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IDS example calibration FITS header

r619175[1][201,4200][ushort]: CuAr+CuNe
No bad pixels, min=0., max=0. (old)
Line storage mode, physdim [201,4200], length of user area 7007 s.u.
Created Wed 17:39:12 20-Jun-2018, Last modified Tue 13:13:27 13-Jan-2009
Pixel file "" [ok]
RUN     =               619175 / Run number
IRAFNAME= 'r619175           ' / IRAF should use this name
RUNSET  = '1:1:619175        ' / i:n:r => Run i of n runs starting at #r
SYSVER  = '/int/s9-1         ' / Version of observing system
OBSERVAT= 'LAPALMA           ' / Name of observatory (IRAF style)
OBSERVER= 'Chris Benn        ' / Name of principal investigator
PROPOSAL= 'itp1              ' / Code for grant of observing time
OBSTYPE = 'ARC               ' / Type of observation, e.g. TARGET
IMAGETYP= 'arc               ' / Type of observation, e.g. object
LATITUDE=            28.761903 / Telescope latitude  (degrees), +28:45:42.9
LONGITUD=           -17.877563 / Telescope longitude (degrees), -17:52:39.2
HEIGHT  =                 2348 / [m] Height above sea level.
SLATEL  = 'LPO2.5  '           / Telescope name known to SLALIB
TELESCOP= 'INT     '           / 2.5m Isaac Newton Telescope
TELSTAT = 'TRACKING'           / Telescope status at end of observation
RA      = ' 20:33:10.800'      / RA being tracked  (          308.295000 degrees
DEC     = '+41:15:09.02'       / DEC being tracked (           41.252506 degrees
EQUINOX =              2000.00 / Equinox of coordinates
RADECSYS= 'FK5     '           / mean place new (after the 1976 IAU) system
UTOBS   = '  5:26:09.7'        / UT at approx start of observation (from TCS)
XAPNOM  =         0.0000000000 / nominal aperture in x (0.00 arcsec)
YAPNOM  =         0.0000000000 / nominal aperture in y (0.00 arcsec)
XAPOFF  =         0.0028611112 / total aperture offset in x (10.30 arcsec)
YAPOFF  =        -0.0019444445 / total aperture offset in y (-7.00 arcsec)
RAOFF   =         0.0000000000 / RA positional offset (arcsec, tangent plane)
DECOFF  =         0.0000000000 / Dec positional offset (arcsec, tangent plane)
MJD-OBS =        54628.2265008 / Modified Julian Date at start of observation
JD      =      2454628.7265008 / Julian Date at start of observation
STSTART = ' 21:34:21.8'        / Local sidereal time at start of observation
ST      = ' 21:34:21.8'        / Local sidereal time at start of observation
AZSTART =           319.413168 / Azimuth at start of observation (degrees)
AZEND   =           319.204246 / Azimuth at end of observation (degrees)
ZDSTART =            17.581929 / Zenith distance at start of observation (degs)
ZDEND   =            17.656002 / Zenith distance at start of observation (degs)
FSTATION= 'CASSEGRAIN'         / Focal station of observation
PLATESCA=             1.502645 / [d/m] Platescale (  5.41arcsec/mm)
TELFOCUS=             0.014665 / Telescope focus (metres)
ACTELFOC=             0.014979 / Telescope focus encoder (metres)
ROTTRACK=                    T / Rotator tracking sky?
ROTSKYPA=           319.998160 / Sky position angle (degrees)
MNTPASTA=           319.998160 / Mount position angle at start (degrees)
MNTPAEND=           319.998160 / Mount position angle at end (degrees)
PARANSTA=           130.254549 / Parallactic angle at start of observation
PARANEND=           129.972271 / Parallactic angle at end of observation
VIGNETTE=                    F / Beam vignetted by dome/shutter/mirror cover?
DAZSTART=           319.533434 / Dome azimuth at start of observation
DAZEND  =           319.533434 / Dome azimuth at end of observation
AIRMASS =             1.049273 / Effective mean airmass
AMSTART =             1.049051 / Airmass at start of observation
AMEND   =             1.049482 / Airmass at end of observation
TEMPTUBE=             9.223587 / Truss Temperature (degrees Celsius)
FOCUSTMP=             0.314969 / Focus temperature correction (mm)
FOCUSALT=             0.000000 / Focus elevation correction (mm)
FOCUSFLT=             0.000000 / Focus correction for filter (mm)
AUTOX   =                 0.00 / a/g reference position x-coord (pixel)
AUTOY   =                 0.00 / a/g reference position y-coord (pixel)
AUTOMODE= 'UNLOCKED     '      / State of guide loop at start of observation
CAT-NAME= 'SP2031+410'         / Target input-catalogue name
CAT-RA  = ' 20:33:10.800'      / Target Right Ascension
CAT-DEC = '+41:15:09.00'       / Target Declination
CAT-EQUI= 'J2000.00'           / Equinox of target coordinates
CAT-EPOC=              2000.00 / Target epoch of proper motions
PM-RA   =             0.000000 / Target proper-motion RA (sec time/year)
PM-DEC  =             0.000000 / Target proper-motion (sec arc/year)
PARALLAX=             0.000000 / Target Parallax (arcsec)
RADVEL  =             0.000000 / Target radial velocity (km/s)
RATRACK =             0.000000 / Differential-tracking rate RA (arcsec/sec)
DECTRACK=             0.000000 / Differential-tracking rate Dec (arcsec/sec)
AGTVPOSX= 0.498003             / TV X position in meters
AGTVPOSY= 0.500000             / TV Y position in meters
AGTVFILT= 'F0 Clear          ' / TV filter name
AGTVSHUT= 'SHUT              ' / State of TV shutter
AGPOSX  = 0.430400             / Autoguider X position in meters
AGPOSY  = 0.412248             / Autoguider Y position in meters
ASNDFILT= 'F0 Clear          ' / ND filter name in beam above the slit
ASCFILT = 'F0 Clear          ' / Colour filter name in beam above the slit
AGARCLMP= 'CuAr CuAr CuNe CuN' / Arc lamps in use
COMPMPOS= 'IN                ' / Comparison mirror position
AUTOFILT= 'F0 Clear          ' / Autoguider filter name
AGCFILNA= 'F0 Clear          ' / Comparison ND filter A name
AGCFILNB= 'F0 Clear          ' / Comparison ND filter B name
INSTRUME= 'IDS              '  / Name of the instrument
CAMERA  = '235               ' / Focal length of camera in use
SLITWID =         1.800000E-04 / Slit width in meters
PSLITWID=                0.031 / Slit width projected onto detector in mm
SLTWDSKY=                0.974 / Slit width projected onto sky in arcseconds
DEKKERID= 'D-CORO            ' / Dekker slide name
DEKPOS  = 'P0 Clear          ' / Name of Dekker position in the beam
BSCFILT = 'F0 empty          ' / Name of colour filter in beam below the slit
BSNDFILT= 'F0 empty          ' / Name of ND filter in beam below the slit
COLLNAME= 'Al-wide           ' / Collimator name
COLLFOC =                  241 / Collimator focus in encoder units
HARTMANR= 'OPEN              ' / State of right Hartmann shutter
HARTMANL= 'OPEN              ' / State of left  Hartmann shutter
GRATNAME= 'R300V             ' / Grating name
GLINESMM=                  300 / Grating rulings in lines/mm
GRATBLAZ=             5460.000 / Grating blaze in Angstroms
GRATANGL=               66.960 / Grating angle in degrees
GRATSHUT= 'OPEN              ' / State of grating shutter
CENWAVE =             5543.892 / Central wavelength in Angstroms
DETECTOR= 'EEV10             ' / Formal name of camera
CCDSPEED= 'SLOW              ' / Readout speed
CCDXBIN =                    1 / Binning factor in x axis
CCDYBIN =                    1 / Binning factor in y axis
CCDSUM  = '1 1               ' / Binning factors (IRAF style)
CCDTEMP =         150.72700000 / [K] Cryostat temperature
CCDTEMP1=           0.00000000 / [K] Monitor pt 1 temperature
CCDTEMP2=           0.00000000 / [K] Monitor pt 2 temperature
NWINDOWS=                    1 / Number of readout windows
WINSEC1 = '[850:1050,1:4200], enabled      ' / Readout window 1 (d-space)
WINSEC2 = '[0:0,0:0], disabled             ' / Readout window 2 (d-space)
WINSEC3 = '[0:0,0:0], disabled             ' / Readout window 3 (d-space)
WINSEC4 = '[0:0,0:0], disabled             ' / Readout window 4 (d-space)
READMODE= 'simple            ' / Readout mode
STORMODE= 'normal            ' / Store mode
NUMREADS=                    1 / Number of reads
COAVERAG=                    1 / Number of cycles coaveraged
REQTIME =          30.00000000 / [s] Requested length of observation
PCOUNT  =                    0 / Number of pixels following data
GCOUNT  =                    1 / Number of groups
BZERO   =       32768.00000000 / Pixel-data have 32K offset.
BSCALE  =           1.00000000 / Pixel-data are not scaled.
INHERIT =                    T / Extension inherits primary HDU.
EXTNAME = 'extension1        ' / Extension name
EXTVER  =                    1 / Extension version number
IMAGEID =                    1 / Image identification
DASCHAN =                    1 / Number of readout channel
WINNO   =                    1 / Number of readout window
CHIPNAME= 'EEV10             ' / Name of detector chip.
CCDNAME = 'EEV10             ' / Name of detector chip.
CCDCHIP = 'EEV10             ' / Name of detector chip.
CCDTYPE = 'EEV4280           ' / Type of detector chip.
CCDXPIXE=           0.00001350 / [m] Size of pixels in x.
CCDYPIXE=           0.00001350 / [m] Size of pixels in y.
AMPNAME = 'LH                ' / Name of output amplifier.
GAIN    =           1.20000000 / Nominal Photo-electrons per ADU.
READNOIS=           4.20000000 / Nominal Readout noise in electrons.
SATURATE=       65535.00000000 / Highest value that is unsaturated
MAXBIAS =       65535.00000000 / Maximum expected bias level
BIASSEC = '[1:201,4105:4190]               ' / Bias pixels.
TRIMSEC = '[1:201,1:4099]                  ' / Illuminated pixels.
RTDATSEC= '[850:1050,1:4200]               ' / Location in d-space for RTD.
DATE-OBS= '2008-06-11        ' / Date at start of integration
UTSTART = '05:26:11.302      ' / UT at start of integration
EXPOSED =          30.01000000 / [s] Exposure time
EXPTIME =          30.01000000 / [s] Exposure time
ELAPSED =          30.17825668 / [s] Integration time
DARKTIME=          30.17825668 / [s] Integration time
CRVAL1  =         850.00000000 / Reference value on 1st axis in primary WCS
CRVAL2  =           1.00000000 / Reference value on 2nd axis in primary WCS
CRPIX1  =           1.00000000 / Reference pixel on 1st axis in primary WCS
CRPIX2  =           1.00000000 / Reference pixel on 2nd axis in primary WCS
CUNIT1  = 'pixel             ' / Units of  1st axis in primary WCS
CUNIT2  = 'pixel             ' / Units of  2nd axis in primary WCS
CD1_1   =           1.00000000 / Transformation matrix for primary WCS
CD1_2   =           0.00000000 / Transformation matrix for primary WCS
CD2_1   =           0.00000000 / Transformation matrix for primary WCS
CD2_2   =           1.00000000 / Transformation matrix for primary WCS
PROJP1  =           1.00000000 / Projection coefficient for primary WCS
PROJP3  =           0.00000000 / Projection coefficient for primary WCS
PV1_1   =           1.00000000 / Projection coefficient for primary WCS
PV1_2   =           0.00000000 / Projection coefficient for primary WCS
PV2_1   =           1.00000000 / Projection coefficient for primary WCS
PV2_2   =           1.00000000 / Projection coefficient for primary WCS

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Last modified: 09 May 2018