ING Annual Report 1997
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Appendix F
ING Staff Research Publications
The following list includes research
papers published by ING staff in refereed and unrefereed publications in
1997. It is organised by subjects and sorted in alphabetical order. ING
authors appear in bold and italic.
G Cremonese, H Boehnhardt, J Crovisier, H Rauer, A Fitzsimmons,
M Fulle, J Licandro, D Pollacco, G P Tozzi, R M West, "Neutral
Sodium from Comet Hale-Bopp: A Third Type of Tail", Astrophys J,
490, L199.
D Pollacco, "Comet Hale-Bopp: First light on CoCAM", Spectrum,
14, 12.
S A Bell and D L Pollacco, "A new deep imaging
survey of Planetary Nebulae known binary central stars", in Proceedings
IAU Symposia 180, "Planetary Nebulae", Kluwer, Dordrecht, 210.
E J C Bowers, W P S Meikle, T R Geballe, N A Walton, P A
Pinto, V S Dhillon, S B Howell & M K Harrop-Allin, "Infrared and optical
spectroscopy of Type Ia supernovae in the nebular phase", MNRAS,
290, 663.
K De Mey, C Aerts, C Waelkens, S R Cranmer, C Schrijvers, J H Telting,
K Daems, G Meeus, "The line-profile variable lambda Scorpii is a spectroscopic
triple system", Astron Astrophys, 324, 1096.
G Dudziak, J R Walsh, N A Walton, "A 3-D kinematic model
NGC3242", in Proceedings IAU Symposium 180, "Planetary Nebulae", Kluwer,
Dordrecht, 222.
G Dudziak, J R Walsh, N A Walton, "[OIII] Electron Density
Mapping Applied to NGC 6826"", in Proceedings IAU Symposium 180, "Planetary
Nebulae", Kluwer, Dordrecht, 223.
J D Dull, H N Cohn, P M Lugger, B W Murphy, P O Seitzer, P J Callanan,
R G M Rutten, P A Charles, "The dynamics of M15: Observations
of the velocity dispersion profile and Fokker-Planck models", Astrophys
J, 481, 267.
N C Hambly, S J Smartt, S T Hodgkin, "WD 0346+246: A very
low luminosity, cool degenerate in Taurus", Astrophys J, 489,
S Perlmutter, G Aldering, S Deustua, S Fabbro, G Goldhaber, D E Groom,
A G Kim, M Y Kim, R A Knop, P Nugent, C R Pennypacker, M Della Valle, R
S Ellis, R G McMahon, N A Walton, A S Fruchter, N Panagia,
A Goobar, I M Hook, C Lidman, R Pain, P Ruiz-Lapuente, B Schaefer, "Cosmology
from type Ia supernovae: measurements, calibration techniques, and implications",
Bull Am Astron Soc, 29, 1351.
W Peter, S Meikle, E J C Bowers, T R Geballe, N A Walton,
J R Lewis, R J Cumming, "Infrared and optical spectroscopy of type Ia supernovae",
in Proceedings NATO ASI on "Thermonuclear Supernovae", Kluwer, the Netherlands,
D L Pollacco & S A Bell, "Imaging and spectroscopy of
ejected common envelopes", MNRAS, 284, 32.
D L Pollacco & S A Bell, "Imaging and spectroscopy of
ejected common envelopes", in Proceedings IAU Symposia 180, "Planetary
Nebulae", Kluwer, Dordrecht, 271.
D L Pollacco, N A Walton, H G Schwarz and S
A Bell, "Sakurai's object: spectroscopic monitoring and nebula observations",
in Proceedings IAU Symposium 180, "Planetary Nebulae", Kluwer, Dordrecht,
R S I Ryans, P L Dufton, F P Keenan, S J Smartt, K R Sembach,
D J Lennon, K A Venn, "LS 4825: a blue supergiant on the far side of the
Galaxy", Astrophys J, 490, 267.
C Schrijvers, J H Telting, C Aerts, E Ruymaekers, H F Henrichs,
"Line-profile variations due to adiabatic non-radial oscillations in rotating
stars - I. Observable characteristics of spheroidal modes", Astron Astrophys
Suppl, 121, 343.
S J Smartt, P L Dufton, D J Lennon, "Metallicities of 4 blue
supergiants near the Galactic centre", Astron Astrophys, 326,
J H Telting, C Schrijvers, "Line profile variations of non-radial
adiabatic oscillations of rotating stars II. The diagnostic value of amplitude
and phase diagrams derived from time-series of spectra", Astron Astrophys,
317, 723.
J H Telting, C Schrijvers, "Line profile variations of non-radial
adiabatic oscillations of rotating stars III. On the alleged misidentification
of tesseral modes", Astron Astrophys, 317, 742.
J H Telting, C Aerts, P Mathias, "A period analysis of the
optical line variability of beta Cephei: evidence for multi-mode pulsation
and rotational modulation", Astron Astrophys, 322, 493.
J R Walsh, N A Walton, G Dudziak, "Modelling the Expansion
of NGC 7027", in Proceedings IAU Symposium 180, "Planetary Nebulae", Kluwer,
Dordrecht, 286.
N A Walton, J R Walsh, G H Jacoby, R F Peletier, "The Chemical
Abundances of Planetary Nebulae in Centaurus-A (NGC 5128)" in Proceedings
IAU Symposium 180, "Planetary Nebulae", Kluwer, Dordrecht, 478.
N A Walton, J R Walsh, "A Modelling and Spectroscopic Survey
of the Abell Planetary Nebulae", in Proceedings IAU Symposium 180, "Planetary
Nebulae", Kluwer, Dordrecht, 287.
S J Smartt, W R J Rolleston, "The galactic oxygen abundance
gradient", Astrophys J, 481, L47.
M W Asif, S W Unger, A Pedlar, C G Mundell,
A Robinson, N A Walton, "Observations at high velocity resolution
of the ionised interstellar medium in NGC 4151", MNRAS, 284,
M W Asif, S W Unger, A Pedlar, C G Mundell,
A Robinson and N A Walton, "Erratum: Observations at high
velocity resolution of the ionised interstellar medium in NGC4151", MNRAS,
287, 240.
M W Asif, S W Unger, A Pedlar, C G Mundell,
A Robinson & N A Walton, "High Velocity Resolution Observations
of the ISM in NGC4151", in Proceedings ESO Astrophysics Symposium, "Quasar
Hosts", Springer, Berlin, 168.
C Packham, S Young, J H Hough, D J Axon, J A Bailey, "Near-infrared
imaging polarimetry of NGC 1068", MNRAS, 288, 375.
C Packham, S Young, J H Hough, D J Axon, "Near-IR Imaging
polarimetry of Southern AGN", Poster Paper, 23rd IAU General Assembly (Kyoto).
D Sprayberry, C D Impey, M J Irwin, G D Bothun, "Low surface
brightness galaxies in the local universe III", Astrophys J, 482,
M A Zwaan, F H Briggs, D Sprayberry, E Sorar, "The HI mass
function of galaxies from a deep survey in the 21-cm line", Astrophys
J, 490, 173.
M A Zwaan, F H Briggs, D Sprayberry, "An HI selected sample
mass of galaxies - the HI mass function and the surface-brightness distribution",
PASA, 14, 126.
T J Galama, P J Groot, R G Strom, J van Paradijs, K Hurley,
C Kouveliotou, G J Fishman, C A Meegan, J Heise, J In't Zand, A G de Bruyn,
L O Hanlon, K Bennett, J H Telting, R G M Rutten,
"Radio and optical follow-up observations and improved interplanetary network
position of GRB970111", Astrophys J, 486, L5.
T Galama, P J Groot, J van Paradijs, C Kouveliotou, C R Robinson, G J Fishman,
C A Meegan, K C Sahu, M Livio, L Petro, F D Macchett, J Heise, J In't Zand,
S G Strom, J H Telting, R G M Rutten, M Pettini,
N Tanvir, J Bloom, "The decay of optical emission from the gamma-ray burst
GRB 970228", Nature, 387, 479.
J I González-Serrano, C R Benn, R Carballo, S F Sánchez,
M Vigotti, "B-K colours of low-luminosity radio QSOs", in Proceedings ESO
Astrophysics Symposium, "Quasar hosts", Springer, Berlin, 260.
R A Knop, G Aldering, S Deustua, S Fabbro, G Goldhaber, D E Groom, A G
Kim, M Y Kim, P Nugent, C R Pennypacker, S Perlmutter, M D Valle, R S Ellis,
R G McMahon, N A Walton, A S Fruchter, N Panagia, A Goobar,
I M Hook, C Lidman, R Pain, P Ruiz-Lapuente, B E Schaefer, "Measurements
of the cosmological parameters OMEGA and LAMBDA from high-redshift supernovae",
Bull Am Astron Soc, 29, 1363.
J van Paradijs, P J Groot, T Galama, C Kouveliotou, R G Strom, J
H Telting, R G M Rutten, G J Fishman, C A Meegan,
M Pettini, N Tanvir, J Bloom, H Pedersen, H U Nordgaard-Nielsen, Linden-Vornle,
J Melnick, M Bremer, J In't Zand, E Costa, M Feroci, L Piro, F Frontera,
G Zavattini, L Nicastro, E Palazzi, K Bennet, L Hanlon, A Parmar, "Transient
optical emission from the error box of the gamma-ray burst of 28 February
1997", Nature, 386, 686.
S F Sánchez, J I González, R Carballo, M Vigotti, C
R Benn, "Host galaxies of low-luminosity radio QSOs", in Proceedings
ESO Astrophysics Symposium, "Quasar hosts", Springer, Berlin, 21.
M Vigotti, C R Benn, R Carballo, J I González-Serrano,
S F Sánchez, "Red quasars not so dusty", Mem Soc Astron Ital,
68, 261.
N O'Mahony, C Packham, R Wilson, R
G M Rutten, "Optimisation of Seeing at ING Telescopes", Poster
Paper, 23rd IAU General Assembly (Kyoto).
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