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ING Annual Report 1995/96
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ING Staff Research PapersThe following list includes research papers published by ING staff from 1995 to 1996. It is organised by subjects and sorted in alphabetical order. ING authors appear in bold.
A Fitzsimmons, J E Little, N A Walton, R Catchpole, I P Williams, E H Harlaftis, P J Rudd, 1995, Optical imaging and spectroscopy of the impact plumes on Jupiter, in Proc. of the European Sl-9/Jupiter Workshop, R West, Bohnhardt H. (eds.), ESO, Garching, 197
A Fitzsimmons, P J Andrews, R Catchpole, J E Little, N A Walton, I P Williams, 1996, Re-entry and ablation of cometary dust in the impact plumes of Shoemaker-Levy 9, Nature, 379, 801
A Fitzsimmons, P J Andrews, R Catchpole, J E Little, N A Walton, I P William, 1996, Optical imaging of the impact plume on Jupiter from fragment L of comet D/Shoemaker-Levy 9, MNRAS, 278, 781
J E Little, A Fitzsimmons, N A Walton, E H Harlaftis, P J Rudd, P J Andrews, R Catchpole, I Williams, 1995, Narrow band imaging of Jupiter impact sites, in Proc. of the European Sl-9/Jupiter Workshop, R West, H Bohnhardt (eds.), ESO, Garching, 181
I P Williams, A Fitzsimmons, J E Little, P J Andrews, R M Catchpole, E Harlaftis, P J Rudd, N A Walton, 1995, Optical imaging and spectroscopy of the interaction with Jupiter of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, Highlights of Astronomy, 10, 644
M A Barstow, M R Burleigh, T. A Flemming, J B Holberg, D Koester, M C Marsh, S R Rosen, R G M Rutten, R W Tweedy, G Wegner, 1995, The orbital period of the pre-cataclysmic binary RE 2013+400 and a study of the atmosphere of the DAO white dwarf primary, MNRAS, 272, 531
S Bell, D Pollaco, 1995, Absolute dimensions and masses of the eclipsing planetary nebulae central stars UU Sagittae and V477 Lyrae, in Proc. of University of Haifa Conference on Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae, Ann. Isr. Phys. Soc., 11, A Harpaz, N Soker (eds.), 71
I Billington, T R Marsh, V S Dhillon, 1996, The eclipsing dwarf nova HS1804+6753, MNRAS, 278, 673
V S Dhillon, R G M Rutten, 1996, Spectropolarimetry of the dwarf nova IP Peg, MNRAS, 274, 27
V S Dhillon, R G M Rutten, 1995, Spectropolarimetry of the nova-like variable V1315 Aql, MNRAS, 277, 777
V S Dhillon, R G M Rutten, 1995, Spectropolarimetry of V1315 Aql: an attempt to explain the SW SEX phenomenon, in Proc. of the Abano-Padova Conference on CVs, Della Valle (ed.)
V S Dhillon, R G M Rutten, 1995, Spectropolarimetry of the dwarf nova IP Peg, MNRAS, 274, 27
V S Dhillon, T R Marsh, 1995, Infrared spectroscopy of cataclysmic variable stars, MNRAS, 275, 89
V S Dhillon, R G M Rutten, 1995, Spectropolarimetry of V1315 Aql: an attempt to explain the SW Sex phenomenon, in Cataclysmic Variables, A Bianchini et al (eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 125
V S Dhillon, 1996, The novalike variables, in cataclysmic variables and related objects, A Evans, J H Wood (eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 3
V S Dhillon, 1996, Book review on cataclysmic variable stars by Brian Warner, The Observatory, 116, 321
H F Henrichs, L Kaper, J S Nichols, D Bohlender, H Cao, K Gordon, G Hill, Y Jiang, I Kolka, J Neff, J H Telting, 1995,
Surface magnetic fields and stellar wind variability in O-type stars, in Stellar Surface Structure, Poster Proceedings of IAU Symposium 176, Strassmeier K. G. (ed.), 229H F Henrichs, L Kaper, J S Nichols, K Bjorkman, D Bohlender, H Cao, K Gordon, G Hill, Y Jiang, J De Jong, I Kolka, J Neff, D O'Neal, B Scheers, J H Telting, 1996, Proc. of CCP7 workshop: Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Small-Scale Structure in Stellar Atmospheres, Newsletter on Analysis of Astronomical Spectra, 46
T R Marsh, V S Dhillon, S R Duck, 1995, Low mass white dwarfs need friends: five new double degenerate close binary stars, MNRAS, 275, 828
T R Marsh, V S Dhillon, S R Duck, 1996, Low mass white dwarfs in binaries, in Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects, A Evans, J H Wood (eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 465
W P S Meikle, R J Cumming, T R Geballe, J R Lewis, N A Walton, 1995, Discovery of Helium in a Type Ia Supernova, in Proc. of STScI meeting on Interpretation of Spectra
W P S Meikle, R J Cumming, T R Geballe, J R Lewis, N A Walton et al, 1996, An early-time infrared and optical study of the type Ia Supernovae SN 1994D and SN 1991T, MNRAS, 281, 263
W P S Meikle, E J C Bowers, T R Geballe, N A Walton, J R Lewis, R J Cumming, 1996, Infrared and optical spectroscopy of type Ia supernovae, Proc. of the NATO advanced study institute on thermonuclear supernovae, R Canal, P
Ruiz-Lapuente, J Isern (eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 53P Molaro, G Vladilo, N A Walton, 1995, Supernova 1995E in NGC 2441, IAU Circular 6140
C R Moreno, R G M Rutten, V S Dhillon, 1996, Temperature structure of the disk in V1315 Aql, in Proc. of IAU
Colloquium 158 on cataclysmic variables and related objects, A Evans and J H Wood (eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 15A Nota, A Pasquali, M Clampin, D Pollaco, M Livio, 1996, HD 168625: a new luminous blue variable?, in Proc. of the 33. Liege International Astrophysical Colloquium, 453
A Nota, A Pasquali, M Clampin, D Pollaco, S Scuderi, M Livio, 1996, The nebula around HD 168625: morphology, dynamics, and physical properties, ApJ, 473, 946
A Pasquali, A Nota, M Clampin, M Livio, D Pollaco, 1996, Morphology dynamics and physical properties of the nebula around HD 168625, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 28, 881
D Pollaco, S Bell, 1995, Abundances for planetary nebulae containing binary central stars, in Proc. of University of Haifa Conference on Asymmetrical Planetary Nebulae, A Harpaz, N Soker (eds.), Ann. Isr. Phys. Soc., 11, 27
D Pollaco, 1995, Distances to galactic planetary nebulae, in Proc. of Precision Photometry Conference, D Kilkenny et al (ed.), SAAO, Cape Town, 182
R G M Rutten, 1995, De Zon als lichtend voorbeeld, in Sterren en Planeten 1996, 6
R G M Rutten, V S Dhillon, 1996, Roche tomography of the cool star in IP Peg, in Proc. of IAU Colloquium 158 on Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects, A Evans, J H Wood (eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 21
R G M Rutten, 1996, Eclipse mapping and related techniques, in Proc. of IAU Symposium 176 on Stellar Surface Structure, Strassmeier K (ed.), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 69
M J Sarna, V S Dhillon, T R Marsh, P Marks, 1995, An observational test of common-envelope evolution, MNRAS, 272, L41
M D Still, V S Dhillon, D H P Jones, 1995, Spectrophotometry of the nova-like variable RW Trianguli in a high state, MNRAS, 273, 849
M D Still, V S Dhillon, D H P Jones, 1995, Emission-line variations of the nova-like variable PX Andromedae (=PG0027+260), MNRAS, 273, 863
M D Still, V S Dhillon, D H P Jones, 1996, Evidence for Curtain Accretion in the SW Sextantis Stars, in Cape Workshop on Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables, D A H Buckley, B Warner (eds.), ASP Conference Series, 85, 213
J H Telting, C Aerts, P Mathias, 1995, A period analysis of the optical line variability of ß Cephei, in Astrophysical Applications of Stellar Pulsation, Stobie R S and Whitelock P A (eds.), ASP Conference Series, 83, 297
J H Telting, C Schrijvers, 1995, The diagnostic value of phase diagrams derived from time-series of spectra of non-radially oscillating stars, in Stellar Surface Structure, Poster Proceedings of IAU Symposium 176, 35
J H Telting, 1996, in Newsletter on Analysis of Astronomical Spectra, Proc. of CCP7 Workshop on Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Small-Scale Structure in Stellar Atmospheres, 33
J H Telting, 1996, Be-star discs and non-radial pulsations in rotating stars, PhD Thesis, University of Amsterdam
S D Vrtilek, P A Charles, K O Dennerl, E Hu, P Kahabka, C la Dous, H Marshall, T Mihara, F A Primini, J C Raymond, R G M Rutten et al, 1995, Multiwavelength observations of Her X-1 / HZ Herculis, in Compact Stars in Binaries, Poster Proccedings of IAU Symposium 165, J van Paradijs et al (eds.), Kluwer, Dordrecht
J R Walsh J. R., N A Walton, 1996, Observations of the central star and nebulae of Abell 65, A&A, 315, 253
N A Walton et al, 1995, Spectroscopy and Photometry of SN 1993J. Observations from the Isaac Newton Group and CAMC, in Proc. of the IAU Colloqium. 145 on Supernovae and Supernova Remnants, J C Wheeler, A V Filippenko (eds.)
M G Watson, V S Dhillon et al, 1996, The EUV transient RE J1255+266, MNRAS, 281, 1016
D L King, G Vladilo, K Lipman, K S Boer, M Centurión, P Moritz, N A Walton, 1995, NGC 4562 gas, high velocity clouds, and Galactic Halo gas: the interstellar medium towards SN 1994D, A&A, 300, 881
C G Mundell, A Pedlar, D J Axon, J Meaburn, S W Unger, 1995, Neutral hydrogen studies of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 3227, MNRAS, 277, 641
C G Mundell, A Pedlar, D L Shone, D J Axon, J Meaburn, S W Unger, 1996, NGC 3227 - an interacting barred spiral with an active nucleus, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., 91, 473
C R Benn, J V Wall, 1995, Structure on the largest scales - constraints from radio-source-countanisotropy, MNRAS, 272, 678
C R Benn, 1995, The 5C13 deep radio survey, MNRAS, 272, 699
C R Benn, J V Wall, 1995, The largest structures: limits from the radio-source background, in Proc. of the STScI Symp 7 on Extragalactic Background Radiation, D Calzetti et al (ed.), 265
C R Benn, J V Wall, 1995, Large-scale structure from radio surveys, in Proc. of the 35th Herstmonceux Conference on Wide-field Spectroscopy and the Distant Universe, S J Maddox et al (eds.), World Scientific, 184
J V Wall, C R Benn, A Loan, 1996, Mapping large-scale structure with radio sources, in Proc. of the IAU Symposium 168 on Examing the Big Bang and Diffuse Background Radiation, M Kafatos (ed.), 481
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