ACAM was designed in-house, and the project was delivered in collaboration
with Kevin Dee of Engineering and Project Solutions Ltd.
Many ING staff, and several external advisors and companies,
were involved in the specification, design,
manufacture and commissioning of ACAM.
Some of the people involved are listed below.
ING staff:
- Tibor Agocs - optical design
- Chris Benn - project scientist
- Craige Bevil - high-level/low-level control software design
- Diego Cano - low-level control software design
- Kevin Dee - project management / instrument design
- Tom Gregory - optical design
- Frank Gribbin - telescope-control software
- Carlos Martin - low-level control software design
- Roberto Martinez - electronics
- Servando Rodriguez - mechanical integration
- Simon Tulloch - detector engineering
- Michiel van der Hoeven - mechanical and instrument design
External advisors and companies:
- Johan Knapen (IAC) - external project scientist
- Sue Worswick (Observatory Optics) - optical consultant
- ASTRON - optical consultants
- Engineering and Project Solutions Ltd - project management / instrument design
- Fractal SL - optical consultants
- IC Optical Systems (ICOS) - manufacture of optics
- LVW Senar Ltd - mechanical manufacture
- TSW Engineers Ltd - mechanical manufacture
Above left to right, standing below ACAM (mounted
at a folded Cassegrain focus of the WHT):
Domingo Alvarez, Carlos Martin, Renee Pit,
Kevin Dee, Diego Cano, Tibor Agocs, Juerg Rey,
Servando Rodriguez, Alan Chopping, Roberto Martinez
(credit: Javier Mendez).
Above left to right, celebrating ACAM first light
on 2009 June 9, in the WHT control room:
Carlos Martin, Craige Bevil,
Tibor Agocs,
Kevin Dee,
Chris Benn, Andrew Cardwell, Pablo Rodriguez, Don Abrams
(credit: Pablo Rodriguez).