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Observing Guide

Dear Observer,

These notes are intended to guide you through the night on INT. The document consist of two parts:

  • INT/WFC Operation manual
    - which includes the opening and closing of the dome, filling cryostats, initializing telescope systems, common observing procedures and the logging and archiving of data.

  • Troubleshooter
    - which gives solutions on the most common problems that can appear during the night, or on unusual observing modes (different rotator angle, differentail tracking, changing apertures, etc.).

For further references, please consult the WFC Instrument page.

While at the observatory, your points of contact are the following:

Observing Support Assistant (OSA, aka WHT Telescope Operator)
Intercom: F79, Tel: 452, Mobile: (0)616 974 513

WHT Control Room
Intercom: 68, Tel: 452

Extended Phonelist

Please be aware of the restrictions in observer support. In case you encounter problems that you cannot resolve, the OSA (or WHT Telescope Operator) should be your point of contact during the night.

Please do not forget to fill out the nightlog at the end of each night, and the feedback form at the end of the run.

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Contact:  (WFC Instrument Specialist)
Last modified: 28 December 2023