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NAOMI Throughput

A summary of useful throughput measurements is given in section (1) below. Section (2) gives the measured (or predicted) throughput of individual components in NAOMI, the WFS, INGRID and OASIS. Sections (3), (4) and (5) report measurements of total throughput to the WFS, to INGRID and to OASIS.

(1) Summary

The summary below is based on data given in the following sections.

WHT main mirrors (Al, 3)        0.67  (Nas flat to be silvered soon)
Nasmyth derotator               0.85  (after recoating 2003)
NAOMI (OAP1 to OAP2 inclusive)  0.87
Dichroic transmission
Dichroic reflection            >0.99  (over specified wavelengths)
WFS optics excluding CCD        0.78
WFS CCD (EEV)                   0.87  (peak, at 5000 A)
INGRID optics excluding det     0.7
INGRID detector                 0.55  (in H, Ks; 0.4 in J)
OASIS pre-optics (ADC, flat, 
  doublets)                     0.88
OASIS optics excluding CCD      0.41
OASIS CCD (MIT3)                0.9   (R band)

Lightpath to OASIS = WHT, Nas derot, NAOMI, dichr refl, OASIS pre-optics, OASIS, MIT3 CCD.
Net throughput = 0.16 at 7000 A

Lightpath to INGRID = WHT, Nas derot, NAOMI, dichr refl, INGRID fore-optics and internal optics, detector.
Net throughput = 0.19 at 1.6 - 2.2 microns (H, Ks)

Lightpath to WFS = WHT, Nas derot, NAOMI, dichr transm, WFS optics, CCD.
Net throughput = at 0.34 at 5000 A.

(2) Measured or predicted throughputs of individual components

Below is a summary of the predicted and measured throughputs of components in the NAOMI light path. Where predictions are based on the number of optical surfaces, the following transmissions have been assumed:
  Glass/air uncoated    0.96
  Glass/air AR-coated   0.99
  Al                    0.85
  Ag                    0.98
Component                  Expected        Measured (+ any planned upgrade)
---------                  --------        --------      

WHT primary (Al)                           0.88  9/01
    secondary (Al)                         0.88 10/00
    tertiary (Al)                          0.87  6/01 (Ag, 0.98 by end 2003)
  3 Al surfaces

  7 surfaces                               0.75 (TG email) (0.85 by end 2004)
  (4 glass/air, 3 coated Ag)

NAOMI OAP1 (Ag)                            0.986 (6330 A, TG 4/01)
      Flat (Ag, 2 reflections)             0.962 (6330 A, TG 4/01) 
      DM (Al)                              0.922 (6330 A, TG 4/01)
      OAP2 (Ag)                            0.987 (6330 A, TG 4/01)
Old INGRID dichroic (transm) at 23 deg     0.8   4000-6500 
  angle of incidence (2 surfaces)          0.7   6500-7500
                                           0.5   7500-8500
                                           0.3   9000
                                           0.1? 10000
  (measured to 9000 A by MFB 22/1/01)

New dichroics (transm)                     various
              (refln)        >0.99 assumed
Telecen. lens after dichroic  0.98

Pickoff (2 mirrors) (Al?)                  0.698 (6330 A, TG 4/01)
WFS collimator (2 AR-coated)  0.98
    ADC (4 AR coated)         0.96
      (2 not AR-coated)       0.92 
    doublet (2 AR-coated)     0.98  (AJL emails 4/11/99, 2/2/01)
    Lens to make telecentric  0.98  (AJL email 5/11/01)
      (2 AR-coated)

    CCD compensation plate    0.98
      (While only using 1 CCD)
    CCD dichroic              0.96
    CCD window (2 AR-coated?) 0.98? (AJL email 5/11/01)
    CCD QE                                 0.25   3500
      (AJL email 15/12/00)                 0.79   4000
                                           0.87   5000
                                           0.80   6500
                                           0.34   9000
                                           0.08  10000                        

INGRID + foreoptics           0.7

INGRID detector               0.4 in J, 0.55 in H and K

OASIS ADC                     0.96? 
  (between NAOMI flat and 

OASIS pickoff mirror (Ag)     0.98

OASIS relay lenses            0.94  
  (6 surfaces)


OASIS detector                             0.9 (6500 A)
  (prob MIT/LL BIV)   

ING broad-band filter effective bandwidths (area under transmission curve) are held in ~crb/filt.

(3) Throughput to the WFS

The following components are in the light path: WHT mirrors (3), Nasmyth derotator, OAP1, NAOMI flat, DM, NAOMI flat, OAP2, dichroic (transmission), telecentric lens, pickoff (2 mirrors), filter, ADC, collimator (in this order?), lenslet array, WFS telecentric lens, CCD window, WFS camera internal dichroic, WFS CCD (total 36 surfaces).

Predicted throughput to WFS

The predicted total throughput, including WHT, derotator, NAOMI and QE, is (using the numbers above), 0.46 * dichroic * QE, which with the old INGRID dichroic will be:

                            0.29   4000 A     
                            0.32   5000
                            0.32   6000
                            0.25   7000
                            0.12   8000
                            0.05   9000
                            0.004 10000
In summary, derotator+NAOMI+CCD throughput is ~ 0.3 out to 7000 A, and declines rapidly redward of this. (NB this is consistent with the figures of 0.2 - 0.3 quoted in various NAOMI technical documents). The change in throughput to the WFS with different dichroics in the light path has been modelled for the Laser Components R and I dichroics, assuming a star with B-R = 1.6 (as above). With the R and I dichroics, the throughput drops by approximate factors 0.75 and 0.58. With NO dichroic in the light path, the throughput would increase by 1.42.

Measured throughput to WFS 7/1/01

On 7/1/01 at ~ 22:00, SA95-149 was imaged through the doublet on the
wfs CCD: 
(1) with no filter; 
(2) through a GG495 filter (blocks light blue of 4950 A, i.e. not much 
    change expected);
(3) through an RG630 filter (blocks light blue of 6300 A).

The resulting counts on the wfs CCD were:

Obs filename         NAOMI       msec  FWHM  peak  counts  counts/sec  e-/sec
                    exp units
(1) _doublet5          200       11.2  3.2   3200  55600   5.0M        3.0M
(2) _doublet1_gg495    100        8.7  3.2   2800  42000   4.8M        2.9M
(3) _doublet7_r       1000       31.2  3.2   2800  40300   1.3M        0.8M

The files are SA95_149* in /home/naomi/jan2001 on navis.  The counts were
measured using iraf imexam option 'a', and checked by eye on a dump of the
10x10 pixels centred on the star.

The relation between requested exposure N at the wfs, and actual
exposure T in msec is:
  T = 6.2 + 0.025 * N
(The 0.025 doesn't change, but the 6.2 is for full-frame readout,
e.g. not quad-cell) (confirmed by RM 29/1/01)

The wfs (CCD39) gain is 0.56 e-/count (AJL 12/00).  SMT 14/3/06 mesured
0.54 e-/ADU by comparing counts from the L3 and CCD39 detectors for a 
given pinhole illumination.

For this star (BVRI mags from Landolt, Z not given) at the zenith, 
the expected counts at the WHT, after 3 mirror reflections, are:

Band                Mag   photons/sec/1000A
                          expected at WHT
 B  4000-5000 A    12.5       0.56M
 V  5000-6000 A    10.9       2.04M
 R  6000-7200 A    10.1       3.23M
 I  7200-9200 A     9.3       5.21M

From this, one expects the following approx counts as a function of

  Wavelength/A   photons/sec/1000A     e-/sec/1000A
                   pre-NAOMI             NAOMI wfs
     4000            0.56M                0.16M
     5000            1.30M                0.42M
     6000            2.60M                0.83M
     7000            4.20M                1.05M
     8000            5.20M                0.62M
     9000            5.20M?               0.26M?
    10000            5.20M?               0.21M?
    Total                                 3.55M

For observation (1), no filter, we thus expect ~ 3.6M e-/sec, and observe 
3.0M e-/sec, which is about right.

For observation (2), with GG495 filter, we expect 3.4M e-/sec, and 
observe 2.9M e-/sec, again about right.

For observation (3), with RG630 filter, we  expect ~ 2.1M e-/sec, 
but observe only 0.8M e-/sec.

These results suggest that the unfiltered throughput to the wfs is not 
far off that expected, but that the RG630 filter might not be an 
RG630 filter.

At Andy's suggestion, I've measured the fraction of the total light
falling on the central 4*4 pixels, since this is what will be detected
in closed-loop with quad-cell mode.  The scale at the detector is
0.26"/pixel for both doublet and lenslet array.  For this seeing,
0.9 arcsec, the fraction is 56%, i.e. 0.6 mag down on the total.
But in this seeing, one might recommend using the poor-seeing
lenslet array anyway?

Measured throughput to WFS 21/5/05

On 21/5/05 at ~ 01:00, SA106-600 was imaged through the doublet on the
WFS CCD, by Roy Ostensen.  
Conditions: photometric.
Setup: IR derotator, NAOMI, 50/50 dichroic, WFS, doublet, GG495, 
  WFS master CCD (beam-splitter at 100%)

Run              Req exp       Actual exp    Counts   Counts/sec
                 time (msec)   time (msec)
20050521-012318   5             10.3          87000   8.4 M
           2411  10             15.3         123000   8.0 M
           2454  20             25.3         199000   7.8 M
           2537   2.5            8.8          69000   7.8 M

(NB this confirms that the equation: actual T = requested T + 5.3 msec,
in mode 1, is correct).

IRAF imexam 'a' was used for the aperture photometry (double-checked
by calculating volume under fitted gaussian = 1.1 * FWHM^2 * PEAK).

The mean count rate is therefore 8.0 M per sec, corresponding, for
assumed WFS (fast-mode) gain of 0.56 e-/count, to 4.5 M e- per sec.
Without the 50/50 dichroic present, the rate would be 9.0 M e- per sec.

For this star (BVRI mags from Landolt, Z not given) at the zenith, 
the expected counts at the WHT, after 3 mirror reflections, are:

Band                Mag   photons/sec/1000A
                          expected at WHT
 B  4000-5000 A    11.1       2.03 M
 V  5000-6000 A     9.8       5.62 M
 R  6000-7200 A     9.1       8.11 M
 I  7200-9200 A     8.4      11.94 M

From this, one expects the following approx counts as a function of
wavelength, assuming total derotator + NAOMI + WFS throughput
(without dichroic) of 0.39 * WFS CCD QE.  This is slightly different from
the throughput assumed above (1/2001) because we now have an empirical
measurement of the reflectivity of the pickoff mirror, and because we
are ignoring the dichroic.

  Wavelength/A   photons/sec/1000A     e-/sec/1000A
                   pre-NAOMI             NAOMI wfs
     5000            4 M                 1.3 M
     6000            7 M                 2.2 M
     7000            8 M                 2.1 M
     8000           12 M                 2.3 M
     9000           14 M?                1.8 M
    10000           16 M?                0.5 M
    Total                               10.2 M

in reasonable agreement with the observation above of 9.0 M per sec, and 
confirming that there have been no gross changes in system throughput
since 2001.

(4) Throughput to INGRID

The following components are in the light path: WHT mirrors (3), Nasmyth derotator, OAP1, NAOMI flat, DM, NAOMI flat, OAP2, dichroic (reflection), INGRID foreoptics, INGRID, IR detector (total 16 surfaces + many in INGRID). The 16 surfaces before INGRID have combined measured throughout 0.41.

Below are notes on the NAOMI/INGRID zeropoints, throughput and sky background, based on measurements made during the Sep 00 and Jan 01 runs. Points to note:

  • The K background is 3 mag higher than it should be, and changes hardly at all when switching from looking at sky to looking at lenscap, i.e. the emissivity is ~ 100%. This will severely limit most science programmes requiring K band. The background in a circular area at the centre of the chip is another 50% higher. The centre of the circle shifts ~ 20 pixels when the pupil stop is changed from nl to ns. The emissivity has now been traced (mainly) to the derotator and the INGRID foreoptics.
  • The J and H backgrounds are on average a few tenths of a mag higher than measured at Cass, but this could just be natural sky variation.
  • The INGRID zeropoint changed by a factor of 2 (in all bands) between the Sep 00 and Jan 01 NAOMI runs. Change of gain?? The current NAOMI/INGRID zeropoint is close to that predicted from a consideration of the throughput of the individual elements along the light path.
Zeropoint = mag for 1 count/sec

                          J         H         Ks        K

  Zeropoint              22.6      22.4      21.9
  Counts/s/pixel          1.9       9.2     117
  Count/s/arcsec^2     1190      5800     73000
  Sky mag/arcsec^2       15.3      13.0       9.7

NAOMI/INGRID 5/1/01 (2 different standard stars, agreement +- 10%)
  Zeropoint              21.6      21.7      20.9
  Counts/s/pixel          0.7       3        50
  Count/s/arcsec^2      440      1900     31000
  Sky mag/arcsec^2       15.0      13.5       9.7

INGRID at Cass 3/00 
  Zeropoint              23.1      23.2      22.5
  Counts/s/pixel         45       300       600       900
  Count/s/arcsec^2      800      5100     10000
  Sky mag/arcsec^2       15.6      13.9      12.5
                         (these numbers similar to UKIRT)

WHIRCAM in GHRIL (ancient)
  Sky mag/arcsec^2       15.6      13.9      12.0

Predicted zeropoints, based on predicted throughput/QE of telescope
  and INGRID and, for INGRID with NAOMI, an extra 0.8 mag for throughput
  of derotator (0.7?) and of NAOMI (0.7?):

  INGRID at Cass         22.1      22.3      21.7 

  NAOMI/INGRID           21.3      21.5      20.9  

(5) Throughput to OASIS

The following components are in the light path: WHT mirrors (3), Nasmyth derotator, OAP1, NAOMI flat, DM, NAOMI flat, OASIS ADC, OAP2, dichroic (reflection), OASIS flat, relay lenses, OASIS, CCD (total 25 surfaces + those in OASIS).

The analysis below was made after the Sep 01 NAOMI pre-OASIS tests at the WHT.

Four standard stars were observed with NAOMI + TEK1 CCD on the nights 2001 Sep 29, 30 (runs 452001, 138, 139, 141).

In the optical path were the atmosphere (mean airmass 1.15), the WHT (3 Al mirrors), the Nasmyth IR derotator (7 surfaces), 5 reflecting surfaces in NAOMI (4 Ag, one Al), the R dichroic, a broad-band R filter, the CCD window and the TEK1 CCD. The R filter (ING no. 14) has an effective bandwidth of 1170 A (area under transmission curve up to the dichroic cut at 7500 A).

The zeropoint, defined as detected photons at the CCD for R mag = 0, corrected to airmass 1.0, was the same for all 4 stars: 4.2e10 photons/sec.

R = 0 corresponds to 3080 Jy (Bessell & Brett 1988 PASP 100 1134), which for the WHT (12.5 m^2), and bandwidth 1170 A, corresponds to 10.8e10 photons/sec, so the throughput of WHT/derot/NAOMI/TEK1 is 0.39.

This can be approximately accounted for as the product of 0.88^3 (WHT mirrors) * 0.75 (derotator), * 0.92 (deformable mirror) * 0.98^4 (NAOMI Ag surfaces) * 0.99 (dichroic) * 0.7 (TEK CCD QE) = 0.30.

Using an MIT/LL BIV CCD with QE in the R band of 0.9, rather than a TEK, would raise the throughput from 0.39 to 0.50.

Silvering the WHT tertiary mirror will raise its reflectivity to 0.95, and redesign of the derotator will raise its throughput to ~ 0.85, increasing total throughput from 0.50 to 0.61.

For OASIS, there will be 3 additional components in the beam: ADC, throughput probably ~ 0.96 if similar to that in the NAOMI WFS; deployable Ag flat picking off light to OASIS, throughput 0.98; relay lenses, predicted throughput 0.94 (6 surfaces). Adding in these components brings the total throughput down from 0.61 to 0.54.

This compares with Lyon's quoted CFHT/PUEO/CCD throughput of 0.46 at 6600 A.

Throughput at the WHT will in addition be boosted by the ratio of collecting areas ~ (4.2/3.6)^2 = 1.36.

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Last modified: 17 December 2010

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