NAOMI example FITS header
r423544[1][1024,1024][real]: PSF_NEW
No bad pixels, min=0., max=0. (old)
Line storage mode, physdim [1024,1024], length of user area 5954 s.u.
Created Mon 08:06:54 03-Jul-2017, Last modified Tue 13:08:59 13-Jan-2009
Pixel file "" [ok]
RUN = 423544 / Run number
RUNSET = '1:1:423544 ' / i:n:r => Run i of n runs starting at #r
IRAFNAME= 'r423544 ' / IRAF should use this name
SYSVER = '/wht/s9-2 ' / Version of observing system
OBSERVAT= 'LAPALMA ' / Name of observatory (IRAF style)
OBSERVER= 'Clive Jackman ' / Name of principal investigator
PROPOSAL= 'testing ' / Code for grant of observing time
OBSTYPE = 'TARGET ' / Type of observation, e.g. TARGET
IMAGETYP= 'object ' / Type of observation, e.g. object
LATITUDE= 28.760583 / Telescope latitude (degrees), +28:45:38.1
LONGITUD= 17.881639 / Telescope longitude (degrees), +17:52:53.9
HEIGHT = 2344 / [m] Height above sea level.
SLATEL = 'LPO4.2 ' / Telescope name known to SLALIB
TELESCOP= 'WHT ' / 4.2m William Herschel Telescope
TELSTAT = 'TRACKING' / Telescope status: TRACKING or GUIDING normally.
RA = ' 14:13:00.348' / RA (213.2514487643348400 degrees)
DEC = '+53:04:59.96' / DEC ( 53.0833226473497890 degrees)
EQUINOX = 'J2000.00' / Equinox of coordinates
RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / mean place new (after the 1976 IAU) system
XAPNOM = 0.0000000000 / nominal aperture in x (0.00 arcsec)
YAPNOM = 0.0000000000 / nominal aperture in y (0.00 arcsec)
XAPOFF = 0.0000000000 / total aperture offset in x (0.00 arcsec)
YAPOFF = 0.0000000000 / total aperture offset in y (0.00 arcsec)
MJD-OBS = 52074.9960237 / Modified Julian Date of midtime of observation
JD = 2452075.4960237 / Julian Date of midtime of observation
STSTART = ' 16:16:02.5' / Local sidereal time at start of observation
ST = ' 16:16:02.5' / Local sidereal time at start of observation
AZIMUTH = 325.828396 / Mean azimuth of observation (degrees)
ZD = 33.156695 / Mean zenith-distance of observation (degrees)
FSTATION= 'GHRIL_IRDEROT' / Focal station of observation
PLATESCA= 1.233578 / [d/m] Platescale ( 4.44arcsec/mm)
TELFOCUS= 0.098166 / Telescope focus (metres)
ROTTRACK= T / Rotator always tracks sky on equatorial mount
ROTSKYPA= 0.000000 / demmand SKY position angle (degrees)
PARANGLE= 124.925102 / Parallactic angle at observation midpoint
VIGNETTE= F / Can we see out?
DOMEAZ = 326.700352 / Mean dome azimuth during observation
AIRMASS = 1.193987 / Effective mean airmass
TEMPTUBE= 14.190568 / Truss Temperature (degrees Celsius)
CAT-NAME= 'PSF_NEW ' / Target input-catalogue name
CAT-RA = ' 14:13:00.460' / Target Right Ascension
CAT-DEC = '+53:04:59.95' / Target Declination
CAT-EQUI= 'J2000.00' / Equinox of target coordinates
CAT-EPOC= 2000.00 / Target epoch of proper motions
PM-RA = 0.000000 / Target proper-motion RA (sec time/year)
PM-DEC = 0.000000 / Target proper-motion (sec arc/year)
PARALLAX= 0.000000 / Target Parallax (arcsec)
RADVEL = 0.000000 / Target radial velocity (km/s)
RATRACK = 0.000000 / Differential-tracking rate RA (arcsec/sec)
DECTRACK= 0.000000 / Differential-tracking rate Dec (arcsec/sec)
INSTRUME= 'NAOMI ' / Name of Instrument
AOSYS = 'Naomi ' / AO system
AODFM = 'Thermotrex ' / Deformable mirror
AOLENSLT= 'f195_1.1 ' / Lenslet name
AOWFILT = 1 / WFS filter number
AOWEXP = 25.000000 / WFS integration time (msec)
AOWBIN = 1 / WFS binning mode
AOGAIN = 0.300000 / Global gain (centroid units)
AOWOFF = 'None ' / WFS offsets
AOLOOP = 'Open ' / AO loop state
AOFOCOFF= 'Off ' / Focus offload state
AOOPTALG= 'None ' / AO optical algorithm
AORECON = 'ElectraZonal ' / Reconstructor algorithm
AOCAMSYN= 'UnSynched ' / Camera sync state
AOGDX = 5.908147 / WFS pickoff x pos (arcsec)
AOGDY = -1.738830 / WFS pickoff y pos (arcsec)
AODMX = -12.000000 / DM stage x position (mm)
AODMY = 0.000000 / DM stage y position (mm)
AODMTMP1= 0.000000 / DM temperature 1 (C)
AODMTMP2= 0.000000 / DM temperature 2 (C)
AOLAMP = 'Off ' / NCU lamp state
AOLMPINT= 0.000000 / NCU lamp intensity
AOMASK = 'Out ' / NCU mask state
AOBSPLIT= 'Out ' / NCU beamsplitter state
INGPSCAL= 13.500000 / INGRID Plate Scale (arcsec/mm)
INGPSPOS= 7 / Pupil Stop Position
INGPSNAM= 'naomi-s ' / Pupil Stop Name
INGF1POS= 10 / Filter 1 Position
INGF1NAM= 'h ' / Filter 1 Name
INGF2POS= 9 / Filter 2 Position
INGF2NAM= 'clear ' / Filter 2 Name
INGPISTA= 'NEED DATUM ' / Pupil Imager Status
INGFOCUS= 'NEED DATUM ' / Focus (um)
DETECTOR= 'INGRID ' / Formal name of camera
CCDSPEED= 'FAST ' / Readout speed
CCDXBIN = 1 / Binning factor in x axis
CCDYBIN = 1 / Binning factor in y axis
CCDSUM = '1 1 ' / Binning factors (IRAF style)
CCDTEMP = 80.475000 / [K] Cryostat temperature
NWINDOWS= 0 / Number of readout windows
WINSEC1 = '[400:600,340:540], disabled ' / Readout window 1 (d-space)
WINSEC2 = '[0:0,0:0], disabled ' / Readout window 2 (d-space)
WINSEC3 = '[0:0,0:0], disabled ' / Readout window 3 (d-space)
WINSEC4 = '[0:0,0:0], disabled ' / Readout window 4 (d-space)
READMODE= 'cds ' / Readout mode
NUMREADS= 1 / Number of reads
COAVERAG= 1 / Number of cycles coaveraged
PCOUNT = 0 /
GCOUNT = 1 /
INHERIT = T / Extension inherits primary HDU.
EXTVER = 1 /
DASCHAN = 1 / Number of readout channel
WINNO = 0 / Number of readout window
CHIPNAME= 'INGRID ' / Name of detector chip.
CCDNAME = 'INGRID ' / Name of detector chip.
CCDTYPE = 'HAWAII-1 ' / Type of detector chip.
CCDXPIXE= 0.000010 / [m] Size of pixels in x.
CCDYPIXE= 0.000010 / [m] Size of pixels in y.
AMPNAME = 'quadrant-1 ' / Name of output amplifier.
GAIN = 5.300000 / Photo-electrons per ADU.
READNOIS= 45.100000 / Readout noise in electrons.
SATURATE= 65535.000000 / Highest value that is unsaturated
BIASSEC = '[512:512,512:512] ' / Bias pixels.
TRIMSEC = '[1:512,1:512] ' / Illuminated pixels.
DATASEC = '[1:1024,1:1024] ' / Location in d-space.
DATE_OBS= '2001-06-14 ' / Date at start of integration
UTSTART = '23:54:14.040 ' / UT at start of integration
EXPOSED = 0.271655 / [s] Exposure time
EXPTIME = 0.271655 / [s] Exposure time
ELAPSED = 0.271655 / [s] Integration time
DARKTIME= 0.271655 / [s] Integration time
CRVAL1 = 1.000000 / Reference value on 1st axis in primary WCS
CRVAL2 = 1.000000 / Reference value on 2nd axis in primary WCS
CRPIX1 = 1.000000 / Reference pixel on 1st axis in primary WCS
CRPIX2 = 1.000000 / Reference pixel on 2nd axis in primary WCS
CUNIT1 = 'pixel ' / Units of 1st axis in primary WCS
CUNIT2 = 'pixel ' / Units of 2nd axis in primary WCS
CD1_1 = 1.000000 / Transformation matrix for primary WCS
CD1_2 = 0.000000 / Transformation matrix for primary WCS
CD2_1 = 0.000000 / Transformation matrix for primary WCS
CD2_2 = 1.000000 / Transformation matrix for primary WCS
PROJP1 = 1.000000 / Projection coefficient for primary WCS
PROJP3 = 0.000000 / Projection coefficient for primary WCS
PV1_1 = 1.000000 / Projection coefficient for primary WCS
PV1_2 = 0.000000 / Projection coefficient for primary WCS
PV2_1 = 1.000000 / Projection coefficient for primary WCS
PV2_2 = 1.000000 / Projection coefficient for primary WCS