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ING web news release
28 Aug, 2012

ING User Input Sought for the STFC Programmatic Review

As part of its Programmatic Review, the UK funding agency STFC seeks input from facility users on science and facility priorities, via a questionnaire on:

Deadline 5 September

I would like to encourage all ING users (not just those from the UK) to respond. It's important that ING features prominently in the responses, in order to confirm that ING's strategy for the future meets the community's interests. ING, as a facility operator, will also be submitting input to the review.

We are very grateful for the support you have given in the past to continued involvement of the UK in the ING, which contributed greatly to the May 2012 decision by STFC Council to extend funding of this facility.

Please feel free to write to me if you have specific comments or questions. You can also write to the members of the ING Science Advisory Committee ( to provide your views, priorities and feedback.

Many thanks in advance,

Marc Balcells
Director ING

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Last modified: 28 August 2012