Scope of this manual
Document history
JKT, JAG, and CCD-imaging overview
The Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope
Mechanical performance
Finder telescope
The JKT Acquisition and Guiding box (JAG)
Things you need to know
Lone worker alarms
Filling the cryostat
Humidity, dust, and wind limits
Telescope panic button
Observing floor
JKT image quality
Optical abberations
Dust on the CCD window or filters
Dust and full moon
The black bag around the JAG
Computer guest accounts
Deleting files from disk
The data partitions
The scratch partitions
Logs and Log books
Computer log
Operations log book
FAULT Database
Intercom and telephone
Feedback report
Data tapes
Writing the D-tape at the end of night
Producing C tapes
Verifying the tapes
Afternoon activities
TCS startup
Adding sources to the TCS catalogue
Adding your own source catalogues to the TCS catalogue
Closing and restarting the TCS
ICS/DAS startup
Closing and restarting the ICS/DAS
Filter changes
Mounting CCD filters
Biases and dome flats
IRAF startup
Closing down IRAF
Twilight/evening activities
Start telescope and zeroset encoders
Powering up the JKT: normal procedure in detail
Sky flats
Target acquisition
The Guide Star Server (GSS)
Acquisition and guiding
Morning activities
Appendix A: TCS commands
TCS commands that can be issued through the ICS
Appendix B: ICS commands
Appendix C: DAS commands
Appendix D: Example DAS/ICS observing scripts
Appendix E: Relevants parts of the 1989 version of JKT user manual
About the telescope
Engineering mode
Computer mode
The drive system; position encoding
Alarms and status lights
Instrument rotator
How to reverse the telescope
The dome and rising floor
Control of the dome, shutters and wind screen
Control of the rising floor
Malfunction of the rising floor
The TV acquisition camera
Introduction and warnings
Looking after the safety of the TV
Powering up the TV system
Complete restart of the TV control system
Further safety rules
The GRINNELL TV controls
Functions available from the GRINNELL menu
Telescope runaway
Releasing telescope from the limit switches
If the dome won't turn
FOX errors
No stars seen
No guide stars found
Rising floor won't!
Images elongated or show jumps
Field vignetting
Unable to identify field on TV
CCD telemetry out of range
Servo amps alarm
Hydrogen alarm
No communication between TCS and ICS/DAS
Autoguider ACQUIRE doesn't pull in
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