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AOLI is the Adaptive Optics Lucky Imager.

NOTE: from the AOLI computer there is a connection to the TCS, so the observers can move the telescope, change the focus etc.



  • USER> FOCUS 98.3-4 (in GRACE, Oct 2016)
  • USER> ENTER AP 0 X Y (see below) e.g. -16,3 in Oct 2016

Check that the position of the NASMYTH TURRET is in GRACE position

Telescope focus:
The AOLI detector is used to determine the focus. The AOLI team will move the telescope to a suitable star and do the focus run.

Rotator center and 7-star calibrate:
This should be found on the first night. Go to a suitable star (e.g. mag 9) and find the central position between Sky PA 0 and Sky PA 180 on the autoguider AG3. Beware that the rotator centre can be a bit unstable, possibly due to the beam splitter at 45 deg. Also note that currently (Oct 2016) each star is seen as 2 stars on AG3: use the left one. Rotator centre in Oct 2016: 814,517. A 7-star calibrate can be done on the determined rotator centre. If the result seems too good to be true (e.g. 2" sky sigma), repeat it.

Aperture offset:
Instrument centre found in Oct 2016: 482,494. Aperture offset: -16,3


The autoguider to TCS selector switch should be in position 3. AG3 is used for autoguiding. Its field of view is about 60" and the pixel scale is 0.059". In Oct 2016 we are using the left-hand of the 2 star images for guiding. On the autoguider GUI, choose "manual select guide star" instead of "select brightest star", then click on the left star. A suitable guiding window is about 200 pixels.


Still in commissioning mode.

Acquisition: Centre the left-hand target image on the instrument centre and start guiding.

Movement of target using XY HANDSET keys is in the usual sense.

Changing between AOLI and a Cass instrument: Since ACAM (and sometimes another instrument) is usually mounted at Cass, it's possible to use both instruments on one night by changing the focal station.

  • USER> EL 90   (the telescope must be at zenith before moving the Nasmyth flat)
  • close mirror petals
  • press GRACE or CASS as required, on the Nasmyth Turret control on the engineering console
  • USER> SHOW FOCAL   (while the mirror is moving it will say "unknown optical configuration" and it will give the correct focal station when it is in position, which takes about 3 minutes)
  • USER> INSTRUMENT aoli/acam/etc
  • USER> STATION grace_irderot/cass
  • USER> AGSELECT aoli/cassegrain
  • USER> FOCUS XXX   (as required)
  • USER> CAL LAST   (needed after change of station)
  • remember to change the autoguider selector switch too (3 for AOLI, 4 for Cass)
  • open petals



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Last modified: 12 October 2016