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NAOMI OMC Documentation

Most of the documents are available in both html and pdf format.  The document's original format (mainly doc) are stored in the ING CVS repository.  Any modifications MUST be made to the checked out original version before published.  The documents have only been converted to html format to allow readers to copy and paste information.

Hard Copies of the full NAOMI Documentation Set (- 3 A4 folders), are stored in the Instrument Manager's Office at SLO and in the WHT Control Room at ORM.

List of NAOMI OMC Documents


wht-naomi-10    NAOMI Hardware Reference Manual   pdf    html

wht-naomi-20    NAOMI mechanism control software  html

wht-naomi-22    NAOMI Opto-mechanical description and alignment procedure
wht-naomi-34    NAOMI WFS and OMC/NCU Acceptance Tests at the University Of Durham   pdf    html

wht-naomi-44    NAOMI OMC/NCU Acceptance Tests at the University Of Durham   pdf    html

wht-naomi-56    Baseline Optical Chassis Work Package Description    pdf    html

wht-naomi-71    ICD Definitions  pdf    html

wht-naomi-72    Integration of the OMC and WFS at the ATC    pdf    html

wht-naomi-80    NAOMI Optical Chassis PDR Requirements    pdf    html

wht-naomi-81    NAOMI Optical Design    pdf    html

wht-naomi-92    OMC Laboratory Assembly and NAOMI Installation at GHRIL    pdf    html

wht-naomi-93    Optical Chassis Work Package Description    pdf    html

wht-naomi-94    Papers for the Opto-Mechanical Chassis Critical Design Review    pdf    html

wht-naomi-98    Proposed Approach to the OMC-WFS Integration at the ATC    pdf    html

wht-naomi-99    Report on OMC CDR for opto-mechanical design only    pdf    html

wht-naomi-101    Tip/Tilt Sensor Work Package Description    pdf    html


If you haven't found the information you could try looking through the complete list of NAOMI documents.

Created by Stephen Goodsell