MacDonald, J.,
Østensen, R., Rodríguez-López, C., “Balloon
09010001: Towards the White Dwarf Stage?”, ASP Conf Ser, 334, 631.
66. Østensen, R., Heber, U., Maxted, P., “Resolving
sdB Binary Systems with Adaptive Optics”, ASP Conf Ser, 334, 435.
67. Palombara, N. L., Caraveo, P., Mignani, R., Hatziminaoglou, E., Bignami,
G. F., Schirmer, M., “Multiwavelength Study of two Unidentified
gamma-ray Sources”, Astrophys J Suppl, 297, 335.
68. Rix, S. A., Pettini, M., Leitherer, C., Bresolin, F., Kudritzki,
R.-P., Steidel, C. C., “New Metallicity Diagnostics for High-Redshift
Star-Forming Galaxies”, ASSL, 329, 311.
69. Pignata, G., Benetti, S., Buson, L., Hillebrandt, W., Leibundgut, B.,
Mazzali, P., Méndez, J., Patat, F., Ruiz-Lapuente, P.,
Stehle, M., Turatto, M., “Optical and Infrared Observations of SN 2002dj:
a Twin of SN 2002bo”, ASP Conf Ser, 342, 266.
70. Rodríguez-Lopez, C., Ulla, A., Garrido, R., Manteiga, M., Casanova,
V., Sota, A., Østensen, R., Oreiro, R., “Searching
for Pulsations among sdOs”, ASP Conf Ser, 334, 627.
71. Rutten, R., “ING future: Prospects for
the William Herschel Telescope”, Astronomy and Geophysics, 46, 9.
72. Sako, M., et al. (with Méndez, J.), “Early
Results from the SDSS-II Supernova Survey”, American Astronomical Society
Meeting Abstracts, 207.
73. Sánchez, S. F., Becker, T., García-Lorenzo, B., Benn,
C. R., Christensen, L., Kelz, A., Jahnke, K., Roth, M. M.,
“The merging/AGN connection. II. Ionization of the circumnuclear regions”,
Astron Astrophys, 429, L21.
74. Schönberner, D., Jacob, R., Steffen, M., Perinotto, M., Corradi,
R. L. M., Acker, A., “The evolution of planetary nebulae. II.
Circumstellar environment and expansion properties”, Astron Astrophys,
431, 963.
75. Schmidt, G. D., Szkody, P., Homer, L., Smith, P. S., Chen, B., Henden,
A., Solheim, J.-E., Wolfe, M. A., Greimel, R., “Unraveling
the Puzzle of the Eclipsing Polar SDSS J015543.40+002807.2 with XMM and Optical
Photometry/Spectropolarimetry”, Astrophys J, 620, 422.
76. Schwarz, H., Bendersky, C., Corradi, R., “Spectropolarimetry of
the rings in NGC6543”, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts,
77. Todd, I., Pollacco, D., Skillen, I., Bramich, D. M., Bell,
S., Augusteijn, T., “A survey of eclipsing binary stars in the eastern
spiral arm of M31”, MNRAS, 362, 1006.
78. Torres, M. A. P., Steeghs, D., Greimel, R., Augusteijn,
T., “Swift XRT position for XTE J1739-285”, The Astronomer's Telegram,
602, 1.
79. Trundle, C., Lennon, D. J., “Understanding
B-type supergiants in the low metallicity environment of the SMC II”,
Astron Astrophys, 434, 677.
80. Urbaneja, M. A., Herrero, A., Kudritzki, R.-P., Najarro, F., Smartt, S.
J., Puls, J., Lennon, D. J., Corral, L. J., “Blue Luminous
Stars in Nearby Galaxies: Quantitative Spectral Analysis of M33 B-Type Supergiant
Stars”, Astrophys J, 635, 311.
81. Vauclair, G., Solheim, J.-E., Østensen, R.
H., “Abell 43, a second pulsating “hybrid-PG 1159''
star”, Astron Astrophys, 433, 1097.
82. Witham, A., Knigge, C., Drew, J., Groot, P., Greimel, R.,
Parker, Q., “Discovering Interacting Binaries with Hα Surveys”,
AIP Conf Proc, 797, 643.
83. Wright, S. A., Corradi, R. L. M., Perinotto, M., “Absolute
spectrophotometry of northern compact planetary nebulae”, Astron Astrophys,
436, 967.
84. Ziffer, J., Campins, H., Licandro, J., Fernández,
Y. R., Bus, S., “Near-infrared Spectra of Two Asteroids with Low Tisserand
Invariant”, AAS/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts, 37.