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Log Description

Meteorological data

The meteorological station is divided into three groups of sensors: the main one is called "JKT mast" (JKTM), as it is close to the Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope. The local stations of the WHT and INT have a smaller group of sensors. The coordinates and heights of the three stations are as follows:

Site Height Latitude Longitude

WHT 2332 m 28 45' 38.1'' 17 52' 53.9'' W
INT 2336 m 28 45' 43.2'' 17 52' 39.5'' W
JKT 2364 m 28 45' 39.9'' 17 52' 41.2'' W

Parameter: UT AirT Hum Wspd Gust Wdir Press LocT tel.T Mirr LocRH tel.RH SkyBr Tel SkyBr Zen
Units: hh:mm °C % km/h km/h degrees mbar °C °C °C % % mag/arcsec^2 mag/arcsec^2
Description: Time Air Temperature Relative humidity Wind speed Wind gust Wind direction Atmospheric pressure Air temperature Air temperature Mirror temperature Relative humidity Relative humidity Sky brightness Sky brightness
Location: JKTM JKTM JKTM JKTM JKTM JKTM Local Inside of WHT truss Mirror Local Inside the dome WHT pointing Zenith

In the WHT observing logs, please note that LocT and LocRH wrongly show the same values as AirT and Hum respectively from the 12th of June 2002 to the 1st of August 2013. The values of Wspd and Gust are given in km/h not in km/s, as stated in the column headers, from the 5th of April 2002 to the 1st of August 2013. In the INT observing logs this is the case from the 22nd of May 2002 to the 5th of August 2013, and in the JKT observing logs from the 23rd of May 2002 to the 5th of August 2013.

Observations Log

The WHT observations logs have a fixed format, with some columns being used for all observations, some for spectroscopy only, some for adaptive-optics only. Exposures with visiting instruments using their own detectors are usually not logged automatically. The columns are:

Run number. The corresponding file name is the run number preceded by 'r'.
Name as typed in by the observer when exposing or, if the observer enters no name, the name of the object at which the telescope is currently pointing.
Format: hh mm
Format: dd mm ss.s
Equinox of the coordinates given in the previous two columns.
UT start.
Abbreviated instrument name e.g. ISISR, ISISB (the two arms of ISIS).
Exposure time (sec).
Sky PA
Sky positional angle (deg) as measured from North to East.
Filters in the light path.
Slit width (arcsec), where relevant.
Grat Grism
Diffraction grating or grism in the light path, where relevant.
Central wavelength (Angstrom), where relevant.
-- NAOMI --
NAOMI parameters, for adaptive-optics (AO) observations: L indicates the lenslet array being used in the wavefront-sensor (WFS); WM is the readout mode (first letter F = 80 x 80 pixels, B = (binned) 40 x 40 pixels, T = tip-tilt mode); Twfs is the WFS integration time in msec. l indicates the AO-loop status (O for open, C for closed).
INGRID (IR detector) parameters: Co = number of frames being co-averaged; M = Readout mode.
Comments, as entered in the log by the observer.

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Last modified: 30 November 2011