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INTEGRAL is mounted at the GHRIL Nasmyth platform, and is a multi fibre interface
instrument for WYFFOS to use for spectra-imaging of extended sources (galaxies,
nebulae etc.) Look in INTEGRAL USERS MANUAL for further reference.
Known problems
The rotator has only 355 degrees of travel and the TCS will often complain
about limits. Watch this carefully. We have seen the TCS only checking
the short way and not the long way to reach a specific sky PA when slewing.
In this case you can lead the rotator specifying the approximate mount PA.
TCS:Check that Nasmyth turret is set to GHRIL
New uDAS Autoguider:
We do not use the 'prag' command for INTEGRAL. The AG camera displays the two guider bundles side by side as shown below (DS9 Invert X). The most recent region file can be loaded from INTEGRAL_AG_20130415.ref. These regions have their size, and location locked in the individual region's preferences.
New uDAS TV: Preparation
Telescope focus:At the begin of every night focus INTEGRAL by visually inspecting the image of a faint star on the acquisition TV system. Determine rotator centre:After an instrument change you are supposed to determine the rotator centre and to run the 7 star calibrate procedure, this takes about 20 minutes. Slew to a faint pointing star and move the SWING PLATE to acquisition bundle viewing:
Measure the star position on the TV screen (x,y), then rotate 180 degrees and measure again. Calculate the midpoint, this is your rotator centre. Calibrate procedure:Calibrate is done on the rotator centre with the rotator tracking turned off
The science fibre bundles are designed such that the centre fibre will coincide with the rotator centre. This is not necessarily true for the acquisition bundle due to the manufacturing process. Therefore an aperture offset is present with respect to the acquisition bundle. Centre a star on the RC (acquisition bundle), move to the science bundle and take an exposure. The SA then can tell you which way to move the telescope in RaDec. Check what this means in the XY system (Handset) used for aperture offsets and apply the value as Aperture 0. Handset alignment (XY and APOFF): Sky directions (PA=0 and PA=90): Autoguider field (arrow shows direction in which star moves):
Acquisition:When slewing to a new object watch out for limits in rotation and azimuth. Acquisition is done with the acquisition bundle at the rotator centre. If necessary, perform a blind offset from a reference star to the science target. After locking onto the guide star the observer will move the swing plate to one of the science fibres. Note that from this point onward you will no longer be able to see the object on the TV! Autoguiding: To check the guiding bundles are properly mounted, do the following: The probe is moved by commands from the ICL or the engineering mimic. The ICS command are IXA and IYA (to move x and y separately) or for both:
Data Handling
You can write DVDs on WHTDRPC2 (in the control room) or WHTPC1 (in the terminal area). When you put a blank DVD in either machine it will be automatically recognised and you will be given the option to 'Create data DVD with K3b'. Select this, the software is very easy to use and needs no explanation. Spare DVDs can be found in the astronomy office. Miscellaneous
ICL:ICL>ISP STD1 CAL - puts standard fibre bundle 1 into calibrate position. ICL>ISP ACQ OBS - puts acquisition bundle to acquire object. ICL>ILA CUNE ON/OFF - switches on/off the CuNe calibration lamp. ICL>ISA 65000 13000 - move the autoguider probe to X=65000 (0..130000) and Y=13000 (0..26000). ICL>WCHANGE - Changing WYFFOS grating. Eliminating WYFFOS Messages:
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