LOR2 Parameters
Device Identification
Chip name LOR2
Year of manufacture 1997
Serial number W14-1
First light on La Palma ?
Description .
Operational Characteristics
Measurements made on ?
Linear to(ADU)
Readout time(s)
Vertical CTE 0.999979
Horizontal CTE 0.999962
Physical Characteristics
Pixel Scale (?) ? arc/pixel
Field of view (?) ?
X Pixel size 15 microns
Y Pixel size 15 microns
X size in pixels of digitised area 2148
Y size in pixels of digitised area 2148
X size of useful imaging area 2048
Y size of useful imaging area 2048
X start of useful imaging area 0
Ystart of useful imaging area 0
LN2 capacity of cryostat 2.5 litres
Cryostat window thickness 4 mm
Distance from window to CCD ? mm
Cryostat window size ?
Operational Parameters
Flooding type none
Operating temperature 153K
Prefered amplifier R (known as A by lesser) alternative is L(B)
Network name CCD?
Anti-blooming available no
Orientation of instrument for prefered output
Telemetry values : RD 6.50V V- -15.00V H+SL -18.00V
OD 15.50V H++ -2.00V R-SL 1.60V
OG -12.00V H- -14.00V R+SL -18.00V
VSS -7.00V R+ -18.00V
ABG ?V R- -12.00V
BG 3.00V V-SL 2.20V
ABD 7.00V V+SL -17.50V
V++ ?V H-SL 1.60V
Measured Characteristics
Quantum Efficiency @400nm 84%
@530nm 94%
@650nm 88%
Peak non-uniformity in QE across chip
Dark current ? e/hour
Point spread function ?
Full well bloom limit ?
Chip flatness 19 micron concave bow
Cosmetics 12 defects